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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/218166-Haircut-Day-2--Attack-of-the-Clones
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#218166 added February 6, 2003 at 5:15pm
Restrictions: None
Haircut Day 2 (Attack of the Clones)
There's been a blizzard blowing all day outside...Lots and LOTS of snow. How appropriate. The last Haircut Day entry was a very similar day also.

Lets see if anything else is similar shall we?

HAIRCUT DAY 2 (Attack of the Clones)

There doesn't seem to be any music playing in the mall today. Even if there was you couldn't hear it as you're still outside with your nose pressed up against the locked glass doors.

It's 4:30 in the morning.

The mall wont be open for hours yet...but you don't care. You've been waiting for this day to come for quite some time now. It might not rank up there with Christmas...but considering how dull and boring your life's been just lately...this might be a little much needed excitement. At least you hope Haircut Day 2 isn't going to be a let down. Not after all this hype.

You stare at the the large mall sign advertising "Haircut Day 2 (Attack of the Clones) Now appearing today only" across the parking lot. That strikes you as odd. You never used to be able to read signs hundreds of feet away in the dark before.

"Ooooooooooooooo Come on and open up already will ya" you say repeatedly as you shift your weight from foot to foot.

Slowly some mall employees and managers begin to arrive. You're still forced to wait outside as your nervousness grows.

FINALLY a security guard unlocks the front doors and you rush inside and up to the second floor.

The mall is packed with teenagers and elderly shoppers upstairs.

"How did they do that?" you ask yourself. You were the only one at the main doors. Dying with curiousity...you approach an elderly man and ask...

"How did you get in here? I didn't see all these people enter the mall."

"What...huh...No I don't want to buy a goat Mister"...he says as he walks away in a huff.

Over the mall public address system you hear a message...

"Attention shoppers...Please don't peddle goats to our senior shoppers. Also shoppers...those shoppers interested in Haircut Day 2 (Attack of the Clones) should proceed to the barber shop as this story is already running long. Thank you shoppers."

Ooooooooooo That's right. You momentarily forgot why you had been standing outside in the dark for the last 7 hours.

As you approach the barber shop you can tell there are people waitng outside...there always are.

You have to jostle your way through the crowd to get inside. Not everyone is happy to step aside for you though.

A lady holding a "Haircut Day 2 (Attack of the Clones)...I only hope it lives up to all it's hype" sign...yells at you..."HEY!!!! What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm jostling for position you stupid nitwit"...you say as you grab her sign and hit her over the head with it. The time for manners has long since passed. This is a Haircut day afterall.

As you enter you're dumbfounded!!!! It's not you that's busily cutting a man's hair...

but ME!!!!

Yes me...Thumbsucker...You read that right.

You have often seen me in other stories here at Stories...I mean Writing. I look just the same as I always look in those stories...yet you'd still have trouble recognizing me in real life for some unknown reason.

I ooze sex appeal from each pore of my 6 foot, 185 pound body. Once again you expect to see me dressed in some strange and outrageous way. This morning isn't any different.

I'm wearing a towel.

That's it...just a towel around my waist...and I'm dripping wet.

Your eye follows a water droplet as it slides down the side of my forehead...past my sideburn...to the edge of my determined jaw...then down it goes until it drips off the end of my forceful chin...and lands onto my clean shaven chest...
glistening...as it races...then stops...
then races again along my rippled abs...before finally disappearing under the towel at my waist.

I notice you too...from afar at first...then as you step closer...from nearer. *Confused*

"Hey!!!! The first little smiley face so far in this story."...you notice. "There's usually all kinds of the little beggars before now." *Smile*

"Look!!!! Another one."

"Hey...Beautiful lady!!!!...I say somewhat annoyed..."Remember me?"

I slide across the floor to you...grasping you by your delicate wrist. I'm about to sweep you off your feet and plop you into the barber chair...

all of a sudden...

you hear the sound of very faint music coming from across the hallway.

It's familar to you. As you ignore me...still trying desperately to sweep you off your feet...you can make out that the song is one you haven't heard in quite awhile. An old favorite of your's...

Chris DeBurgh's..."Lady in Red".

All thoughts of Haircut Day 2 are suddenly gone from your head. You turn and walk through the crowd and out of the shop...dragging me along as I still hold you by your delicate wrist.

I slide across the tile floor very easily.

"Hey...Where are you going?" I protest. You ignore me completely as the music draws you nearer.

"Don't you want to gaze into my big brown eyes? The eyes that so many women have gazed into before? The eyes that hold the promise of undreampt of bliss?"...I plead as you walk across the hallway.

I am totally tuned out as far as you're concerned.

You've found the source of the song...

"Gary's Hair Salon and Massage Parlor"

Still dragging me along...you enter the cozy...dimmly lit shop.

"May I help you?"...says Gary...from Gary's Hair Salon and Massage Parlor.

"Hey...Don't I know you from somewhere?"...I say eyeing Gary suspiciously..."You look awfully familar."

It was TRUE!!!! Both Thumbsucker and Gary look exactly alike!!!! It was truly uncanny.

"You two could be clones!!!!"...you blurt out.

"Clones?"...both Thumbsucker and Gary say as one..."No way!!!! Dopplegangers maybe...
Dead ringers perhaps...Identical Twins certainly...but NEVER clones!!!!"

It seems the title of Haircut Day 2 would still need some work.

