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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/240895-05-09-03
Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #551971
My life Friends Loves and Experiences
#240895 added May 9, 2003 at 1:10pm
Restrictions: None
Crap. Where do I start? Two nights ago, after DA had spent some time with his dad, and I took AW out for dinner, we met up with DA. They wanted to to walk through the mall and maybe see a movie. So that was fine. I had to go over to DC & IV's and we made plans fro me to pick them up in about an hour and a half to two hours. We did and I took them back to DA's house. his sister was going to take AW home. When I had gotten home, after a few other errands and such, BOH was online and his first words were something like, "Tell me you didn't lay a hand on AW's dad." Needless to say, I was surprised. Then he told me that DA was over at JMC's, and AW's dad had been attacked and beaten and taken to the ER. Okay, I can't blame them and can see why they would automatically think that it was me. But it wasn't. I went over to JMC's. DA and AW were there. Apparently his dad was going to be okay, minus a few cracked ribs and some bruises. A neighbor had told AW that it was a man in a pickup truck, well, that confirmed to them that it was not me. Not much else happened that night.

Yesterday morning, DA and his sister are knocking on the door, quite upset. Their dad was in jail...for the attack on AW's dad. now, knowing some background on him, I was surprised, but i wasn't. But still, they were upset. Despite what he had done in the past, those two still love their dad. And, from what we've heard since, he has admitted doing it and faces some jail time for aggravated assault and battery. We're not sure yet, on how long or what will happen, now. I am still in a state of awe, about the fact that he did it. i mean, I know he has a violent temper, but that he would beat someone up for doing something very similar to what he did, (to DA's mom and sister), still surprises me. But, at the same time, it doesn't. the laste few times I've seen him, it did appear that he was trying to turn a new leaf. He had been civil with me and even though still did not like it that his son is gay, he appeared to be somewhat accepting it.
I don't even know what to think, right now. This whole week has been a blur. Too much, too soon, for my brain to comprehend all at once. Actually, I guess with the events of the last two-three weeks, it's still got me reeling. AW is doing fine. He was shaken up by what happened, I tthink mainly because at first we had no idea what it was about and who did it, and that it happened at his house, he didn't feel safe there. But, he still a bit upset by his dad getting beaten, but not as much as I had expected. Of course, after what his dad did to him, that is understandable, too. But, he is doing better, now. DA is okay, except that he's worried about his dad, now.

Everything else is going okay. JC is doing great and I talked to him last night. I haven't had a chance to talk to BOH since the other night, so I am not sure if he knows the latest or not. I hope he is doing okay. I just miss him so much and worry about him when I don't get the chance to talk to him. I'm not sure why. It just freaks me out.

22 tornadoes in the state, yesterday. That's after about 16-18 on Sunday. many of the same areas or close were the targets, again. They're talking about the possibilty of more severe weather, today. Oh well. I'm just rambling, now.

So, I guess I will close this one for now. have a great day, all.

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