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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/218492-01-06-03
Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #551971
My life Friends Loves and Experiences
#218492 added January 6, 2003 at 9:30am
Restrictions: None
Okay, where do I start now? This has been such an emotional up and down weekend, for me. I'll start with the high points. JC did come to town for the weekend.:) He left yesterday morning.:( I really did enjoy my time with him, it was just too short. Saturday, we went and picked up JMC and took him to eat. Then JC and I were alone again. It was truly a wonderful time.
I did chat with BOH a couple of times this weekend. Once was Friday night/Saturday morning, around 3-5 am my time. Though, I was glad to chat with him, it wasn't under the best of circumstances.
Okay, well here we go into the emotional points of the weekend...Friday night/Saturday morning JC brought me home, and we seen someone on my front porch, apparently passed out. Mind you, it was well below freezing at this time. When we got to the porch, I recognized the kid. Yes, KID. It was DA. He was very drunk and passed out. I won't go into all the details here, he feels bad enough about that. His sister finally showed up to pick him up, we exchanged a few words. Needless to say I was not very happy with her decision and the choice of words that she said to me. That is what set me off, the most.
She basically insinuated that he and I had f***ed. Well, NO, we didn't. I would not take an advantage of someone drunk, like that. To me, that is rape. Plus the fact that he is underage, is the other big no-no, in my book.
I did get to chat with him late Saturday night. He said he was sorry and didn't want me or JC to hate him. He thought that we and BOH would because of what happened. I guess, BOH tried to calm his fears about that earlier in the day, as well. I think I managed to convince him that we didn't hate him, that we were just concerned about him. I had to especially get the point across that JC did NOT hate him, either. JC is just as concerned as BOH and I were.
JC and I talked after that and he managed to calm my fears and concerns, as well.
JC left ealry Sunday morning. I had plans with my family, that I really did not want to keep, but if I didn't they would have all started a bunch of crap. Now I wish I had've cancelled. I would have dealt with their crap.
When i got home, there was a message on my machine form DA, "Please call me ASAP, it's important." The next message was from BOH, "You need to go get DA. things are not good, there. I think you need to talk to him." Okay, at that point, I was worried sick and starting to stress out. The third message was from DA again, "I'm okay. I'm at a friend's house. Don't worry about calling me back. I sent you an email."
The email was that detailed. Just that he had to go stay at a friends house because his parents had found out that he was gay. From what I gathered, his mom was okay with it, but his dad had flipped out and apparently went to the pub.
I got online, he was not there. BOH was though. Thank God! Maybe he knew more info. He did, and it wasn't all that good. He was chatting with DA, I guess. He was at his friends house and her dad told him that the police were on the way to his house. They have a scanner and heard it on there, I think. DA left. Okay from what BOH told me, that had been a couple of hours at least, before I signed in. GREAT> I had so many friggin' thoughts running through my mind at that time. BOH did, too. We had no idea of what was going on or what had happened. We did figure that it had something to with his dad, though. It did. While chatting with BOH, DA called, me. He couldn't use the compueter? his friend was, I guess. I don't remember, now. Anyway, what had happened was his dad went home, drunk, started tearing the house up and smashing stuff. Then he started beating on DA's mom. DA's sis came home from work and he hit her several times, too, I guess. I guess when the cops got he then hit one of the cops, too, which there, it is an automatic 72 hours in jail before a bond hearing.
DA's not going to school today. He is gonna stay and help his mom with the house. Froma what DA said, I guess his his mom is gonna file for a divorce, too. Now he feels guilty about that. I have kept trying to tell him, that it's not his fault.
I have a request for you, the readers. Whether it God or whatever, please pray to your deity for him. As a matter of fact, pray for all of my little angels. DA, BOH, JMC, JC, JW, DC, IV, etc. LOL Sorry, I just need all the help I can get right now. :)
I did get to see JMC yesterday. He came by last night and we went to his house for awhile and played some PS2 football, wrestling. JW came over after he got off of work. Then I came home and nobody was online except for my sis, PG. She's doing okay, except for some abcessed teeth. The poor thing. And she can't afford a dentist right now. And I know, that is a painful experience.
Well, guess I will close this one for now.
Have a great day all. :)

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