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Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #551971
My life Friends Loves and Experiences
#209988 added December 1, 2002 at 8:54am
Restrictions: None
12-01-02 - It's Been A few days :)
Sorry it's been a few days since my last entry but so much has been going on. As you may know from my previous entries, I'd been having some computer problems. hopefully things are fixed now. thanks to my mom and JC. My mom helped with the financial part and JC did the technical stuff.
Okay lets's start with Wednesday. JC got here early that afternoon and upon throwing my arms around him, I did not want to let go of him. It was just so great to see him again.
Then we went and picked up JMC at the clinic. He was so excited to be getting out for the holiday. And he was so excited and surprised to see JC, I hadn't told him that JC was coming down ;). We went to our fave Mexican restaurant that night and then stayed up almost all night talking and cathing up and playing video games. Then JC and I went back to JC's apartment (the basement of his mom's house, completely made into a an apartment) It was so wonderful to just have him next to me again. And waking up next to him.
Well, on Thanksgiving Day, we went and picked up JMC, (JMC's mom follwed us since she had to work later) and went out to JC's mom's. "mom" had fried a turkey, smoked a ham, and all the fixings. OMG, there is nothing like a fried turkey, it is absolutely the juiciest turkey you will ever taste. And then of course she made a whole slew of desserts. She ended up having about 30 people there, her, JMC's mom and one other girl were the only females the, the rest were all gay boys, hehehe. But she wouldn't have it any other way. She loves cooking for the gay boys. :)
Over the course of three days, JC, JMC and I all had our time together and JC and I had our private time and I had some alone time with JMC, also. It was a juggling game, as I did not want either one to feel left out or neglected. But things worked out great.
Friday night took JMC to DC's party. I think he was a bit surprised that they guys there really DO play strip pool and obey the rules, LOL. He said that really had a good time and enjoyed the socializing. I ended up spending Friday night with JC again. Thursday was with JMC. Last night was also with JMC. And in case anyone is wondering, NO, NOTHING happened with JMC. he is just the type of person who also loves having next to him to put his arm around or put their arm around him.
JMC has been doing very good. There was only one time when we had to have a discussion. He feels so guilty about everything and was constantly apologizing for not beinghere, and not being perfect and having so many problems as of late. I tried to explain to him a kind yet firm manner that the things that have happened to him have not been his fault. He could not help his heart prolem. he could not help the events of his childhood and the emotional turmoil that they have caused. I told him the important thing is, is that he is getting help for all of it and he IS on his way to a full recovery and that already I can tell that the *old* JMC was almost completely back and that it wouldn't be too long before he was out and enjoying his life, again.
I overheard him having a conversation with JC and thanking him for being there for *ME* and helping *ME* through all of this. JMC, yes he is a little too much like me, always thinking and worrying about others close to him, before himself. When i heard him and JC talking I started crying. I just can't believe how lucky i am to have such special and caring friends. JC, JMC and BOH. JC and BOH have been a tremendous help throughout all of this. As have, TS, PG and a few others, but JC and BOH. I have NO idea what would've become of me if not for them.
And speaking of BOH, JMC has had a few chances to chat with him, which has brought such a huge smile to his face and that in itself has brought a huge smile to my face, also. I'm not sure how much they have chatted when i'm not around, but as long as they have, that's what's important. I think it really helps JMC hearing those things directly from BOH rather than being relayed through me. Not that they don't help him, but just having it said directly to him makes a bigger difference.
JC went home early Saturday morning. Yeah, i moped around awhile. I hated seeing him go back, but I knew that he had to so it's not like a surprise or anything. I just wish that he could be here. Last night, after doing a little work around the house and stopping feeling sorry for myself LOL, I went over to JMC's. We played some games and watched some movies, then about 1am, we decided to go to Wal-Mart, LOL. We didn't but anything just walked around for awhile and looked at some stuff.
Oh, Friday night, JC had given us each a CD, actually a 3-CD set with 86 themes on it, that he had picked up that morning while shopping with his mom.
I also have a few ideas as to what I am getting for Christmas, so I made some price comparisons while JMC and I were at W-M.
Awww, JMC is waking up now. :) Well, I guess should start getting ready, we are going to have breakfast and walk the malls here, before he has to go back. I hope to get back here so he can have a little time to chat with BOH, again before then. I know he wants to do all this running around because he's missed all that. But i know he wants to chat with BOH again. Actually though, he doesn't have to be back at any specific time, so we just may wait as long as possible to take him back. :)
Well, I guess I'll close this for now. i try to start making more *regular* entries, again, now that my home puter is back up and running. :)
Have a GREAT day, all. :)

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