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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/271249-Train-Station-Memories
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#271249 added January 8, 2004 at 1:08pm
Restrictions: None
Train Station Memories
Hi folks.

Happy New Year. Happy 2004.

I had an urge to log on and write this.

I've learnt not to ignore urges...well some urges anyways. Oh oh...I seem to remember my grade one teacher saying something to me about urges. What was it again? Oooooooh I remember now..."You stop that at once you naughty little boy!" Hmmmmmmm *Confused* I think I've gotten off on the wrong foot. How about if I start all over again?

Hi folks.

Happy New Year. Happy 2004.

I wrote this.

(How was that? Hopefully I won't violate my parole with that opening.)

Someone I recently met inspired this. I was thinking about using it in my Lenny and Samantha item...(I'm still working on them BTW)...but I figured I'd best use it now coz I'm not sure when my Lenny stuff will be ready.

Train Station Memories

He noticed her waiting to buy a ticket two lines over from him. It was clear she would be heading in a completely different direction than where he was going.

He had never seen such a creature. He suddenly found himself fantasizing about her.

What was the point? In only a few more minutes he would never see her again. Still...he couldn't resist. He was compelled to look her way. She seemed so at ease as she smiled and talked with the couple in front of her while she waited in line.

He wondered what her name was. Surely something so lovely wouldn't have a common name. Surely this creature would have a seldom heard, magical name.

His train would be leaving very soon...in a matter of minutes. If he was going to do something he had to do it now. Summoning up every ounce of courage he possessed he left his line and walked over to stand beside her. This wasn't like him at all. He normally wasn't this impetuous.

She was talking and didn't notice him at first. Some of the people nearby began to eye him suspiciously. The sideway glances alerted her to look to her left.

He ignored all the staring eyes. He ignored everyone's eyes but hers.

"Pardon me..." he said very softly.

She quickly wondered if she knew him or not. He didn't look familiar.

"It's not my intention to make you uncomfortable. If I do then please tell me and I'll go."

Everyone nearby in line quickly looked him over.

"I would like to ask something of you if I may. Something rather personal."

She was taken aback by his sudden appearance and mysterious request.

"May I?" he asked sheepishly as the seconds seemed to drag out while she considered her response.

She thought he had kind eyes. She put a lot of credence in kind eyes and soft words. Without consulting anyone she nodded.

"In a few minutes..."

He paused to gather his courage once more.

"In a few minutes my train..."

He nodded to his previous line.

"and your train will be travelling very quickly in totally different directions. I'll be sitting on that train but I won't be thinking about where I'm going or what's waiting for me when I get there..."

"I'll be thinking about you..."

He paused unsure if he was making a total fool of himself. The look in her eyes gave him the strength to continue.

"I'll be thinking about you...and kicking myself. I'll be kicking myself because I wasn't brave enough to ask if I could kiss you just now."

There were some gasps and giggles from the people nearby.

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life kicking myself...not when you're so close. Not when I've almost asked you for a kiss already."

This all came as a complete shock to her. She never expected to be having a conversation like this with a perfect stranger. Certainly not while waiting in line in a train station.

He shifted nervously as he felt himself begin to blush.

"I've never before asked a complete stranger if I could kiss them. I'm not usually this rash...but time is very short. In a few minutes we'll most likely never meet again. I'd like the privilege of kissing you. I'm hoping that kiss will be enough to convince me not to travel on that train over there but on your train instead. I'm hoping a kiss from you will show me you find me attractive as well. Maybe this one kiss will be the first of countless more."

All eyes now turned to her and her response. It was her turn to feel flushed from blushing. Her puzzled stare and complete silence made him begin to wonder if he would soon be regretting doing this.

She slowly raised her left hand and pointed to the ring on her finger.

"Sorry." she said as she watched the bright spark in his eyes fade before her.

"Lucky guy." he said with an embarrassed smile before excusing himself and hurrying back to his former line.

They didn't have much opportunity to glance at each other before she found herself at the front of her line.

Soon they were each on their separate trains. Each quickly travelling in different directions. Each heading towards their different lives and futures.


They sometimes wonder if that kiss would have been magical.

I've gotta scoot. Mitch has asked me to watch a movie with him. See ya.

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