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Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #551971
My life Friends Loves and Experiences
#245780 added June 23, 2003 at 3:49pm
Restrictions: None
06-12-03 GayDay
Yesterday started out to be a bust. AW called me and told me that he was grounded and would not be able to go the amusement park. His dad was being a major a$$hole from what he said. That just about did it. I was ready to scrap my plans, all together. I was so, NOT enthused about going by that time. First JC couldn't be here. DA was out of town. JMC was at work. And now AW, couldn't go either. I had basically said, "screw it!" I did not want to go alone, as it would not have been as fun.
I had to pick up my nephew, and take him to go get his dog from the vet, she had to have several teeth removed, due to an infection. Yeah, she's an old girl but a damn good dog. Well, after we had gotten back to his house, he mentioned that he wanted to go to the amusement park too, if I was going. I figured he'd have fun, so I changed my mind and decided to go. Yes, he knew that it was "GayDay", so it was not going to be a surprise. I would not do that to anyone.
At first, he was kinda freaked out, I think. It was his first exposure to so many gays and lesbians in one place. And then the drag queens showed up. LMAO. He was in shock. He kept asking, "Are those men or women?" At first all I could say was, "Yes." LOL Now he is 13, so he's not naive about it or anything, just being his first experience around them. As most of the DQ's were much much older, he kept saying, (discreetly, of course) "Oh my God. They look like grandmas." At first I thought he had said "grandma" and I busted out laughing. But, he ended up having a great time and felt completely comfortable there. There were only three rides that we did not ride. It was almost four for him, but after my third time of riding the rollercoaster, he said, "I wanna try it." I think part of it had to do with, the three little kids that were in line, too. They sat right behind us, too and he was acting so tough. Well, until the first hill, down. It's hard to explain, it was sort of like a growl and scream mixed into one. I was laughing so hard, at him. Though I was concerned about him and how he was feel after we got off. Then he said, "Let's do it again." YES!!!! I had gotten him addicted to the rollercoaster. But, I had to pay for it. He made me ride the Sleigh Ride, with him. My big fear was getting dizzy and getting sick. That didn't happen. However, it did kill my neck and head. But, that's okay. We rode the log ride a couple of times and got soaked, and then went back to the rollercoaster, several more times. He ended up riding it 5 times. :)
I am happy to say that he had a great time. And so did I. Though it would have been so much better with JC and the boys there too, it was still a huge success for our first year, doing that.
When I took him home, my sister aksed me if I had anyone I knew, there. My nephew popped up and said, "Good grief, mom. He knew about half of the people there." I wouldn't quite say half, after all there was just under 1000 people there. No, it's really not alot, but that's damn good for the first year. And besides, being a "small" crowd, lines for the rides were fairly short and quick.

What the hell is this? "All dads must be F***ING A$$HOLES WEEK?"
When I got home last night, I was saddened, again. I found out that BOH's dad is being an a$$, too. (I know I shouldn't really say that, since I don't know him. Sorry) He is apparently grounded from the computer for a week. :(:(
Damn, that f***ing sucks. But I am thankful that he did let us know, that he would not be online. I'd hate to go a week and not know what was going on with him. Yeah, it's still going to be hell, not being able to chat with him. But at least I'll know why.

Well, guess I'll close this one for now. Have a good day, all. :)

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