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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/220811-Disposable-UpdateNawIve-changed-my-mind
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#220811 added February 6, 2003 at 5:34pm
Restrictions: None
Disposable Update???Naw...I've changed my mind
I got a scanner...the tricky part is figuring out how to use it. There wasn't a manual included...but lots of software. I'm a complete computer moron. I want a paper manual with easy to follow step by step instructions. It came with an adapater for scanning slides. I guess not all scanners do. That's my #1 concern. The reason the computer was fixed...for buying the scanner...for buying more rolls of 35mm film...so I can post pic's of my work in order to motivate me with sculpting again.

Photo prints turn out okay...thanks to Mitchell's help...but we still can't get the slides to look like anything other than dark blurry images. I'd be embarrassed to post them.

I can get the slides turned into prints...at $1.71 each. 95% of my stuff is on slides. I do have some prints of works in progress or small "gifts" that I'd make for people I considered special. I have 5 or 6 rolls of undeveloped films with research pic's or newer work on them...but they'll have to wait for now. I've already spent hundreds of dollars so far...and all I can post are pictures of myself and my guys.

I've sent some pic's to Flower to see how the scanner's working. I guess they turned out okay. I haven't seen myself posted on any of the porno sites I visit...so I guess Flower's respected my wishes and kept them private. Now I feel bad about posting that stuff about her all over the web. I guess it was a really sleazy thing to do now that I think about it...and after her being so nice to me...I shouldn't have given out her full name and address either. Boy Does that feel good to finally get that off my chest. All my guilt has just faded away. GREAT!!!! All better now. *Bigsmile*

Actually...Flower is my nickname for Heather. I'm going to try and see if I can do a "link thingy" now. Wish me luck...cookiemcg WOW!!!! I did that...ever NEAT!!!!! Now if you visit her port and say hi...tell her Thumb sent ya.

As this is going to be deleted later...I'll give Flower's link in a future entry...now that I know the secert of suitcase spotlighting.

Wanna guess what number I'm thinking of?




Does anyone else like Sandwich Spread sandwiches? There are two kinds...Heinz and Kraft...I prefer Kraft's. It's much creamier. Heinz's is more like Tartar sauce.

How about twist ties vs bread clips?

Incandescent vs fluorescent?

Saddam vs Bin Ladin?

Dogs vs cats?

Boxers vs briefs?

Saturadys vs Sundays?

Pink vs white grapefruits?

Too bitter for me

Spicey foods vs non spicey foods?

Cold vs hot?

Mornings vs nightimes?

Gerbils vs...............Hell... nobody cares about Gerbils. Anything that eats their own young should just chill out.

Fresh vs salt?

Fast vs slow?

TV vs the net?

Dill vs sweet?

Sweet vs sour?

Trains vs planes?

Red vs white?

Christmas vs New Year's?

Short skirts vs long?

Men vs women?

Who do you think likes sex better? Forget about getting pregnant and diseases and stuff...I know guys think about it more...but who likes it more?

This is going nowhere...I best go before I'm banned.

Update to this Update

Okay...I've got some slides at this very moment being transfered to a CD. If that works and the quality is good...I'll start taking some pic's of some of the pieces I have here...plus maybe a few shots of me...we'll see...hehehe.

The CD wont be ready until tomorrow at the earliest.

As I'm writing this...I still can't send pic's...so I've gone to my source for all things computer-nerdish...Mitchell...to ask for his help.

He's instructed me in his own unique way...kinda like learning how to fly the Starship Enterprise the first time out...if I only follow these 15,000 easy to follow steps in precisely the exact order he's just shown me...at warp speed. It seems the faster I do it...the more competent and worthy I am as a father and as a human being.

"First go here...do this...NOT that...NEVER CLICK ON THAT...go here...click there...drag it over there...go back to the first screen...or you can skip that by taking this shortcut...delete that file...but not yet...left click...not double left click...and presto...you're done!!!! Easy huh? Now let's se you do it Dad."

I'm still pleased with myself that I've learned how to make little smily faces.


My claim to fame...but Mitchell's not very impressed with that talent.

He's also not very impressed with all the photos of him that I've been scanning recently.

It seems he wants to know WHY his pic's are going to be posted here at Writing? I'm blaming it all on Heather and Emm *Bigsmile*.

THEY'RE the ones who want to see him...not me. I already know what he looks like. So any pic's of Mitch and Derek that I post...whether old or new...are because HEATHER and EMM want to see them. If they don't like it...they gotta take it up with them. *Bigsmile*

So far it's been ANOTHER wasted day trying to get this scanner to work properly.


Continuing with this saga

I just got the CD back...the guy's a moron...most of the slides turned out TERRIBLE!!!! I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my art. Some of the pic's were completely inverted. Totally useless. So over half are being redone. In the meantime I'm still learning about scanners and scanner software. I could have gone my entire life being VERY happy without knowing any of this crap.

I got really upset with Mitchell last night. *Frown* He knows how much trouble I've been having trying to get this to work...and when I asked him for help...it wasn't convenient for him...but later he made sure I knew that HE could send pic's no problem. I thought of all those 100's of hours I've spent in crowded stands at his swim meets...or the 1,000's of dollars I spent over the years so he and Derek could be on a swim team and go to swim meets EVERY weekend...in this province and others. I HATE crowded stands...or worse yet...swimming pools without stands...where you've got to stand behind glass outside the pool...from Friday night till Sunday night trying to get a glimpse of him swimming.

It really hurt me that he could be so selfish and not put himself out with the ONE thing that he could help me with. He's been MUCH better today...taking me through it all step by step. I'm slowly getting there. I'm going to try and send Sophia my very first art pic...(from the CD)...but with my luck so far...I'm not going to bet that it makes it past the cyber gremlins.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/220811-Disposable-UpdateNawIve-changed-my-mind