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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/222370-PROJECT-SERPENT-Subject-Profiles
by Circe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Friendship · #589633
This would be my journal...
#222370 added February 3, 2003 at 2:55am
Restrictions: None
PROJECT SERPENT: Subject Profiles
Subject 026

Name: Fox Monaghan
Sex: Female
Appearance: longish red hair and bright green eyes. slender but not bony. Dress sense is very punk. Nose and eyebrow piercing.
Personality: She's a bit of a 'bad apple' as her foster mother calls her. Always getting into fights and pissing off her teachers. She can be friendly but not very often.
Gift: Pyrokinesis (fire-starter) Also can make the people around her really agravated and violent. Later her powers will grow to being able to control fire.
Played by: Circe

Subject 027

Name: Adelaide Boyd
Sex: female
Appearance: Short blonde straight hair with blue foils through it, blue eyes to match the foils, cheeky smile. loose dress sense, but likes to look nice. light skin.
Personality: cheeky, quirky sense of humour. Says weird things like "Funnier than a penguin playing a banjo." Is quick to laugh, but equally quick to anger.
Gift: cat-like senses/reflexes, ability to see in the dark like a cat, later on is able to shapeshift into various cat forms.
Played by: Sena is Spider-Girl!

Subject 029

Name: Orlando (Orli) Jackson
Sex: Male
Appearance: Long straight blond hair, golden tanned skin, gorgeous brown eyes, slender and muscled, tall, very graceful, elf ears :D
Personality: Live with the moment, very friendly, but when pushed he will fight. He is also gay.
Gift: He can communicate with nature/animals, hightened endurence and strength (just think 'elf'), and he can use bio energy, but not often because it weakens him.
Played by: gokou_chan

Subject 030

Name: Cameron McKay
Sex: Male
Appearance: Tall, muscular, red hair, freckles with pale (but not white) skin, bright jade colored eyes with flecks of amber, is a second generation Irish American. A real heartthrob kinda guy, although he has never been in a serious relationship. Is not arrogant or jerky.
Personality: Outgoing, has a quick temper, but it is usually short lived, great sense of humor, friendly, atletic (kinda the All-American guy), but very, very intelligent. Is well-skilled in Tae Kawn Doe, although he uses it more for the control and mental-well being than the fighting prowess.
Gift: Limited telekinesis (moving things with his mind), but his bigger gift is that he is an empathic, so he feels what others are feeling, although he cannot read their minds. This gift only works through physical contact (very dangerous) or by touching something the subject has touch recently.
Played by: sparles

Subject 031

Name: Reya Castro
Sex: Female
Appearance: Reya is about 5'6. Long brown hair with blonde highlights. Honey
brown eyes. Reya is thin. She dresses strictly prep.
Personality: Reya is a cheerleader, and she likes to think that she is normal.
She fits some of the cheerleader stereotypes, except she is by no means stupid.
She is very intelligent and has a very quick wit. Anyone else would get in
trouble because of some of the smart alec things she says, but her teachers
love her.
Gift: Reya is Telepathic, and to a certain degree she can make unexplainable
things happen. (Like a freak hail storm if she doesn't want to go to
Played by: Daizy

Subject 032

Name: Stephen Kaiser
Sex: Male
Appearance: Unkempt blond hair and blue eyes, short and mildly overweight. His
clothes are almost always wrinkled. He also wears a medic-alert bracelet that
explains that he is a deaf/mute.
Personality: Extremely shy and introverted. At this point he doesn't even try
to make friends anymore. If anyone did get to know him they would find that he
is intelligent and philosophical.
Gift: Osmosis/Imprinting Stephen can learn everything in a book or anything
else written, regardless of language by touch. He can also rewrite those same
books and such. Later this power will grow to include anything non-living that
contains information, including computers and robots.
Played by: Jacknife78

Subject 033

Name: Tara Li
Sex: Female
Appearance: Short, layered, black hair; pale skin (Asian)
Personality: Cheery personality. A sweet girl, always friendly around people. But given enough time by herself, she gets depressed-like and questions a lot of things.
Gift: She can disappear and travel through shadows, as long as there are some around.
Later on, she'll be able to use shadows and darkness to attack a person's mind creating a temporary blindness.
Eventually, she'll be able to trap a person in a coma, their consciousness surrounded by darkness. This is very dangerous b/c if Tara is not strong enough to overcome her target's mind, then the darkness overtakes her instead.
Played by: dream4ever

Subject 034

Name: Fiona Vera Hamilton
Sex: Female
Appearance: Black-haired, fair skin, golden brown eyes, five feet tall, wears
light colors
Personality: inquisitive, silent but not shy, loner yet longs to belong,
impulsive, tends to draw back from violence, yet easily motivated by vengeance,
a silent rebel in nature that later becomes the group's problem.
Gift: has the ability to control people's minds and feelings, has Aquakinesis
(the ability to control waters), and later one develops into an ability to
control people's memory.
Played by: clandestine *angel*

Subject 035

Name: Marcus Lavati
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6"1' black hair, brown eyes
Personality: A bit goofy, loves to joke around a lot
Gift: Premonitions, but only when touching someone or something personal to someone, can't control whether he sees the future or the past
Played by: roseofblack

Subject 037

Name: Alexandria Dex
Sex: Female
Appearance: Brown hair with the shorter fringe dyed a rich purple color. Clear
grey, blue eyes. Not short, but not tall either, so average height. Always
wears clothing that covers as much of her skin as she can.
Personality: Very reserved due to her powers. Polite though, has well developed
social skills. Usually when she comes into contact with people, she’ll talk to
them, while tactfully avoiding all physical contact with them. Hates crowds and
avoids them like the plague.
Gift: If it could be called a gift, she absorbs powers from other ‘gifted’
people, whether part of the Project Serpent or not. Unfortunately, from
ordinary people, it is the life force that she drains from them. It can be a
very scary gift, as well as powerful, and she hasn’t quite got control of it
Played by: danika

Subject 038

Name: Malaysha Monroe
Sex: Female
Appearance: 5'5" black hair, brown eyes, dark skin
Personality: Very outgoing, not afraid to say what she's thinking
Gift: Can morph into different people, but has to touch them before she can turn into them
Played by: naliablaze

Subject 039

Name: Catherine Connors
Sex: Female
Appearance: Long, burgundy, wavy hair. Sea-green eyes with long dark lashes. Fair skin, no freckles. She is about 5'4" tall and weighs about 130. She has a nice figure, not to thin, but not chubby.
Personality: She appears friendly, outgoing and people like her. Deep inside she harbors dark thoughts and really doesn't like people.
Gift: She can read minds and become invisible. She can sometimes see the future, but hasn't mastered the skill entirely. She also has the ability to breathe underwater
Played by: wildfire74pa

Subject 040

Name: Ellewyn Taurendil
Sex: Female
Appearance: long dirty blonde hair, tall and athletic, blue/grey eyes, wide
Personality: Aloof, sarcastic, independant
Gift: Has a wide fighting repetoir and later it will evolve, and I will be able to
predict peoples moves if they have weak minds. Total warrior.
Played by: elliet

¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ ¸.·´
¸.·´¸.·*`·-» Circe
"Sam will kill me if I try anything..."

Part one of my Vampires/Fallen Angels series-
 Prologue  (E)
The Angel Gabriel's expulsion from Heaven
#541042 by Circe

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#531047 by Not Available.

© Copyright 2003 Circe (UN: circe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Circe has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/222370-PROJECT-SERPENT-Subject-Profiles