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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/216640-2-doors-down-and-to-your-right
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#216640 added February 6, 2003 at 4:59pm
Restrictions: None
"2 doors down and to your right"
First things first...

If you know me...and I know you...and we send each other emails...PLEASE send them to the address I gave you. I love hearing from you all but my inbox is almost full again. Once the Thumbsucker Fan Club that I'm working on takes off...I expect to be swamped with adoring sweet young things sending me their words of love and praise. *Smile* (Yeah...right)

I long ago deleted all the mundane emails. All the ones that are left mean something to this packrat. If this printer worked it wouldn't matter. I hate having to go through them and pick which to toss.

Come January...these journal entries may become collector items...we'll see. I haven't worked out a good schedule yet. Some things will have to change though. *Frown*

Mitchell's cell phone has been keeping me entertained...(That's probably a sad comment on my life right now *Confused* )...Hey...enough with the accusing little smiley faces!!!!

Like I was saying...I've been having some very meaningful conversations with my youngest lately...albeit...one sided conversations...but that's okay. It's kinda nice to have his undivided attention for 4 or 5 minutes...even if it's only because he has to first listen to everything I have to say before he can hear his next message. *Smile*

So what if the very next message is also me...continuing where I just left off...about the importance of belly button hygiene or good goldfish names for the unnamed goldfish we used to have years ago.

I have discovered that there is a limit to how long my messages to him can be...which really isn't a problem...because after 4 or 5 minutes I'm finding I'm running out of meaningful things to say anyways. I'm sure he appreciates me staying on the phone though...even if it's a couple mintues of dead silence...punctuated by the occassional Bugs Bunny or Porky Pig impersonation. *Smile*

Derek and Mitchell have both gone skiing today with some family friends. I've got this whole place to myself...that's if I ignore the pets.

I believe this is Derek's first time down hill skiing. He may have went with school...I'm not sure. I know one of them went skiing on a school trip. I know Mitchell's been before. He plans to snowboard today.

We've all gone cross country skiing...miles and miles from anyone else...in the center of this province...in a federal park. I love the wilderness. That was a lot of fun. Peaceful...but also energizing at the same time. It's nice when something can be both peaceful and energizing at the same time. *Heart*

Moving on...

I've been thinking about the folks down under...in the land of Oz just lately. Hi Emm *Bigsmile* She doesn't know what an earwig is. *Confused* I think that is so strange...but cute and naive. *Heart* The evil, mischievous side of me wants to send her a parcel filled with the little critters. *Smile*

The thing is...down there in loveable Australia...they always seem to go overboard when it comes to critters of any kind. Someone brings a couple of rabbits onto the their continent...and the next thing they know...they're knee deep in bunnies. Same thing for frogs...and camels...and grasshoppers...and mice. If I sent her a pair of earwigs...then in no time flat...there'd be stuff on the news...about Aussies completely covered in earwigs...how planes can't take off because they're too weighed down with the creepy-crawlees.

We've brought pairs of kangaroos or koalas over here in the past...but they haven't taken over the place.

I think it's just because they'er such big animal lovers down there. *Smile* Sorry Emm...it's not nice of me to pick on Oz. You're all such friendly folks...not like those Kiwis. Oops...I'm doing it again. I love and respect all my Commonwealth Island brethern. :) I really would love to visit both places one day. (I'll leave my earwig collection at home.)

I was going to mention something about my brother and what we used to get up to as kids...or my grandmother and what an important part of my life she was for so many years...but that will have to wait until my lawyers can work out the copyright legal stuff. *Smile*

I do however still intend to post some pic's of my art here before too much longer...sometime in January hopefully.

Who knows...I may even find a photo of Cricket and Gibblet. *Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*

Maybe even one of Derek and Mitchell. *Heart**Heart*

Maybe even one of me too. *Wink*

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