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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/239140-My-thirds
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#239140 added April 27, 2003 at 6:41pm
Restrictions: None
My thirds
In my new school I have been blessed with having 2 thirds to complete me. Caro used to my other half but then Kamilah was my half too and that just woulnt work so we became thirds. Kamilah, Caro, and me. Kamilah and Caro have made me whole after my recent break up with my middle and elementary friends. Of course they are still with me they are my " thirds" and "halves" too just parts of other pies which end up coming together to make one big whole PIE Heart kinda thing. But back To my Reef Pie. I dont know what I would do without them. Kamilah is my third, school wise...we both are extremely studious. Caro, is my third everything else wise. Shes made me more carefree, i think, because sometimes Kamilah is like we have a pop quiz today did u study and I'm like really? ok whatever. My careless attitude surprises her sometimes but I'm not always like that. I hope some of it rubs off on her...cuz shes a worry wort. But she keeps me in line and reminds me of things I would have forgotten otherwise, like h.w. and such. We have religious differences but we respect eachother.

she is such a beautiful dancer...Omg, she is the epitome of grace and eloquence. She is a dancer is every cell of her body. I watched her dance for the first time on friday and I was mesmerized. I have wanted to dance for a long time and just seeing makes me want to dance even more. With time and practice I hope to achieve whats shes done in these past couple of years. She is my inspiration for dance. Caro, my third, keeps me in line too. Sometimes shes all together to serious......I remember once we were walking down our incredibly long hallway, the english wing i believe and I was like Caro, I'll race u down to the end. She just looked at me like I was out of my mind. LOL i probably am but she really needs to get her childhood side back. And I hope to help her. She is the one who befriended me. I will be forever indebted to her for that. That first day of school was sadness for me.... i knew no one and no one knew me but after seeing me in many classes, she came up to me and said.' ur in all my classes' and when we went into our 5th period science class i sat next to her and worked with her group of friends. Since then we've practically glued by the hips. i hope she doesnt mind my constant presence. I really do love her. No not in a lesbian kind of way.....people who think like that are immature.....Anyways

Everytime I think of Kamilah and Caro I just feel so happy because they are my friends. Sometimes I think I am undeserving of them. But I thank who ever brought them into my life.

This entry makes it sound like they are the only friends I have at my new school. This isnt true....they are just my closest friends. Next year I might have other close friends because the sucky thing about friends is the more classes u have with them the closer u get. Even as I say this i know this is not true because I have 0 classes with Jessica or Sam but I find myself as close as ever with them, or atleast with Jessica.

In my programming class, Laura and Sarvani are my other two thirds atleast for that class. Laura and I have become closer because we both tried out for Cuda Flava, a hip hop dance team in my school. No we didnt make it out but our friend Terri and we were sooooo happy for her. DOnt feel sad for me or Laura cuz we really dont want pity. Anywho back to the subject on hand. I am so happy I went through the tryouts with her....I wasnt going to because I was feeling frustrated but I did. Laura is such a sweet, sweet person. I hope that we will have classes in the future because she is such a good friend. WE have had many little fights (unimportant ones, and ones u get over in a second). Its so cool because she, Sarvani, and myself are part of the elite group in our school. WE have straight A's and no I am not bragging. So its cool that we r friends eventhough we are sort of enemies because we are competing aganist eachother in grades. But I think its better that way because if one have them wins I'll be happy for them instead of being really pissed that I lost and they won. Plus, Sarvani and Laura arent braggy, mean people. They are so nice and giving and caring. It is my own competiveness (wrong spelling I know) and desire to be valevictorian that keeps wanting to beat them. As I write this down it all sounds so trivial, me wanting to beat my friends at grades. Oh well. Its been the same since middle school. I've been competing with Yesenia, Jessy, Lely and SAm, for the best grades and Oh my how could i fogot of course competing with Maria Elena. Except that Mari is so innocent and so smart that u cant get mad at her for being soo good. I would hate for Yesenia to be me...u dont understand I dont think i'd hear the end of it. She can be so conceited at times but I still love her. If Jessica beats me I wouldnt mind, cuz I know Jessy would never throw it in my face, if not the opposite she wouldnt even mention it shes so caring and sensitve in that case.

ANyways, I've been having problems trying to figure out my class schedule for next year. I was planning on taking one AP Class and a dance class. But of course Sarvani is taking 3 or 4 i'm not sure and now laura is taking 2...and of course I cant let them beat me...so i have to give up something i really want to do (dance) and take another AP class...all because of my desire to be Valedictorian. Laura's second Ap class is going to be Ap programming with the same teacher we have now. Right now we are learning Visual Basic but in Ap we would be learning JAva which sounds cool. AP Programming is the only option I have for another Ap class unless I take another History class, they offer AP Geography with Mr.BEck the teacher I have now who is cool, but I am not all that loving of history. But if it will bring my GPA up I guess I'll do it. I would really love to take AP Art History but of course it is not offered in my school. i hope they offer it in night school so I can go there and take it that way I can still take dance as an elective but not Sarvani or LAura beat me. Of course Sarvani would still be beating me because shes taking more AP classes and I know this is absolutely horrible to say But if she doesnt get A's in all her classes then I'm safe. I know thats mean but thats the way I feel. I think I'm all written out. I think I'll stop writng for now..........C.O.

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