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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/226072-Me-on-the-Beautiful-People
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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #565189
Just random thoughts, how and when i had them. Warning i write how i talk/think.
#226072 added April 14, 2003 at 7:59pm
Restrictions: None
Me on the "Beautiful People"
Everything written below was meant in and for humor, I hope you see it a such. if i come off bitter i don't mean to. But other wise i hope you enjoy.

Every school has beautiful people, a.k.a. the popular people. Man they get on
my nerves. I'm so glad that's all over (graduated). But when I was there it
seemed like they could do no wrong. I turn my work in late I'm publicly humiliated
and made the example. Susie Cheerleader turns hers in a week late and all of a
sudden the clouds open, and do I hear a blare of trumpets?
My p.o.s.(piece of shit) car broke down in front of the school not even a block
from it. And along comes Susie cheerleader in her Cougar slows down, and looks,
doesn't stop mind you, but looks. Gee, thanks. No, no I don't need any HELP! or anything.
God forbid you should get that $40 manicure chipped, no i'll just wait till some nice
friendly kidnappers or rapists come; they always seem to like me. It was bad
enough she slowed down, but didn't offer to help on top of that. But if
Susie's car breaks down, oh no,they break out Red Cross, and a search team, and
post her picture on the news five minutes after her car breaks down. I could
be there 3 days, and no one would have noticed till my car or dead body blocked
the way of Susie's car. And even then I probably would have gotten detention or
a citation for blocking traffic. And her car break down? It wouldn't dare! Not
Susie Cheerleader!
I remember once when I tripped and fell in the cafeteria, people broke out in
laugher. But if luck should blink for a second on Susie and she trip? She
would first fall backward and into the arm of the cute star quarter-back. They
of course would instantly fall in love, be the sweethearts of the school, and
get married on graduation day, which everyone would crone and coo over how
sweet that was.(gagging on my finger) My solace is in knowing that they only
got married because she was 3 months late,and that he will be King. King of Larry's
tires. He's only prince right now. He is Larry Jr. after all. Now let's once
again replace Susie with me. I'm falling into the lap of the oh-so-cute
quarterback and land he would probably say, "Oh god my throwing hand!" and then
I would be shunned in school and in our small town. Or he'd say,"God! What are
you doing? Get off of me!" And I would then land ass-first onto the cold hard
tile of the cafeteria anyhow.
And would someone please tell me why they pick the same perfect people for King or Queen of this or that every year,
and wonder why we're not excited? Gee, could it be that you pick the same
people every year! So why doesn't anyone else run? What's the point when
Susie's henchmen are in office? Student council counts our votes. So we vote and
then wait on baited breath...(drum roll)
"Oh I sure hope Susie get's it this year."
"She's earned it. Remember that time she chipped her nail and didn't have a file?"
"Oh yeah, and what about the time the coke machine was out of fat free zero
calorie Pepsi and she had to get only fat free Pepsi?"
"Oh that poor girl no one knows the trouble she's seen."
The winner is Susie! And then she fakes surprise, in preparation of her
upcoming Miss America days, wipes imaginary tear, and graciously receives her
8th crown of the year. Gee, what a surprise. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE saw that one
And if you feel as I do please don't say anything out loud. I learned that lesson the
hard way. They all looked at me as though I desecrated the name of some devout
saint. What am I saying? devout saint? That's no mere saint
that's(trumpet blare) Susie Cheerleader.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/226072-Me-on-the-Beautiful-People