"Why don't you take your towel...and go back to wherever you slid from. That way I don't have to be always referred to in the third person"...Gary says.

"See...like just then."...Gary says again.

"She's a Buc booster!!!!"...I...I mean...Thumbsucker says...(which didn't really make much sense)...still holding you firmly by the wrist.

"Let the lady go!!!!"...Gary says giving Thumbsucker his best Clint Eastwood nasty look.

Thumbsucker gave one right back at Gary. "Do you feel lucky punk?"

"Boys...BOYS!!!!"...you say in a very innocent school girl kinda way. All this testosterone is making your head spin. It's been sometime since you had two guys fighting over you.

Both Thumbsucker and Gary stop and look at you at this moment...unsure if they have crossed the line or not.

"Too bad these stories don't come with a manual and warning labels"...a little elderly man says as he passes by.

"People who brag and go on about past accomplishments are usually insecure."...Gary says..."He's just packaging...no substance."

Things look like they might heat up again...so you...being an assertive and confident woman...put your hands firmly on Thumbsucker's hips...and push him back across the hall towards the Barber shop.

Tension diffused.

"Wont you come in." says Gary as he discreetly eyes your form fitting sundress..."What can I do for you this morning?"

"I'd like you to cut my hair please"...you ask in a seductive gypsy kinda way.

"I'm sorry...I don't have a clue how to cut hair. Now that I think about it...the name Gary's Hair Salon is kind of misleading isn't it? I'd probably shave all of your beautiful hair off and make you look like a skinhead. However...I do know how to shampoo hair and give pretty good massages"...Gary...I mean...I...say.

"Please...have a seat."....I say gesturing towards a large chair with a footrest.

You sit back in the chair as I tie a smock around your neck before reclining the chair and swiveling it around so that your head hangs over a sink.

I turn on the water and let it run so that it reaches just the right temperature. Grasping the flexable hose...I bend low...and very softly whisper in your left ear...

"Now I want you to close your eyes and remain perfectly still...without making a sound. No peeking or moving or noises...Nothing at all"...

"Do you promise?"

"Umm...Yes."...you say slightly unsure if you will be able to keep that promise.

"Perfect"...I say...

"Starting now."

Your world is now a world without light...but a world full of sounds...of smells...and of touches.

You hear the water as it patters on the steel sink and makes it's way down the drain. At first you don't even realize that your hair is soaking wet...not until you notice the temperature of the water...and how it warms your scalp.

My fingers play with your long flowing hair...teasing and pulling...then stroking and twisting.

You feel the warm water cascade over your forehead...down the side of your head and drip off the end of your hair that I hold firmly with one hand.

As the hose gets nearer to your ear...the water becomes white noise...blocking out all other sounds from that ear. That's when you start to feel my finger lightly trace the bridge of your nose...down to the tip...then under and along your lips for only the briefest moment...before once again going back to kneading your hair.

You eyes squint shut tightly as you realize that I'm now shampooing your hair. Something herbal...but you just can't place it. You're about to ask me what scent it is...then you remember your promise.

You feel your scalp tingle...and the bubbles pop all around your head before I rinse it all away.

I repeat the entire process...but much more slowly this time...


More white noise...deafening...as the hair blower roars and heats up your skin. My fingers are very busy now...fluffing and brushing...and finally combing...which can be painful at times...but you can sense that I'm being gentle with you...so those painful moments are few.

Then silence...unsettling silence. You can hear the music playing in the background...the bustle of shoppers going on their way in the hallway...but no sound from me. You're tempted to peek...just as you hear me say..."Un un unnnn." You can sense that I'm wearing one of my impish smiles.

Then you feel the real power of my hands as I begin to rub and knead your neck and shoulders...
sometimes very forcefully...
sometimes as light as a feather...in fact...you're beginning to wonder if I'm using a feather.

Several times you feel the 5 o'clock stubble on my jaw rub against one of your soft smooth cheeks as I lean in close...massaging your neck.

It's then that I say once again in your left ear...so softly that even you can barely hear me...

"It will never be the same you know"

You're dying to ask me what...What will never be the same as you lie back fully reclined...




But then I answer for you...

"I'll never be able to shampoo or massage another woman again."

"Not like this"...I whisper in your left ear...so close you can feel my breath on your cheek.

Then your left eyelids part just a tiny crack. You force them close almost at once...

but the magic is broken...

No longer do you hear mall shoppers or Chris DeBurgh's "Lady in Red"...but nothing...no sounds at all.

You chance a quick peek...only to discover yourself lying under the sheets...back in your own bed...in that magical state between waking up and getting up.

That's for Flower *Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*...my best friend on the net...and as each new day passes...my best friend...PERIOD.

Flower and I have a very special relationship...one I treasure.

Only once before in my life have I had a really close female friend...a purely platonic friendship...but over time I could tell she wanted more and it was never the same afterwards.

Flower knows that even though I think she's a very funny, sexy and intelligent lady...I will NEVER come between her and John. These stories are written to make each other laugh or to comfort when one of us needs to be comforted...that's all.

I think Flower can use a laugh and some comforting just now. *Smile*

From one writer to another.

From one best friend to another. *Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*

© Copyright 2003 Thumbsucker (UN: thumbsucker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Thumbsucker has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/218166-Haircut-Day-2--Attack-of-the-Clones