Take A Look Into The Life Of Sarah As She Grows Up. |
I am SO SO SO tired!!! I figure work experience is a learning experience, right? So I'm going to write it all down in here sp I can remember all of it. Okay, first thing I did was listen to the children read. One by one. THere was thid other girl there, who I befriended quickly, and both of us went through two classes of reading in two hours (which is excellent) The the kids practised their assembly item (Bob the Builder songs). IT was so funny. I go to alittle girl "Where are we going?" Because I'd just arrived back form an errand and everyone was packing up. And she looked at me all seriously and goes "A placew with steps, and a big space for people to sit in. It's called an assembly hall" So funny, I had to bite my tounge to stop myself from laughing. Their item was so funny, I swear. They were all out of time. The girl (we'll call her Mandy) and I had to take six kids out to practise walking in a line onto the stage to the misic. This one girl thought she knew it all and she kept taking this hat thing off her head and walking around. Then they were dancing to an S CLub 7 song and these to little boys were waltzing lmao K thats pretty much all, but I'm so exhausted. I actually think I'm coming down with something. I hope I last the week. I so cant wait for tomorrow! ~~Piper: I'm getting stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower! Piper/Leo Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Dawson/Jen Pacey/Audrey Steph/Max Jack/Nina Brooke/Deacon Amber/Rick~~ |