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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/262867-Survey
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #470704
Things I find myself only able to express in words and in this journal - welcome!
#262867 added October 22, 2003 at 11:04pm
Restrictions: None

1.Do u believe in love at first sight? No...not really.

2.Have you ever fallen for someone you thought you would never beable to date? Fallen? Hrm...sorta...but not really. Depends on angles.

3.Are you in love right now? I think I'm supposed to say no to this now. Yeah, supposed to. I still am some.

4. Have you ever been in a longdistance relationship? If so how long did it last? Blerge, yes, that situation sucks. It lasted 2 years, 8 months, and 2 days though...go figure.

5.How do you know if you are in love? Yeah, you do just sorta know, you feel it. It's not that you think you're in love, you feel that you are and you just know. Suddenly, when you're with or talking to that person, nothing else matters. It's just you 2 in your own little world. You also feel it when you fall out of love.

6. Do you ever hope to get married? IF so who to? Yeah, one day. Hopefully to the right person...I don't wanna be divorced...

7.What kinda of wedding to you hope to have ( if one ) and where? I don't know. Smaller wedding, nature incorporated, prefer fall to any other time of year.

8.What kind of people to you tend to go for and date? Caring, Funny, Considerate....Intellectual to an extent, and.... what else? Just interesting overall and I don't mean interesting cause of all their drama.

9.Does a persons personality play a big role in rather you will date them? Yeah, you could say that. That's the biggest role of all.

10. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Nope...not anymore.

11. If so who? How long have you been dating?


12. Who is your bestfriend? Do I gotta pick? No, not really. Let's put it this way...if they actually tried to stay in contact with me, then pretty much, they're at least a good friend. Those who I still talk to about everyday, yeah, those are probably my best friends.

13. How long have you known them? Depends on who you're talking about.

14. Do you have alot of friends at school? Not at all and the people I talk to are like acquaintances. Except Neal, cause he's a friend.

15. What type of people do you hang out with? Loners? I don't know, I just consider us to be normal people. I don't really like the label thing.

16. How would you describe you bestfriend? Which one? Most of them are really funny, sweet, dependable, loyal, and trustworthy. And the best friends have an uncanny ability to make me feel better almost instantly.

17. Why are they your bestfriend? Because they make sure they're always there for me, somehow, someway. They listen. And they don't let me fall down as much nor do they let me stay down as long.

Fun Questions

18. IF you had to name one person you could live with your WHOLE life who would it be? Um, yeah...let us not go here right now. Wait...no... lol... bad.

19. What is your favorite band? I have many favorts! 3 Doors Down, Stereofuse, Godsmack, Hootie and the Blowfish, etc. it goes on and on and on.

20. Do you sleep with PJ, just a shirt, undies, or what ? Normally some t-shirt and pj pants.

21. What is your favorite T.V. show? Gilmore Girls, Drew Carey, Whose Line, Will and Grace, Friends, SNL. College leaves you with more time to watch TV, especially when you're living alone and don't know many people.

22. What is the greatest movie you have seen so far? Greatest? Psht...yeah whatever.... I have too many movies I like. All of you know this.

23. Name your favorite part of your body............ also name your favorite part of someones elses body (LOL) My eyes or hands. I like Kat's ears, lol, um... that's like the only other body part of someone that I think I should mention.

24. Can you sleep with lights on? Lately, I just wanna be able to sleep...

25. What is the stupidest thing anyone has ever called you? I...try to forget? I don't know.

Personal Questions

26. What do you think about yourself? That I'm particulary shy, but fairly funny once I open up. That I'm pretty laidback and simple. And just because I'm so laidback and simple, it doesn't mean I'm stupid and have no opinion. Think I'm a good listener, at least when I'm not stressed out. I'm sweet and pretty considerate. Oh my god, Robyn said nice things.... haha.

27. What do you love and hate most about yourself? Love: when I'm optimistic, when I can inspire others, when I make people laugh, how determined I am. Hate: the things I'm trying to change? Like blaming myself, hating myself, making others miserable because I feel miserable, when I have a crappy outlook on life.

28. Have you ever had sex? Nope...only when I find the right one and it's the right time. Or at least someone who I wouldn't regret it with if not the right one.

29. Do you smoke? Sadly, lately I've wanted to. That's not like me, but... stressed...know it calms you. And irony, my parents are trying to stop. My goal is not to. Actually, not my goal. I'm not going to, it's a statement and demand.

30. What color eyes do you have? Green mostly.

31. Do you think your hott, sexy, ect? Definitely not

32. What kind of personality do you have? Introverted? Yeah...and sensitive.

33. Are you against gay and lesbian people? Yes, I have a huge problem with this...huge. *winks*

34. What is your name? Robyn

35. When is your birthday? December 13th

36. Can you drive yet? Yes, almost for 3 years now... well 4 if you count learner's permit.

38. What is your nick name? Bean, Bob, Bobbin, Missy, Rob-Bob, Rib-Tib, Mexican Jumping Bean, Moose, um... what else? I don't know. Though J Leigh would be kinda cool now that I think about it. Jaylee... haha. Okies...anyways.

Final Question

37. What do you think about the person who sent this to you? Kat obviously didn't get this from anyone, it just APPEARED. It's Kat... she's crazy, psycho, spazzy, I mean...she'll be in a padded cell in about 3 years. Come on people...

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