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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/239199-hey-i-do-still-exist
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #619079
my somewhat deviant life, and experiences this is me, take it--or leave it
#239199 added April 28, 2003 at 2:35am
Restrictions: None
hey i do still exist
yeah yeah i know im gettin lazy, not like i havent had anything to talk about, just been too busy doin it to write. guess i need to look at my last entry and see where i left off. brb. OK now i know--pretty much worked and been drunk for the past few nights--wed was just the beginning. lets see since then.

thursday we performed the play--no more rehersals. i was still drunk enough from the night before (with echo and BJ) that i didnt get really nervous, but not bad enough that i forgot my lines. it went a lot better than anyone thought it would. Thurs night went to karaoke really dont remember much--not cause i drank too much that night but casue i have since then.

friday-gary called he couldnt get in because of the bad weather, but was in town and wanted to hang out. unfortunately i had to work. thinkin hes not really the best idea to chill with but ya know what im just as much of an asshole as he is so its aight. i said i was goin out that night when i got off at 12, but he was goin to bed early--yeah whatever i close down with him when i got to work at 7 but hes got to go to bed--dumbass LOL just like a guy.
went to the moose anyway, kinda sat with chrystal (the ho i work with) for a lil while--danced by myself eventually cause i was DRUNK and danced with jodi (not the one ill tell you about in a min, blaine, cowboy, and god only knows who else. cigarette break

on to saturday--brent got to come down after all, but by the time i took a shower i only had about an hour to hang with him, then i had to go to work. well i went to work (doing tanning nontheless) i didnt have an appointment until 830, and only like 4 or 6 the whole night, so translated i had SHIT to do all night, so my boss came in and i asked if i could go home--she pretty much said do some of the cahiers shit for them and i could so i did and i did. anyway brent and i got to hang out for a few more hours before he had to leave to go back home. we had a lot of fun. just driving around touring the area, talkin, BS-ing. hes kinda cute--some thing about his face is kinda weird--kinda a baby face, hard to explain, but hes cute. hes always griping about his weight-- i think thats leftover from his fat days, cause it looks fine on him--not sayin hes ripped, but his overall body proportions are good. like i said we had a lot of fun--nothing happened otherwise.
went back to the moose, the drummer for the band and i were talking--apparently hes writing a book about his life, already has a publisher or something, anyway we got to bullshitting and he wants me to edit and type it for him, he says hell pay me have a contract written up and shit--who knows if it happens it happens if it dont it dont. said i could get like 2% of royalties and shit--whatever hes convince itll be a big seller im just smiled and nodded. i guess well see. i dont think the band is gonna be back in town until next month who knows if hell remember or not, he was supposed to give me his number but i ended up drunk off my ass and left before the set was over. like i said well see, imagine that me being cynical about something.

well that brings us to today--not much went on--i worked, had to be stuck with katrina all day--i swear all the ppl i work with are freakin drama queens--and half of them are dating black guys so that ups the drama quotient by about 100% its nuts. so pretty much she drove me nuts all day--oh well. stopped and saw perk for a few mins then came home, now im sitting here writin, and taking an occasional shot of vodka. chasing with diet V8 splash--YUK--my mom cant read labels apparently thats the second time shes ened up with the diet shit. oh well. i have an e-mailk to write so i guess thats it.

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