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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/233434-Stupidity
by Aum
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #524387
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#233434 added March 22, 2003 at 3:46am
Restrictions: None
America is currently suffering from a particularly persistent, dangerous, debilitating, and yet popular form of stupidity. That stupidity, Dear Fellow Reader Friends of Mine, is called PATRIOTISM. And need I remind you (quoth the Deadly Sin of Paranoia) that patriotism - like stupidity - is daughter of Pride?

You all got started on the Columbia incident. Eight cosmonauts got in a spaceship, which - oh woe! Oh sorrow! - happened to be American. The spaceship exploded. The cosmonauts died. Yes, that's sad. BUT WHAT MAKES THESE PEOPLE HEROES??? Any more than the factory worker who dies from an industrial accident? And what makes it sad? Let me tell you, DFRF (ie. Dear Fellow Reader Friends of Mine). The tragedy isn't sad because these cosmonauts were PEOPLE whose lives got so brutally terminated. Oh, God, no! It's sad because they were AMERICAN. Their death wasn't just an ordinary tragedy, as in a car accident that kills four drunk teens, a small-town influenza epidemic that razes a few elderly citizens, a house fire from which not all residents escape. These guys represented the American nation, and when they died, well, apparently, AMERICA died a little! When you wept for them, you wept not for these people themselves, but for a "nation," a goddamned country, a THING for God's sake! If it had been a Russian spaceship, what would you have done? Laughed? Shrugged? Ignored the incident entirely? DOES ONLY AMERICAN LIFE MATTER?

I don't like talking about 9/11, because I feel every possible opinion has already been expressed on the topic, and that it's been, on the overall, majorly overdone. But this I have to get off my chest. What happened on 9/11 didn't kill Americans. It killed PEOPLE. It killed human beings, men, women, children, workers, tourists, writers, artists, scientists, businessmen, dreamers. It killed your hundred-times-removed cousin back there from Adam and Eve (or Curious George, depending on whether you're religious or not.) It could have killed YOU, no matter what your nationality, ethnic or religion is. And let me tell you, it spared Muslims no more than it spared Christians, and Iraki no more than Americans. When these godforsaken psychotic terrorist bastards dropped a bomb on the World Trade Centre, they didn't just wound America. They wounded THE ENTIRE WORLD. So why don't you stop seeing yourselves as the centre of the universe, dear Fellow American Reader Friends of Mine? Realize we're all together in this bad Arnold Schwarzennegger (sp?) action flick the twenty-first century is turning out to be? Realize you're not the only ones weeping? Realize that if you didn't die in there, then you're no more of a martyr than I am? Realize that you're not alone? Right now you're behaving like those immature teenagers who believe that they're the only human beings who've experienced suffering in the entire world, and slit their wrists due to that belief. You're being fucking idiotic. You're being childish. The civilians who are dying right now in Irak are more heroes than your soldiers are - and yet when will you mourn THEM? When will you sing elegies in their honour, adorn their chests with badges, write their names into history books? When, I ask you? When?

There is no point to this war at all. What's happening right now has no right to happen. Saddam Hussein is not connected to Al-Quaeda. The petrol in Irak is a valuable resource but not enough to provoke a war. Irak is no current threat to America. How do I know that? Well, COME ON. Bush - some pro-war activists claim - has reason to think Saddam financed the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Okay. 1) How did he get that information, while spies and inspectors financed by the United Nations got no vent of that? 2) For a wealthy nation like the USA, is petrol monopoly really a necessity? 3) Saddam may be cruel towards his own people and the nations surrounding Irak, but he's too small to do anything to America - a list of his most potent weapons was made available to the public just around last December, and none had the power to wip out entire American cities. Besides, why would he do that? He's ambitious, but not suicidal.

And, about the "upholding of democracy and freedom" in Irak, and the deliverance of the common Iraki - well, let me ask you. Why would you spoiled, self-centred Americans give a fuck about what's happening to the Iraki people? I mean, WHO CARES? It's not like they were American, right?

Your so-called reasons are crap, they're all crap. The only reason this war is going on is because you Americans believe America has been wounded, and thirst for revenge. Ben Laden escaped you. Well, fine. You'll wipe out Saddam instead. And why not all Muslim nations, while you're at it. (And trust me, once Bush is done with Irak, that will also happen.)

Bush is not pro-democracy. As a matter of fact, he is the first official dictactor in American history (there may have been others, but I don't know enough about your history to name them.) When he told the United Nations: "I'll go ahead with my plans no matter what you think," he SPAT in the face of the very values he pretends to uphold. When he insulted the French, Russian, German and Canadian for their lack of support of his projects, he DENIED the very basic concept of democracy, which is freedom of opinion and of expression - my right to have a mind of my own, without you persecuting me for possessing it. Don't give me the hypocritical bullshit about upholding freedom. What you're creating now, Dear Fellow American Reader Friends of Mine, is a dictatorial Empire. An Empire based on patriotism masked as hypocritical righteousness. An American Empire.

I'm sorry if I'm offending you. I'm angry. I'm FUCKING RAVING MAD. At Saddam. At Bush. At all the Americans currently supporting him. If you are, I don't care. (Quoth a nasty little mainstream rapper): I wouldn't give a fuck if you were my own mother. If you're pro-war, then you're as much of a fucked-up idiot as Bush is and I hate your guts. Ever heard that question? If you could go back in history and kill Hitler, what would you do? I think Bush could become a new Hitler, and if I were certain of this, I'd do it. Oh, you know, he'll never be as cruel as Hitler was - he'll never put people in concentration camps or anything. But he has dreams of asserting his vision of the perfect human being on the rest of the world. And in his eyes, that perfect human being, Dear Fellow Reader Friends of Mine, is American.

I'm not an Iraki, but trust me, I know what they feel like. When the Americans prepared themselves to attack, some were quoted saying: "Let them come and kill us. We're already dead." Yes, they're suffering now - but you won't save them, DFRF of Mine. If anything you'll make their situation worse. You wanna help them? Do it the good old-fashioned way. Instead of killing them to relieve their misery, donate goods and clothing, send over the Red Cross or, even better, get over there yourself and do what you can. Aren't you all American and therefore the "good guys," after all?

(p.s. You disagree, you're offended, you think you have facts and figures to prove me wrong, go ahead, give me your rant, and then go to hell. This is my journal, and I'll say what I want to say and believe what I want to believe. You go and shove arguments and facts and statistics up your ass.)

War and Hate,

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