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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/266385-Life-and-Death
by RatDog
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #274453
A Journal of my adventures in the world I inhabit while I'm asleep.
#266385 added November 17, 2003 at 2:33am
Restrictions: None
Life and Death
I get a phone call from Beth, a neighbor I haven't seen in a while. She's an older woman, a widow I sometimes do odd jobs for as part of my handyman trade. I ask how she's been, expecting her to tell me she needs a sink repaired or some other small favor. "I'm OK, but Diana's not doing so well." she says.

Diana is her daughter, a real estate agent about ten years younger than me, a real hottie. She doesn't live with her mother, but she's often visiting when I'm there working.

"What's wrong with Diana?" I ask.

"She's really sick, she's got AMDS."

"Oh my God! I'm sorry to hear that," I say.

AMDS is a recently identified disease affecting sexually active heterosexuals as often as homosexuals. It speeds up the body's metabolic rate, causing rapid weight loss and heart stress, ultimately leading to death. So far, there is no known cure.

"She's really depressed. She hasn't been able to work for a while now, and none of her friends stop by any more. Do you think you could come over, maybe for just a short visit? She always liked you, and I know it would mean a lot to her. I don't think she has much time left..."

"Sure, sure, I'll be right over," I say.

I walk into the room and I'm horrified by Diana's appearance. I tried to prepare myself for this, having heard of the effects of the disease, but it's much worse than I could have imagined. She looks like a skeleton with pale waxy skin hanging loosely on her bones. She is unable to even lift her head from the pillow as I approach the bed. I try not to let the horror show on my face, but she knows...

"I look pretty bad, huh?" she whispers.

"Not rea... well yeah, actually you do," I say, unable to lie.

She smiles faintly and says softly "That's what I like... about you... no bullshit..."

I smile back.

"I'm so sorry... I wish there was something I could do..." I say, as I take her hand.

I start to think about my past studies of Castaneda, and the ability of some people to transfer power to others. I concentrate on channeling my energy through the palm of my hand into her. It appears to be working, I can feel the energy leaving my body and she is regaining color in her skin. But the effect on me is totally draining, her disease is like a bottomless pit, sucking energy from me. I can feel my heart weakening as my strength leaves, and I realize if I keep this up it will kill me long before I could do much more for her than prolong her death for a short while. She realizes this too, as I let go of her hand.

Diana uses the little energy I have given her to sit up in bed, and reaches out to me with her hands. I lean over and hug her frail body. "I'm so sorry... I wish I could do more... " I say.

"It's ok.. don't be sad..." she whispers.

"So tired... need to sleep... see you tomorrow?" She says, as she lies back down.

"Sure, I'll stop by again," I say.

I go home and fall immediately asleep, totally drained from the visit.

In the morning I'm awakened by a phone call. I know it's Beth, even before I answer...

"Diana's gone..." she says.

© Copyright 2003 RatDog (UN: cyam_01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/266385-Life-and-Death