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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/273482-story-timevery-long-entry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #541409
this is a honest look at my thoughts, keep your mind open
#273482 added January 19, 2004 at 10:19pm
Restrictions: None
story time(very long entry)
ok this is the entry i have been meaning to write for weeks.
i have had a relaxing 2 days so now i am no longer emotionally exausted. and kellie thinks that i can sleep to much. right.
so school is stressful obviously. right now in chem we are doing things that i really don't understand, i just passed my 1st alg. 2 w/ a 71% yes! i suck at math! sweet! this class could screw my entire school record just like it did to kellies! sweet! am histroy is easy, the teacher thinks we are all idiots who run on our reputation of being "smart" right. not this chickadeee. i like the class just not her. she is completely set in her ways. for example, we are all in groups of 4/5 and given the task of creating and running a government. ok. we get to choose the type. one group choose communisim. at first she told them it was a good idea. then a couple days later she advised against it. she hinted that in this game "fate" in other words the enoforcer of the rules and gave teams challenges (herself) did not favor the communists. the next day she went on this rant about comm. russia and germany, swearing about how if we were alive at the time we would most deffiantely feel the same. we are not allowed to make these mistakes for ourselves and crap like that. ugh. if she didn't want us doing it she should have taken it out of the options. stephanie pointed this out and the teacher brushed the q. off. ok whatever.
moving on w/ the school things.... culinary intern, pretty cool, i have it right after lunch so that's good, my teacher was sick one day last week so i taught the class, it was all about sanitary practices and stuff like that (temp danger zone, proper handling, serving methods) fun stuff like that. luckly the teacher also has an aide who grades papers and stuff so i don't have to.... hehehehee.
monica has been having problems at home. her homelife is complicated, in her words she has a very disfunctional family. her dad works 2 jobs, she never really sees her mom, she lives with her really bratty sis (i'm not just saying that(this girl (13) has issues. she minipulates her dad against monica) and she's worried about college and stuff. she's a sen. this year and the stress isn't helping her life out. she got into a huge fight w/ her dad and came up here, apperently she got into a fist fight w/ her little sis and her dad punched her. he is a construction worker who is about 250. she is about 130. not good. so she came to me, sobbing and really messed up. it sucked. to say the least. i am not sure where she is right now. she was going to go to a friend of our's house for a while then her older sis's house in tuscan, but this happened last thurs. night and at 4:30 on fri morning i was on my way to an asu sp&deb tournment. i am not going to call her dad's house and she isn't answering her cell. and i have no idea what her mom's # is. ugh!!! that is actually frustrating me right now. ugh if she isn't at sch tommorow, i am going to find her. online or through other ppl. don't doubt me ;)
so i went on a sp&deb trip. it was intrestingly bittersweet. i procrastinated so my cases were screwed. i didn't even have a neg case, i had to copy stephanie's on the way there. yeah. way to get after it. actually i would have to have completely written it. step overslept again. our coach was pissed. he decided to try to leave her, but i called her and convinced her to come. i lost all my rounds. yeah. painful. i think i should have won at least one of them. for 1 i debated this really hot guy, he had really clear blue eyes and great hair.... sigh.... moving on. our judge was a slighly overweight blond woman who was no more then 23. she was wearing a pink low cut top. he was smiling at her and stuff. ugh. so i lost and on my ballot she called me and i quote!!!! "boardering on rude" that's just because i was debating properly w/ him and becoming frustrated that the two of them were seeing that my point of environoment over economy was indeed correct. ugh@! and debating is about the clash not the sweet talk. uugh.. but i learned alot. i hope.
ok, so i became better aquainted w/ steph, she's not as bad as i 1st thought. well i'm not sure about how much i can trust her but i will soon see. braden was cool, until the end when he was being overly judgemental, he is deffinately weird, eric doesn't really like him. i had fun w/ eric and david. step actually confided in me that kinda suprised me, i doubt most of her friends know some of the stuff she told me. we were talking about judgement of her church (LDS, her and braden are very mormon, and he had made some comments about her "loosing her way" when eric and i were teasing her) and i think this is how she worded it. we were sitting on the bus at about 1am, "i bet you think you think my life is perfect" ackward silence (she is pretty, smart, popular, a very talented debater, guys fall at her feet) she then told me that her dad is a horrible alcholic, but they have to hide it from their church because of all the harsh judgement. his drinking makes their life very hard. i honestly didn't know that. i was shocked. the two of us are very different. i wouldn't say oppisites but pretty close. she also told me that she is beginging to like eric! ahh! now they are even more op. he is a partier, is scared of deep relationships, stuff like that. he's a cool guy but still. she was even hinting that he likes me. he actually doesn't. we tease each other and stuff but we are cool, neither one of us thinks about the other in that way, although we are teasing about sexual things, like him being gay and stuff like that (not that being gay is funny) and he is always whinning that he is a virgin. ( i doubt it but he insists) step made a comment how she was worried what he would do if the 2 of us were left alone. eric is honorable, he wouldn't and i know this for a fact. anyway she kinda likes him. and during this trip i devoloped a crush on this guy named david. so i think my crush on thomas is over. although i think he(tom) is cuter. daivd is very very smart, and calm and funny. he was really cool. ugh. i sound like a bimbo teen age girl. ok i can handle that. righto. anyway i told her, i am not going to be happy if she tells anyone. i don't think i'd blackmail her w/ her dad but i would be hurt. i will wait and see.
kellie laughed when i told her about david. the thing is he is very preppy. he plays soccer and runs track. i walked in on a talk w/ the potential valivictorans of our class (obviously i am not in the running... i can't even spell it) and it's going to be him. ok i have to go study for a chem, history and math test for tommorow so bye!!!!!!!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/273482-story-timevery-long-entry