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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/210163-The-Faes-year-in-quotes
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #214850
An evolution in years
#210163 added December 1, 2002 at 9:42pm
Restrictions: None
The Fae's year in quotes.
I did this on my other online journal, and it kindof startled me, as it really reflects my thoughts for the past year. On that journal it was a way of my summing up for the year proceeding when I started writing in it, for this journal, I just think it's cool, and I figured, since I had it all typed out, I'd post it in here to save people the time of reading back entries.

11/23/01 - "I hate the numbness. Yet I embrace it."

12/12/01 - "The gods really ARE mocking me!!!"

12/09/01 - "I just bloody love my life. Can I trade you?"

12/20/01 - ""I guess it's time to face the truth / And admit my past mistakes / Come to terms with all that's wrong with me / And all the things I'll never be" ~-~ Stabbing Westward

12/27/02 - "Lessons to be learned, Life to be lived, Pain to be had."

1/5/02 - "life is strange that way, nothing ever ever goes as planed - it usually goes the exact opposite way. The gods are mocking me."

1/15/02 - "'Have you had your power poop today?'" - My former Euro History Teacher

2/7/02 - "*Smile smile smile*"

2/11/02 - "*sigh* *pulls out spork... goes on murderous rampage*"

2/12/02 - "Don't you just love how you have to put aside your own problems just to help others with thiers, thus adding to your own?"


2/19/02 - "I hate Febuary."

2/23/02 - "Life is still icky, but I can rest assured that It'll be getting better soon...."

3/17/02 - "Thank you to all of my Foundation Stones"

3/20/02 - "t's been an odd year and a half...
Great... here goes the next one..."

3/27/02 - "Damn, yet another person has accused me of manipulating them. Wait a second... do I care? Answer: NO"

3/29/02 - "I am always entertained by the idiocy of others."

3/30/02 - "Damn, I just went blank again."

4/14/02 - "My dad wants me to become an optimist, my grades suck, I'm going to fail IB Math Methods, and I'm just having a miserable time in my classes. I'm getting more and more depressed about life in general and I'm sick of felling like an idiot."

4/16/02 - "Yes. I'm strange. But that's me.
Grumble grumble grumble."

4/30/02 - "Well, let's hear it for the traditional formal dance of Highschool! Whoohoo!"

5/7/02 - "In just over 5 hours, I will be done with all of my spanish classes FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!"

5/9/02 - "Here I am complaining that there's no good, new music out, and HELLO! Diorama is right there and I MISSED IT!?!?!"

6/11/02 - "No more hell, no more IB, no more stinking advanced classes that make me feel like a bleeding idiot."

6/13/02 - "Damn it all to hell."

6/15/02 - "I really hate myself for the most part. And I reflect that hate onto anyone but myself. I will never take the fall unless I have to, never take the blame if I can push it off onto somone else."

6/24/02 - "It's like playing tetris with my life right now. I hate it."

6/30/02 - "Fuck everything"

7/1/02 - "Too bad that happiness is overrated."

7/2/02 - "These are the moments when I don't want to sleep, because my dreams are so much better than life..."

7/2/02 - "I'm sure those out there who have been on that side of my personality would very openly say that it's not a plesant place to be. I have a temper. I have a very very hot temper. I love revenge."

7/4/02 - "I just can't face him. It hurts too much"

7/7/02 - "According to him, I've never actually cared about anyone. According to him, I just use guys as toys, and I was never really in love with him."

7/7/02 - "Damnit damnit damnit
damnit all to hell."

7/8/02 - "We are so afraid of disorder we make it into a God" - Bruce Cockburn, 'Gospel of Bondage'

7/12/02 - "meh."

7/21/02 - "I'm doing really well."

7/23/02 - "98% of guys may suck, but 99.9999999995% of girls are worse."

7/25/02 - "I am so bleedin' sick of my friends. I've got a plan of action, until then, just leave me the fuck alone. I'll let you know when I want to talk."

8/9/02 - "I just had the best 3 days of my life"

8/18/02 - "I'm just too damned happy these days"

9/27/02 - "People piss me off.
Well, most people, that is."

© Copyright 2002 Kgirlfae ~ Wanting (UN: kgirlfae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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