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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #836733
Given a chance to ask (insert deity of choice) one question it would be...
#287624 added April 25, 2004 at 12:06pm
Restrictions: None
And the rest...
Didn't seem right to include my usual general ramblings in with the stuff about Jeremy's funeral.

Thursday Night Foray was just me, Tiff and CPI. Class attendance was at an all time low due to the adverse weather conditions. Joel was in class but him mum... excuse me, his WIFE, wouldn't allow him to go out with us.

Did I mention that when he introduced his wife to Tiff and I a few days after the Thursday Night Foray to the Rio that she said snottily, "So you're the two who took my husband out and got him drunk."

Yeah, right lady, that would be us. We put a potato sack over Joel's head, stuffed him into the trunk of the car, and then sat at the Rio holding a gun to his head and forced him to have two lousy beers before releasing him. Sheesh. Get a goddamn life.

Joel's wifey didn't seem to recall that CPI had also been along for the ride that night. But did she scold him? NO. She mouths off to Tiff and I instead. Stupid old cow. Like either of us would be interested in Joel. I mean, he's cute and all, but he's 10-15 yrs old than we are. (I will admit that he does look younger/cuter since shaving off the beard though.)

So it was just the three of us this last Thursday. After class, I had to go home to let Brian in because he was supposed to spend the night at my house, but he didn't show. One super-quick shower and a change of clothes later, I meet Tiff and CPI at Casa Alvarez. It's not my favorite spot, but it was CPI's turn to choose. I had two V&Ts and an enormous fajita burrito and the three of us sat and talked about random shit and watched the bigscreen as the Avs got pummeled. Then we moved on to the Dark Horse. Not my fave, because I think I've mentioned my feelings about karaoke, but they have foosball and airhockey and $2 Blue Moons which can't be beat when you're rolling pennies for gas money.

Tiff was supposed to do 20 Questions with CPI but was not doing her duty until I reminded her, at which point it was too late. We did find out that Mygirlfriendkim attends DU, which Tiff had totally called weeks ago after having first met MGK. CPI say something about MGK going for her masters and him only being a high school educationed karate instructor. (Who fucking cares? is my attitude toward that. I've met some truly ignorant mutherfucking PhDs and some freaking brilliant people who dropped out of highschool. I'm not about to pass judgement on that.) I made him give me the I-approve-of-that-bro-hand-slap-n-fist. I got the distinct impression he liked that.

Anyway, because of the funareal proceedings going on the next day, I called it an early night and left around 11ish. Tiff calls just as I get home and tells me that I no more than hit the door and CPI was gathering up his coat ready to go home. She saw that as a real good sign. She also tells me that when I was at the bar getting drinkies for us all, CPI got a call that was obviously MGK. According to the 50% of the conversation she was able to eavesdrop on, Tiff said it did not go well.

"Hey. No... I'm out with some of the karate students... uh, Tiff and (my name). Yeah, well... uh... uh-huh... no... uh-huh... uh-huh... okay, bye."

Tiff is absolutely willing to wager her soul that this relationship ends in another month. Good old Tiff. She's such a great friend.

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