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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/287221-Overstockcom-Your-Online-Outlet
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#287221 added April 22, 2004 at 12:02am
Restrictions: None
Overstock.com Your Online Outlet!
Let's go back to Monday. I guess Chris felt like bonding with his little brother, so we went to the Museum of Science. Finally a chance to use those tickets! On the way there a bunch of preppy girls sat with us on the redline and were talking amongst themselves about which stop they were getting off. They asked me and I said Park Street. They asked how I knew and I said "Cause that's where we're going." They laughed and went back to talking. I took out my cards and started to shuffle and they asked us if we wanted to play the celbrity naming game with them. It was actually pretty fun and Chris is good even though it was his first time playing. The game goes like this. You start with a celebrity and then you have to say the name of another celebrity whose first name starts with the same letter as the previous one's last name. Example:

Pamela Anderson
Andy Dick
Dave Chappelle
Charles Barkley
Burt Reynolds
Ricky Martin
Marylin Manson
Mary Tyler Moore
Mary-Kate Olsen
....fuck, I lose

Anyways, we went to the Museum and it was pretty good. Still as cool as ever. I found out there that having a little alcohol in your system makes your brain function better and keeps you relaxed. Sometime later we're going to go back to Boston to the Aquarium.

Went bowling afterwards and it was a good time. I missed the first string, but my other strings made up for it. Got a 92 and a 103. Too bad it doesn't affect my average. First game I got a 72 by default. Oh well. After bowling me and Colby got some ice cream and some Mickey Dee's. Then we went to the mall parking lot to eat and saw some cool car there. Colby said "That car either belongs to some blond-haired guy or a really hot chick." We found out it was Britknee's car and we talked to her for awhile which was always fun. Then me and Colby went back to the car and played bloody knuckles. He was surprised at how long I survived.

Tuesday I didn't go to class and didn't have any work. That was pretty cool so I hung out with Cathy for the majority of the day. We watched Willow at my house and then did a few errands for her mum and sister. After that we went to Friendly's and then the movie theater. Dropped her off around 5 and went to my house again. Soon enough I got a call from Jamie and he wanted to see a movie. We decided on the Punisher and went to the 7 o'clock saw. THAT MOVIE FUCKING ROCKED! It was better than Spiderman. I like the Punisher better than any other Super Hero. He doesn't have any special powers, he's just really angry. Anyways, after that I went home and called Kim, but her phone was off. After that I just lounged around and fell asleep.

I actually woke up on time for class today and went to Bickford's with Steve. Got there a little late and then went back to Stop and Shop. Completely forgot it was Angela's birthday which wasn't cool on my part. I got her a little something and went on my way. Was about 30 minutes late to Spanish, so I decided to not go at all. Human Resources was good and we are almost done with our project. Just need to modify my English paper and I can pass that in as my HR report. Me and Heather are going to have to meet up at her house to finish up a few things on the project. Why is it that I always have to travel to unknown lands for Management? Last semester it was Foxboro, now it's Canton. Anyways, English was boring as usual and I came home to work.

Work was alright, I talked with Laura a lot and found out that Kristin has a date with a certain someone that I don't care for. I mean, of all people, why him? Kim came in for a minute or two today too. It was great to see her after not communicating with her since Monday.

The rest of the day went by slow. Pete and Dan were both asses about carriages and I had to clear the lot. Fucking bitches. Oh well, my night is over.

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