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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/210415-Another-beautiful-anonymous-review
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #214850
An evolution in years
#210415 added December 2, 2002 at 4:06pm
Restrictions: None
Another beautiful anonymous review.
People really should know better than to try this with me. I already have one entry in here in regards to this subject. But,thanks to the stories.com system, I can easily copy/paste the review and my reply.


Kgirlfae ~ Wanting

In your review for "The crazy crazy life of the fae" you said:

I find the entrance entilted "Conformity" quite amusing because you are bitching about yourself! You have just described yourself in every minute detail and yet you tear these people down. Does the term HYPOCRIT mean anything to you?! :::breathe in breathe out::: Hopefully this has been a reality check for you, have a s***ty day!

In response to your review, Kgirlfae Loves Corvvs (3) View kgirlfae's Portfolio! Email User: kgirlfaeAdd kgirlfae To My Authors sends:

Actually, I don't bitch about my life anymore. I have a great life, which is for the most part, why I stopped using my journal on stories.com and began "blogging" on an independant server - for two reasons - 1) Now only a select few people can actually read it, and they are the few I trust to not misread anything I write, and 2) I needed to get away from the negativity of this journal.

Oddly, I must note the hipocracy that is found in your review. You try to call attention to what you feel about my writing, and yet you refuse to allow yourself to be named. By remaining anonymous I immediatly assume that you don't know me, or, more accuratly, that you "know" me in person, but actually know very little about me, my life, my feelings, or anything about me.

There is one other possibility here - you don't actually know me, but you know of me. There are quite a few more people like this now, as my beloved lives in another state, and some of his friends are bias assholes who don't believe that anyone other than them can be happy, and that if they are not happy, then no one is allowed to be.

Now, in direct reply to your insulting of my entry "conformity". I actually was griping about people who wear shirts that say specific things, and think they are "cool" or to be precise "Uncooly cool" to wear them. I don't wear these shirts. I actually revel in the fact that I have friends, that I'm happy, and that the people around me are honest enough to at least show their face if they want to critisize me. This also leads me to believe that you are not one of my friends. My friends would know me well enough to understand that I wouldn't care if they came right out and insulted me. Actually, I don't call it "insulting" I think of it as exactly what it is - critisizm of an aspect of my personality, which I then try to change. You clearly have no grasp of this, as your 'review' is blatantly intended to be offensive, and does not, within itself, act as a 'review' but more a place for you to personally vent your emotions, which I find INCREDIBALLY hypocritical, as you are basically doing what you are critisizing me for - you are being offensive, rude, and cruel for the fact that you think it will make you "cool". You are precisely the person this post was aimed at, and perhaps that is why you reacted to it so adversly - you know and understand that it is true.

And personally, I have been having a shitty day. Thanks for the curse there. Personally, I'm confident that the laws of Karma will make this come back to you, and I plan on staying out of their way - Have a great day. Hopefully this email has been enlightening, however I fear that in the smallness of your mind, you probably have either deleted this before you read it, or you will read it and discount it.

Either way, Have a nice life.

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