Take A Look Into The Life Of Sarah As She Grows Up. |
I didn't go to town today. By the time Dad got up and read the paper, he insisted Mum and I help to take apart the bunk beds so he could pull the carpet up. I watched as he and my mum had many fights while trying to clean the room. They eventually did so and we went to that place I mentioned last night which was so boring, I can't believe that I didn't fall asleep. Why is it that whenever I'm not bright, talkative and cheerful, that people just assume that something's wrong with me? Today I was at that place and a relative of mine was talking and not letting me get a word in edgewise. Then she kept asking me what was wrong. Then when Mum went to brush some of my hair out of my face, I pushed her hand away, so she put her arm around me. I pulled away and my relative just looks at Mum and goes: "Is she in a funny mood?" I mean, COME ON! I'm not a person who likes to be touched a lot, I'm sorry. Not everyone is like that. I like my personal space, but some people just don't understand that. I hate being called "Sar". I detest it. But no matter how many times I tell them, they keep calling me it. How hard is it to call me "Sarah"? But, no, with them, it's always "Sar" I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched this thing on tv where 10 boys, aged 10 and 11 were in a house by themselves for 5 days and filmed. It was cool. It was sweet how some of the guys were protective of each other. ~*.: Sarah :.*~ Current Mood: angry Current Music: "Boys Of Summer"- DJ Sammy ~~Piper: I'm getting stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower! Piper/Leo Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Dawson/Jen Pacey/Audrey Steph/Max Jack/Nina Brooke/Deacon Amber/Rick~~ |