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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/287973-Rainbow-of-Hope
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#287973 added April 27, 2004 at 1:45am
Restrictions: None
Rainbow of Hope
I can't really remember anything from before Friday. Even that day is a little hazy. What I remember is that I went to class and nothing special happened. Took a test which I had no idea about. Hoepfully did alright, but doesn't really matter, I'm out in 2 weeks. Then went to Terri's place to go to Bickford's and such. She just had surgery on her elbow and was in a sling. It was pretty cool.

Hung out with Chris Sills, Jamie, Mike, Angie, and Matt afterwards. It was a swell old time. We went back to Chris's house afterwards and watched his comedy DVD. It was fucking hilarious. The night ended with me calling Kim, talking to her for a bit, and then falling asleep.

On Saturday I had work 5-11. It was a good time. Not too much happened, nothing exciting. Just a good old time. Afterwards, me, Chris Sills, and the gang hung out at Friday's and his house. Good old time doing the usual. The night ended the same way.

Sunday was different. I had work 1-5 and afterwards I went to Kim's to watch a movie and apparently meet the new neighbors too. They're a good bunch, but I just felt really out of place not being family and all. Bob Knasas, Marie Kanasas, Kim Knasas, and...the other guy, Nick...yeah. Anyways, watched the movie, Moulin Rouge, and it was alright. Not all it's cracked up to be in my opinion. Didn't really matter though. I was with Kim, so I was a happy guy. After that, me and Steve went for a drive and such. Then went home to sleep.

Today I woke up and helped Steve out with a few things. Getting flowers for Toni, looking at a Camaro which is chill, see if he can get a car loan, and that was pretty much it. Went to class and it was boring. Wrote a poem (yes, an actual poem) in Spanish. I think it's pretty good. Want to hear it?

Rainbow of Hope
Please guide me through
Rainbow of Hope
I'm looking for you
I want all the answers
and I want to know how
I'm a greedy sonofa bitch
and I want it all now
Rainbow of Hope
Please guide me through
Rainbow of Hope
I'm looking for you
I'll rule this place with an iron fist
Kill off anything that makes me pissed
I will have order or chaos I'll give
Better follow my lead if you all want to live
Rainbow of Hope
Please guide me through
Rainbow of Hope
I'm looking for you
There is unrest in my world
These people don't like me
I've kill all their loved ones
and they are not happy
Rainbow of Hope
Don't let me die
I need you to help me
My hands are tied
They butchered my family
and destroyed my fair city
Don't these little assholes
Have the least bit of pity?
Rainbow of Hope
You let me die
Rainbow of Hope
Can I ask why?

I think it's good. Anyways, on the way home, I called Kim to say that I love her. I ended up telling her answering machine that I love her, so hopefully it relays the message. Anyways, I hung out with Steve pretty much the entire day. We couldn't get a car loan or anything because the bank was closed. Oh well. Steve then needed to go home to eat and I went home. Bowling is over, so I just sat around. It was really strange. Then Steve called again and we went to see the Punisher. Still an awesome fucking movie after seeing it twice. Now we come to the present and I need to write a report and such. But first, a song to my dear Kim:

You're my peace of mind
In this crazy world
You're everything I've tried to find
Your love is a pearl
You're my Mona Lisa
You're my rainbow skies
And my only prayer is that you realize...
You'll always be beautiful in my eyes

The world will turn
And the seasons will change
And all the lessons we will learn
Will be beautiful and strange
We'll have our fill of tears
Our share of sighs
My only prayer is that you realize...
You'll always be beautiful in my eyes

You will always be
Beautiful in my eyes
And the passing years will show
That you will always grow
Ever more beautiful in my eyes

And there are lines upon my face
From a lifetime of smiles
When the time comes to embrace
For one long last while
We can laugh about
How time really flies
We won't say good-bye
Cause' true love never dies...
You'll always be beautiful in my eyes

You will always be
Beautiful in my eyes
And the passing years will show
That you will always grow
Ever more beautiful in my eyes

The passing years will show
That you will always grow
Ever more beautiful in my eyes

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