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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/284211-Fuckin-Nobs
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#284211 added March 31, 2004 at 2:06am
Restrictions: None
Fuckin' Nobs!
Sunday was alright. Apparently Kim and Andrea didn't understand the "Wedding Anniversary" part of going to South Yarmouth for a day. Go figure. I planned on leaving at 9, but since Andrea and Kim both had to change about 10 times, we left at 10. Made amazing time though, got there in about 45 minutes.

The party was good. Shaneen wasn't there due to sickness (sniffle) I miss her so much. I did get to see Brian and Sasha though. So that was good. Kim and Andrea had an alright time, though I didn't pay too much attention to either of them. Family parties are like that. Gotta keep yourself on top of these things. Got home and hung out with Kim for awhile and it was a good time. Drove her home around 6 and then I went to Stop and Shop. I was so exhausted by that time, I was in a state of apathy like no other. I blew $60 on scratch tickets and didn't care at all.

Afterwards, me and Steve went to Bickfords. Played a few hands of Rummy and called it a night. I was feeling kinda sick and tired then so I figured that I probably wasn't going to go to class on Monday. Just as I got into my car, Chris Sills called me. We went around driving and trying to stalk Jenny. We did a pretty good job, but she wasn't too happy so we left her alone finally. Then we all called it a night and went our seperate ways.

Woke up at 8am with a hideous headache and sore throat. Decided "Fuck it!" and went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 2:30. I was having this dream that involved vampires and video games. It was kinda freaky. I called Chris Sills about the movie we were going to see and decided to go at 9 to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Went to bowling then. I got there pretty fast. AS of late, I've been driving really fast and recklessly. Not sure why, just things are bottling up in my mind. 78,68,73, avg 77. Not too good, but I did decent for the majority of games I played in pinball. It was fun, me and Colby kept switching off and getting free games to keep us going so the little kid that was waiting couldn't play. Hilarious. Drove home really fast too. I just don't care anymore.

Hung out with Sills afterwards and we basically just drove around. Called about 20 people to see if they could do anything, but they all couldn't. Called it a night and went home.

Today really sucked. I had to write a paper about my personality the night before, so I was extremely overtired. I had to follow a guideline for the paper and my personality doesn't like guidelines and orderliness, so that sucked. Came up with a killer title though. "What Do You Mean 'Where's My Final Draft?'" I made a new CD and I had tears in my eyes to "Mama, I'm Coming Home." I miss my Mum. I'm going to have to set aside a day to go and see her. I just need to talk to her and tell her everything that's wrong, but I don't know what it is. I hope her guidance can help me. Went to class and passed it in. Didn't do too much. Went to Mickey Dee's after and sat there for awhile.

Went home and slept till work. I went in and my eye was absolutley killing me. I just took the contact out so I looked high. I came in to the shitiest line-up. No baggers after 8 and hardly any cashiers on at any given time. Worst of all, no sick-calls. It was naturally a shit storm schedule. To make matters worse, there was some heated tension between a few people which means things got very unproductive. I'll just say if I had all my cahsiers on register, things would've went a lot smoother. Then, it happened.

I'm covering the service desk and Valerie (florist who's cashiering so I can do other things) calls me over with a problem. Enter Miss Bitch. A customer is getting two boxes of Cat Food. On the box it says "Buy One, Get One Free" It didn't ring up that way, so she put up a huge fight to get both of them for free. I tried explaining our policy of price accuracy for "buy one, get one" items, but she wouldn't have any of it. I finally gave in and gave it to her both for free. But wait, things get better.

I go back to service desk only to be called back in 2 minutes. Same bitch, different order. This time, she had the expired sale sign in her hand so she got the boca burger for free. No biggie, just an annoyance.

I go back to serivce desk and AGAIN I get called over. This time she was complaining about S+S French fires. Supposedly 99 cents. I looked at the bags and looked at the flier while she's yelling her head off about how screwed up the store is. I look in the flier, 24-28 oz packages. On the bags: 32 oz. BOO YA!! Ain't getting this one Bitch! I tell her the problem and she says the sign is all over the frozen foods so she should get it for free. I say it doesn't matter and it is only this size that matters. She tells me to go back and get her those sizes tehn. I almost decked her I was so pissed. I went back and got her other packages and she said she didn't want them. Fucking bitch. Then she wanted to speak to a manager and that she was going to call headquarters about all this. I said it was no problem, but she wasn't getting these fucking potatoes. This was my last strip of joy in life right then. To not let her have these potatoes. She got two things for free already. THERE WILL NOT BE A THIRD!!!

Anyways, she goes and talks with Linda in the frozen food aisle and I'm feeling alright at the podium. After about 10 minutes, the lady is walking past front end with a smile and cheery attitude. I was thinking, "What the fuck? I just ruined her shit, why is she happy?" Then Linda came up to me and said the one thing I didn't ever want to hear. "I gave her the potatoes..." WHAT?!?!?!? How could you Linda???? I was on the verge of flipping out. I was just short of running out to the lady and kicking the shit out of her for tricking Linda into giving her potatoes.

Other than that, the night went by shitty. Ashley was being a complete Mega-Bitch. First she wouldn't get out of Customer Service, then she wouldn't go on register, bitched about wanting to go out on carriages, didn't do any carriages, but came in and bitched some more saying "Don't even talk to me, I'm not in the mood." Guess what? I'm not in the fucking mood either. I was about to give her the decision to get on register or get the fuck out. She was pissing off a lot of people that night too.

In closing, I'm sorry for the people I haven't talked to or have been ignoring as of late. I'm just really depressed and apathetic right now. Hopefully I'll get out of this rut soon. Until then, bear with me. I love you Kim and I always will.

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