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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/254244-My-Harrowing-Night
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#254244 added August 24, 2003 at 2:51am
Restrictions: None
My Harrowing Night
Well, it was Aunt Priscilla's 60th Birthday Party. All good intentions, all bad outcomes. I get out of work around 2 and then start to head home. I get there and I have a note on my computer that says to call my sister Terri and cousin Brenda. They need rides down the cape along with Brenda's boyfriend. Alright, no problem. Terri doesn't get out of work until 3:30, guess that blows my chance of showing up early to hang out with Shaneen. Anyways, I get lost a few times trying to find Brenda and then I get there after an hour or so. We then go to Terri's house and get there fine. It was hellish getting back on the highway though. I have never driven in Quincy before, so it was a struggle. After a bunch of people saying, "Turn left! No, right! Stop! No, keep going! Oh no, wrong way!" we end up on the highway. Then it was fine. Easy from then on.

I get to the cottage and see Shaneen. I swear she gets more breath-taking everytime I see her. Anyways, Dan comes up and gives her a kiss. SLAM! Punch in the face to me. No good, that they're together again. She was getting really upset with him because he promised he wouldn't drink but did anyways. Saying "Well, I lied" isn't really the way to make up for it, but I guess that's the best Dan could come up with. Anyways, we talked a little. First about Accutane and then just about little things. We were having a good time. Then I decided to visit everyone else. We got there late around 6 or 7, so there wasn't too much time to do anything. The food was gone, the people were tired, and I was getting ready to go home. Ofcourse it was easier said than done.

I was going to go and drop Terri off in Quincy when Brenda wanted to know if I could drop her and her boyfriend off at my Aunt Marsha's house. Alright, I can deal with that. What I wasn't prepared for was Dan coming in from left field saying "Sure, me and Shaneen will come too! She'll just sit on my lap!" He was drunk out of his mind, but I said ok anyways.

We got in the car and it was FUCKING PSYCHOTIC. Six people total in the car. Me driving with Terri and Shaneen in the front seat and Dan behind me and Brenda and her boyfriend in the back too. Music was blaring, people were screaming, and I was feeling kinda under the weather on top of it all. I'm trying to ignore everything by just concentrating on the music. Shaneen is trying to get everyone calm, she knew it was hard for me to drive with all this comotion. After screams and shouts to turn everywhich way, I just couldn't concentrate anymore. I was taking lefts for rights and rights for lefts. I was about to snap at Dan for being the biggest fucking asshole of the night. We pulled into a gas station which didn't have diesel, so Terri decided to call my dad to see if there was someplace where we could get it.

Shaneen got out to have a smoke. Terri was asking me if I wanted her to drive, I said I was alright. Everyone is still screaming and all. Shaneen is getting upset because of all the noise and the fact that I'm all stressed out. When she gets back in the car, she accidentally shuts the door on her ring finger. She was in so much pain. I didn't know what to do, I just sat and saw it all happen. Terri turned to Dan and told him to run in the store and get some ice. His reply: "I don't have any money..." You've got to be shitting me. Dan, you are just a worthless shit! I ran into the store and asked if they had any medical ice packs. They said no and pointed to the ice bags they had. I broke one open a bag and got some ice, Then all I could find was a plastic bag for sporks and ripped it open the put the ice in. It was the best I could come up with and ran out of the store for Shaneen. Dan was trying to console her who was now in tears and yelling at him for being an asshole in the car. He's just feebily saying he's sorry. Me and Terri ran in to get something better to hold the ice in. She then told me that she was going to drive the rest of the way. I was going to sit with Shaneen and console her.

I felt like this whole ordeal was my fault for some reason. I should have shut Dan up. I should have done something. I don't think it would've prevented anything though. I just sat by Shaneen and wiped her tears away, asking if she was ok and assuring her everything will be alright. I would give anything so she would never shed another tear. She doesn't need to live this way. Brenda and her boyfriend were saying that they needed to stop at a liquor store close by. I almost fucking threw them out of the car. A fucking liquor store? "No, we are going home now!" I said. And so we got home safely with Terri driving.

After that, Dan tried to play the concerned boyfriend role and took Shaneen in his arms. We got inside and then Dan turned to me because him and Brenda's boyfriend wanted me to drive them to the liquor store. I couldn't fucking believe it. I don't even know why I said I would. Brenda said she would go and me and Terri would stay with Shaneen. We talked about how the night has gone and how much it sucked. We told Terri how me and Shaneen were planning on getting married and moving into a mansion when I become the CEO of Stop and Shop. I wish that these were serious dreams. I really do. Then Aunt Marsha came home. She took Shaneen up to the bathroom and checked out her finger. There's a good chance that it could be broken. Dan came back and tried the concerned boyfriend role again. Aunt Marsha wanted to take her to get X-rays. So they got ready to go. I gave Shaneen a big hug and a damn near close to a tearful one. I told her to call as soon as possible tomorrow to see what the results were. I care so much about her, I hope she's alright and there's minimal damage done.

After this whole ordeal Me and Terri were finally ready to head home. I was backing up in the car and thinking entirely about Shaneen and not what I was backing up to. I hit a parked truck across the street. Fucking dumbass of me. Luckily Dan thought that it wouldn't matter since the truck was already in a major accident 2 days ago and was completely fucked up. Still, there's big dent in my car, and a tail light gone. I couldn't believe it. I just wanted this night to end! I should've just slept over and stayed with Shaneen, but no, I drove home with Terri and dropped her off. Then I cam home to mum and told her the story. Which brings us up to about this point.

After this whole fucking evil night of madness, I'm punching out.

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