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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/267042-Kristis-Birthday
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#267042 added November 22, 2003 at 2:52am
Restrictions: None
Kristi's Birthday
Last night I was talking to Kristi online and she said it was her birthday. When I asked what she wanted, she said everything. I said I would get her a pony. She said cool. After an hour or so, I thought "Wait, I really should get her something. Get me out of the ditch I'm in." So I said that the pony got lost in the mail and if there was anything else she wanted. She said stickers. So I figured I'd get some band stickers. She likes Alkaline Trio and other such bands. My friend said that I could get them at Hot Topic at the Independence Mall. Shit yeah, the start of a mission! I swear I was not in the right state of mind. I was going to wake up at 5, go to the mall in Kingston, about a 38 minute drive, then go to Bridgewater, another 38 minute drive, and then give her the stickers.

I didn't realize that the mall opened at 9, which is when my first class started. I also didn't take into effect that I suck at getting up to my alarm. I woek up at 8 and yelled "Fuck!" So I was driving to school thinking, "Fuck, I should've atleast made a CD or something with emo songs on it. I don't have anything!" Around that time I was passing by Whitman Stop and Shop and thought, Melody can help me! She's gotta!

I went to Melody and explained the situation. She suggested that I get her a Teddy Bear. Some may say that giving a Teddy Bear to some girl is sending a bad message, but no thought crossed my mind of that. So Igot the Teddy Bear and also a bunch of stickers. $16.95 later, back on my way to Bridgewater. When I got there, I was 30 minutes late for my Spanish class, I went to the room, but no one was there, good stuff, class was cancelled. I went back to the Campus Center to wait around for Kristi to show.

It was nearing my class time at 10 and she still didn't show. I was thinking it would be a bad idea to give her the gifts infront of her friends too. I have the feeling that they just don't like me. Stupid Emo kids. Anyways, I decided that I would wait on it. As I was walking towards my class. She was walking towards me and she waved while talking on her cellphone. I stopped her and she hung up her phone. Then I started my presentation.

I held my backpack infront of me and sang "Happy birthday to you" and unzipped my backpack. "Happy birthday to you" I took out the Teddy Bear and she said "Oh my god! That is so cute!" I continued, "Happy birthday dear Kristi" and pulled out the stickers. She said "Oh my god!" again. "Happy birthday to you" and I zipped my backpack back up.

Then she said "Oh my god! That was so sweet! Thank you so much! You didn't have to do that!" I just shrugged and said "Eh, I figured since it was your birthday...." She kept thanking me and my arms were still in the shrugging form, giving the very slightest hint of a hug. I could've sworn she was debating whether to give me a hug or not. I didn't want to force anything incase she wasn't. Anyways, she had the biggest smile on her face and seemed so happy. Then I went to class and she thanked me again.

In class I was glowing. I was just so happy that I made her so happy. She seemed so sad the night before. She said she would never get back together with the one she loved. I'm glad that my gift made her smile. I was so happy, I wrote a poem about her! The first time in years I wrote a poem on my own free will! Woah! It's in my notebook and I'll add it in the next entry once I find it again.

After class I walked by her group again. She didn't see me, but I saw her still with a smile and hugging the bear. Awesome! Then I went back to Stop and Shop to tell Melody of my success. She asked "Did you get a hug?" and I said no. She said "What?? Why not???" I said that it looked like she was debating it. Anyways, I went home to work and kept thinking about it all day. It was just so awesome.

After work I got a call from Cathy to see if I wanted to hang out with 3 women (Cathy, Arline, and Amy) and watch movies. Sounds good. I told all of them the story and they loved it. They also asked if I got a hug and were shocked that I didn't. Hehe, maybe I should've went for it. Anyways. When I got home I started talking to Al. He told me I did good. Then I talked to Kristi shortly and she again thanked me for the present.

Then I talked to Rich, for some reason he was all against it saying that it was a bad move. Saying it was too much and that I'm going to scare her away. He also told me that Josh was dating her now, but looking back on how they act together, it doesn't really seem it. Is he against me for some reason? I'll have to find out. Overall, damn good day!

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