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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/259376-Friends
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #611977
Just my Journal, a few opinions and stuff.
#259376 added September 30, 2003 at 7:37pm
Restrictions: None

At the moment, I seem to have come to an awesome place in my life! I have friends! And They actually want to do stuff with me, and aren't just asking me to come to be polite! Wow. Warm squishies! I'm going into town with my pals from Polytech this afternoon, which should be fun.

I dunno, maybe I'm opening up more now that I'm growing older and wiser (hopefully). I've always been shy and kinda introverted. Also being the oldest sibling, I was the one ploughing the way at the front, you know, doing the big sister stuff, but you kind of end up relying on the younger sisters for support sometimes. Blerck! My sister is reading this over my shoulder as I write this, so =P to her.

In my first school, Thorington Primary, I had friends, mostly from kindergarten, but also because my mum would make friends with other mums and that helped. Also my best friend from then is a huge extrovert. We aren't best friends any more, but we're on okay terms.

My second school, Grange Valley Primary, I was incredibly shy. I'd been pulled up from my home where I felt comfortable, and replanted in England. I knew nobody and they all talked funny. At first I was kind of friends with the loner of the class, but then I became friends with a girl who dominated me. If something went wrong, it was my fault. If I went and played with anyone else, she got jealous and upset, saying I didn't want to be friends any more. I was only eight, what was I to do? Nothing. We fought constantly, and when I finally moved from England three years later we swore to be best friends forever and I bawled my eyes out at the airport. It's only looking back that I can see what a bitch she really was to me. I keep in email contact with her, but we're such different people, I don't know what to say to her sometimes.

My third school, Nixon Street Primary, was better. I became friends with several girls. My first impression of my soon-to-be best friend was that she was a slacker- but that's the total opposite of what she is! We did have our occassional squabbles- but doesn't everyone? We remained best friends, and still are best friends. She was a dominating sort of person too, but I'm more of a follower anyway. She could and did hurt me sometimes(one of her fondest memories is one time I was (in all fairness) being very annoying so she punched my shoulder so hard her braclet fell off). But she has matured a lot since she was thirteen, and she doesn't act the same way any more. I still love her to bits, but she's changed a lot since she went to Uni in Hobart, so it'll take some time to get to know her again.

At the same time I became friends with two other girls in my class, and we became a group, the four of us. I'm not friends with either of those two now, and I'll explain that later. One of these two was- there's only one word for it- a sook. Let's call her Sooky. She was the biggest sook on the face of the planet! When we had to work in pairs in class, we made up a roster (Sooky didn't know about this) of who had to work with her this time around. Sooky was also my patrol treasurer at Guides (I was the Patrol Leader), and spent all the patrol's money. I was very pissed off about that, needless to say! We were on the brink of not being friends with her numerous times. She and the second girl- call her Psycho, cos she was- used to fight like cat and dog, let me tell you. I was usually the peacemaker, taking neither side, although there was once when I tried to keep the peace and Sooky attacked me too, so I got mad, then Sooky cried and the teacher made us apologise- long story. I just stopped communicating with her after I left.

So then my parents split, and me and my sisters and mum moved back to NZ. New school, new friends. My first day at Cashmere I hated. I went home and cried because me head of school had paired me up with one of the most unpopular girls in the class and I knew she was because my cousin was in my class and yeah. That year I was sort of in this group who were all boyfriends and coolness (the only time ever), but I was best friends with the other outsider in the group and we started hanging out at school, just the two of us. However, she wasn't very outgoing either- she is Asian, and she spent a lot of time studying. The next year I became friends with a girl in my art class- another very dominating person. I don't know why I keep being friends with these people! Anyway, I was friends with her for a while, and I spent less and less time with my Asian friend because she was in the library all the time and I was in the art room all the time. In my final year of high school, things went from bad to worse. I spent next to no time with my Asian friend, and the other three girls (including the one I mentioned before- this no-names policy gets confusing!) stopped hanging out with me. So I was on my own a lot in the middle of the year, until the three began to talk to me again. My formal was bad to start with- they went and arranged to meet at one of the girl's house and told me they weren't so I wouldn't go, but I guessed what they were doing. However, there was one saving grace that prevented that formal from being a totaly drag.

aarna!!!! My saving angel!!! We first became friends in year 12 (that's year 11 for you aussies) when we were in maths. She was a year below me, but was a year ahead for maths (my school does that). She happened to be sitting next to me, and I was doodling in my diary. She saw me doodling, and recognised it as Dragonball Z, and asked if it was. I said yes- and voila! We became friends over DBZ! We shared a passion for those musclesome Saiyans, and that made us friends. Even though we shared no classes the year after, we still hung out together, and it was her and her friends that I hung out with at the formal (my 'friends' were boring as). We're still very much best friends, and we share a lot of intrests, and I am now also friends with her cousins too. Raen is my buddy and I hold a special place for her in my heart. Hugs for you!

During my years at Cashmere High, I had three summers in Australia, two with my sisters and one alone. It was then that I became better friends with Circe , which is odd, considering I don't live there any more. She became friends with my friends after I left, and I did know her, but not well. Once the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, we were hooked, and she was the first of my friends to read it (I had already). We became very good friends, and now she is one of my bosom buddies and I love her to pieces. She recently came to visit me, and I've totally converted her- she's an honourary kiwi now! Go the All Blacks! I call her way more than I do my other best friend, and I miss them both, especially now Circe's at her dad's and doesn't have email for 2 weeks- how shall I cope? Yay for text messaging!

Also upon my second return, I asked if we could have a sleepover, everyone could come- "Not Psycho" says my Aussie buddy. "Why not?" says I. "Well." It turns out that Circe and another of my friends had decided to become pagans, and Psycho was too narrow-minded to accept that. She was a good little Christian, and I have to say, going by what I was told, it's a good thing we aren't friends any longer. I don't have a problem with Circe being pagan, in fact I say good for her! If that's what she wants, go do it! I believe Circe rants about Psycho in her journal near the start too. I have no room for intolerant people in my friendship circle, no sirree!

Now I've almost spent a year at Polytech, and I'm becoming friends with the girls and guys in my class. None of them are special friends as yet, they're all different, and we're going to Fudge Cottage this afternoon for the tour. YUM!! They're a different set of friends to my other friends, but I do want and I will keep both groups. My Polytech friends are a more adult group- we go out into town at night sometimes, which I don't do with my PHFA friends, and we do different things together. It's fun! I love having these new friends, and I hope that this new outgoingness keeps on growing! I'm going to need it!

Woah, would you look at that. Big soul spilling for all to see. How embarrassing! And it's bloody long too. Oh well, if you read this far, 5 points for you! (How many does that make it, Raen? Oh! BTW I got ten points off my cousin the other day, what does that bring my count to?)

Okay, stop spying on my life your people! Bye! ~^_^~

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