just your average... er... correction: just your normal... correction: me. |
It snowed today! No school! Two hour delay tomorrow though... ugh... Anyway, went sledding today. We got an early Christmas gift -- a new sled. It's a really smooth-bottomed (think hardslick boogie board) sled. Really nice. My brothers had their friend from across the street over and we all went sledding on our hill. I only slid down a few stairs... At least there were enough inches of snow to keep me from hurting. I don't think I even bruised. I fit into my dad's old ski boots, so he helped me with those and his old six-foot mogul skis. I went outside and clunked to the sidewalk, where my dad helped me into the skis. Six feet skis are really long for a person who has been skiing once. My first run was from the top of the hill. Our hill is long, but narrow, so I couldn't turn. I hit the hedge and got my leg (ski and all) jammed into it. My other leg kept going and my hedge-bound leg was at such an angle that I wasn't able to get it out without breaking my knee. So I yelled for my dad (who was still at the top of the hill) to come and get me out, because I really did not want a broken leg. That knee is still slightly sore after 5 hours and an advil. I'll have fun waking up tomorrow morning. Anyway, I really didn't want to go down again, but my dad convinced me to go from the middle of the hill. So I leaned for dear life on his shoulders as I turned the skis around and then let go and went down the rest of the way. I did that two or three more times. I have mastered stopping at the bottom though, lol. We need to cut back our butterfly bush before the next snow. Then we came in and had hot chocolate. I was so tired after being outside--partially from running up the hill at least 20 times with a sled and four or so more on skis, partially from doing all that in the cold I think. My snow pants fit much better this year. I could even tuck my shirt(s) in without any trouble. I went outside today with my camera. The camera is completely un-waterproof, so I took it outside wrapped in a plastic bag. That worked to keep it dry, but wouldn't let me get very clear pictures. They don't look that bad, actually sort of ethereal, but I'd prefer clear pictures. And the flash made those little octogons because of the bag... Of all things to have a project on, my English teacher assigns me and several other people a project on commas. It's due Monday now that we had off today, but really... I doubt she could teach 35 minutes about commas. I also doubt she'd know this off the top of her head... I'm working on editing a friend's story. Actually, re-editing the one chapter. And she sent me a second to read/edit/beta-read. A friend has dubbed me the "Editing Nazi" because she saw one of my jobs. There was almost more red written on that story than there was the original black. I love having random snow days, but they really screw up school's schedule... I have two or three tests tomorrow which all will take place in shortened class-periods. This is really annoying. Maybe I should look over that Trig. I think I know it, but it can't hurt to look at it before study tomorrow. I never remember whether I've written things in this journal or not, so if I ever repeat myself that's why. Oh well, it's getting late and I DO have school tomorrow, as much as I dread that fact. |