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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/216113-Christmas-Eve
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#216113 added December 28, 2002 at 4:31am
Restrictions: None
Christmas Eve
Well lets just start way back on Christmas Eve. I was pretty happy. I had everyone's gifts from Stop and Shop all wrapped and everything. Went in and gave them out. Stacey and Stacedy both loved theirs. Molly thought her's was so cute. Hehe. Teddy Bears always are. Danielle loved hers too. Rasberry Tea and a Raggidy Anne Tea Set. I got a gift from Molly too. A HUG! AND IT WAS ON TAPE! So so awesome. Thank you Matt. That was the highlight of my night. Anyways, I got Danielle's gift to me after work. She is the best. She gave me 5 2-liter bottles of Shweppes and 24 1-ounce bags of Cape Cod Potato Chips. Fuck yeah.

Christmas day started out with no fun. My Mum forced me to go against my atheist beliefs and go to midnight mass. All I have to say about christians is that they are all Incesteous Cannibalistic Satanists. Well, atleast that's what I got out of it from the facts. After that I got to open some presents though, so that was good. Got an iPod. You can put every song you've ever heard in your life on it at once. 10k songs! Holy shit! Very nice, I like it.

Anyways, The day after Christmas I started work and it was pretty fun. It went by real quick and then Danielle came in. She gave me another present when I first came in. $5 Gift card to Hot Topic. Very nice. Then she asked if I wanted to go to Stop and Shop Whitman. I said "Sure" and we went. I like it, very decent. The color of the registers and the signs for the aisles aren't all too good though. We told the CDH that and had a nice conversation with her. Too bad she didn't work at ours.

Anyways, before we got there, Danielle was complaining that she'd have to drive to Whitman, which was past her house, to the Stop and Shop, then back to my house, and then finally to her house before the night was over. I just thought "Why don't I just spend the night at your house?" She agreed. We called our parents, no problem with them. So that was how it went. Nice cozy little place Danielle has, her house. She fell asleep around 2:30, I stayed up watching Jerry Springer till about 4. We woke up at around 11 to go back to Stop and Shop. For some reason she suddenly got mad at me there. Not sure what it was, but I didn't really care and just said "Fuck it" and left.

Then I got a call from Adam asking if I wanted to go to the movies. Sounds good to me. We walked to the mall and then met up with some people I'm guessing Adam knew. They weren't really invited to the movies with us, but they were girls, they were good looking, and one of them was a redhead. I can never say no to a redhead. Especially a good looking one. Ofcourse nothing happened between us since she was 14. I've had my fill of youngin's. Check back on my first entries to refresh your memory about that little escapade. I really did get a thing for that redhead though. Heather was her name. I'd like to hang out with her. I probably won't though. After the movie Adam took the girls over to the mall and I got a ride to Stop and Shop with some friends that showed up.

Danielle seemed fine then. Laughing, smiling, the whole deal. Wonder what was wrong before? Well, it's over now so it doesn't matter.

I've got a plan that I will try out. I'm not sure of the outcome and it could turn out real shitty. I'm going to try it though. Probably not for awhile though. I'll give it some more time.

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