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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/225663-02-05-03
Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #551971
My life Friends Loves and Experiences
#225663 added February 5, 2003 at 2:24pm
Restrictions: None
I'mmmmm Baaaaaaaack. LOL Sorry I haven't written much in here lately. The long-a$$ hours at work are killing. LOL. Nah, not really. But I am just so tired when I get home, I usually just check my email and then crash. then I wake up and check my mail, again and go to work and start the whole cycle over, again. LOL. Anyways, at least I was off for the last 3 days. JC came down Sunday, and after I got off work, we went back to his apartment in his town, that night. God it was fantastic, just getting out of town for awhile and spending time with him. This was actually our "honeymoon." We didn't get a chance to have a real honeymoon, after the ceremony. He had to go home right after that to work. Monday and night we went to a Bed & Breakfast. OMFG! It was beautiful. It's actually a mansion that was built in 1894. It was decorated with old Victorian decor. I was just in awe, and did everything to keep from crying again, when we went in. I could not believe that he had arranged this. Well, yes I could, actually. That is just him. We had the "Bridal Suite". Damn! It was magnificent. It had a fireplace, a 6-window bay, a king-sized bed, and the bedroom suite was made of Walnut(?) wood (I think) and marble. The private bath was beautiful, too. It had a heart-shaped, 2-person whirlpool tub. Oh yeah, we spent plenty of time in there, too. ;) They brought breakfast to our room and everything. Then we went to dinner at a great mexican restaurant. Then we went back to his place, last night. He wished that it could have been for a longer time, but that is perfectly fine. I just loved being with him. I just feel special when he's around. He makes me feel that way. He treats me so great. He even said that once he gets through with his studies and gets a good job at a local station here, he told me that I could quit my job and he would treat me like a king. LOL. I love him so much. Not that i would quit my job, though. I don't want him, to feel like he "has" to take care of me, even though I know that he wouldn't mind. Besides, I'd go crazy not working. LOL. Just maybe not as many hours. LOL. I just can't believe that I have found someone like him.
Sometimes though, I still get kinda down and start thinking bad things. Like I keep expecting something bad to happen or that I am gonna lose him. He says that'll never happen, though. But, That has just been my luck in the past. everytime I get something good and things start going my way, something always happened and I end up alone and miserable, again. But, he is helping me to get past that way of thinking. It's not easy. But he is a great inspiration. :)

Well, for other news, that isn't as great. Last week, I found out some bad news. I just found out that DA and BOH have something in common, and it's not a good thing. I don't want to go into details here, but, it's something that they can't control, sometimes. I wish that I could help them with this. I would do anything to help them. I love them so much and it scares the hell out of me. But, as I said, it's really not their faults, either. I wish that BOH was here, so that we could all shower him with love and make him happy. As for DA, with my work schedule, I wish that I could spend more time with him, to make sure that he doesn't get down, at least not as far down to the point where he loses that "control". Those two are just so special to me. And because i have "known" BOH so long, he has just carved his own little spot into my heart that will never be replaced. Da has too.
I haven't talked to DA, since I found out about that. I hope to, maybe see him tonight.
I haven't seen JMC since Friday and that was just for a little while. that's when he told me about DA. His work schedule has been hectic too. I just hope that he doesn't overdo it and that it doesn't interfere with his studies. I do not want him to lose his scholarship at the state university, so he can go into the filed of study that he wants to so badly.

Other than all that, not a whole lot has been going on. My friend JB, she emailed me and told me that her mom is in the hospital. My prayers go out to her, also. All prayers would be appreciated. thanks.

Well, I guess I will close this one for now. Have a GREAT day, all. :)

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