Take A Look Into The Life Of Sarah As She Grows Up. |
I hate it when girls lead guys on. Especially those guys that are so up themselves, even when they have not much going for them. Like Kristen's little...um..'friend'. We'll call him "Martin". So, they haven't actually met, only talked on MSN, and seen pictures of each other. Let me tell you, she has no feelings whatsoever for him. NONE. And she teases him behind his back, calling him fat, making nasty jokes, etc...but when she talks to him online and on the phone, she's all sweet. I don't like him, because he's basically a jerk to me and other people, but he has totally fallen for her so he's nice to her, but I feel bad because I don't like to see people being made fun of. I honestly didn't think Kristen could be that mean, but I guess she can. I just hate it. I don't know what to do. If I say something to Martin, Kristen will never forgive me, but I've tried to talk to her about it and she just says "It's fun and it's not doing any harm". Why am I friends with someone who can do this? ~*.: Sarah :.*~ Current Mood: confused ~~Piper: I'm getting stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower! Piper/Leo Harry/Ginny Ron/Hermione Dawson/Jen Pacey/Audrey Steph/Max Jack/Nina Brooke/Deacon Amber/Rick~~ |