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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/256574-alrighty
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #541409
this is a honest look at my thoughts, keep your mind open
#256574 added September 13, 2003 at 12:59pm
Restrictions: None
ok, i'm tired, and slightly nervous about as, usual, my english assignment. I am supposed to be doing the final for it and my book is in my locker. I haven't gotten started. ugh!!!! Well this week has been ok, my mom was away on business for most of it, so i haven't gotten into any fights. Alicia is still refusing to speak to me, it's annoying, i don't even know why. She told kellie that it was a convo that we had on yahoo, but i let kellie read it and she's now as confused as me.
yesterday.......... half day, kellie came to get me in the morning 10 minutes early, she was pissed at her brother, he told her parents that she had been speeding and she got yelled at and threatened. But how can they take her car away when it's under her name and she's the one who pays for everything!? ok, that makes about as much sense as monica's dad tellling her that driving alone is illeagal if you are under 18. school was a waste, 2 periods i didn't really do anything, english was just discusson. i have an 89%!!!!! yay! i seriously thought i was failing, she said my grade was so high because of my taking part in discussion. yay~! and i got a paper back from her and i got a 3/5! yay! the first paper i haven't failed. she is seriously grading us on a college level, and everyone is struggling. we did a bunch of john donne poems this week, we had to find a partner and explain to the class the different uses of poetic divices throughout the poem. my partner, mike, and i got the poem "THE FLEA" oh yeah, so we had to get up and tell the class that it was about sex, yeah. after all the preppy little girls had just gone up and talked about his religious, and love poems, we got up and sex sex sex. there is a line in there that says, "it sucked you first then it sucked me," mike and i found this website that said that in the time that this poem was written (1600s) that the "s" and "f" were written almost the same and maybe donne did it as a pun.... it sucked you.... get it?
so afterschool i hung out w/ dee and kellie, that was fun, very girly, instead of listening to what we listen to in kellie's truck (slipknot, korn, s of a down.) we listened to jlo, britney, spice girls, lol, very girly. when kellie brought me home monica was here, asleep in my bed saying how she had wanted to come with us, i don't really believe her but whatever. the two of us went to "once upon a time in mex." jonnhy depp is seriously beatiful, and a pretty good actor. i wasn't very impressed, it didn't seem to have the same feeling as desparado. then we went to the local party spot around here "the pits" it's in the middle of the woods, a bunch of ppl go there w/ beer light a fire and just hang out, it's pretty dumb if you ask me. i drank part of a hard lemon aide, and i lost track of what monica took, she decided that she wanted to debate me on something so we started debating about sex, 9-11, just stuff, i'm not really sure why, i think she wanted to feel smart and beat me. i am on the team, (speach and debate) but i just joined and i have never done it before, but i can still beat her every argument. it was pretty boring, until monica got beer we just sat there, there weren't many people we knew. around 10:30 kellie showed up, with some really drunk guy she didn't know, she was kinda freaking out and this other guy was like hanging on her and being gross. he tried to kiss her and grabbed her ass. she didn't look happy so i decided to get him off. the nice way, i wasn't going to hurt him, or be a bitch. which in my opinon gets assholes gone fast, but pisses my friends off. so when he asked me if he was cute, after kellie wouldn't answer, i told him that he wasn't as cute as her boyfriend (lie!) and he was shocked and kinda let go of her, and asked who he was, kellie told him that he wouldn't know him, and he looked at me and i agreed. i told him that her bf (mike) was 19. the guy slantered away, kellie was pretty grateful, (she told me at least) and after a while i talked her into taking me home. this was a new experience for her but not for me, i was bored. you don't have fun at these thing unless you are drunk. and i don't ever want to be drunk around those ppl. ugh. isn't highschool supposed to be more exciting??? i gotta go work on my fountain head essay. until later...

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