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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/289586-Happy-Mothers-Day
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#289586 added July 8, 2004 at 1:38am
Restrictions: None
Happy Mother's Day
Hi Ya'll *Bigsmile*

Especially all you mothers out there. (That means you too preggi Sherri)

So this is what's it all about huh? All the fun of childbirth, stretch marks, dirty nappies, 3 am feedings, whiny meal criticisms and endless school visitations earn you a shot at being queen for a day right? Actually I hope you're appreciated year round. You've certainly earned it.

Being a single dad I've had a taste of what mothers go through on a daily basis. Making all the meals and those tuck in time at nights. My guys would run to me when they scrapped their knee or wanted to snuggle up on the couch in front of the TV. I'm guessing scrapes to a dad don't look nearly as serious as scrapes do to a mom though.

"Shhhh. There, there kiddo. That doesn't look too bad. I once had my arm ripped right off by a 12 foot grizzly bear when I was your age and I didn't make nearly as much fuss as you're making right now Derek. "

That would usually suffice for most minor booboos and owwies. I have my nuturing side too though. If the situation called for it I could turn on the motherly charm...

"Does it hurt when I touch here Mitchell? Okay okay! No more touching there then. How about there? Alright. No more touching there then either. Please don't cry Mitch. If you stop crying I'll let you squirt Derek with the hose. How's that sound? Still crying huh? I don't think it's too bad Memo. See if you can do this. It hurts when you do that huh? Well it's probably just as well. It's not much fun doing this. I tell ya what. In the future whenever you want to do this just call me or Derek and we'll do it for you okay?"

See what I mean? Oh...so that's not the way you would have handled it huh? Okay...I guess I do make a 3rd rate mom then huh? I never want to see my guys get hurt but I accepted cuts and the occassional minor scar as part of growing up. I can almost feel all you mothers out there cringing right now. I'm not really so calius. I'll bet a mother's hugs are warmer and softer than a father's hugs. I know they certainly smell better.

I've been ripping up and replacing my parent's deck for them this past week. My hammer pounding hand is very sore right now. I'm not really a bad carpenter. I do have quite a few power tools if that counts for anything. Overall I'm pleased with how it's turning out but it's not a professional job by any means. If they wanted woodworking perfection they should have gone with a pro. At least they don't have to worry about labour costs.

What else?

I ordered high speed to be installed.(It was my only way to be online when I ordered it) Now that my phone company has cancalled all the bogus African phone bills (only AFTER I said I wanted my local and internet service cancelled BTW) I'm having second thoughts about the high speed. I've since been told high speed would have prevented the African scam in the first place. (That's not what I was told all during the 1st month though). It sounds like my internet bill will almost double just to shave a few seconds off my quiz time. Hmmmmmmm.

One of the items I bid on and won at eBay finally came. It wasn't like the description however. That hasn't happened to me so far. The seller is very nice and cooperative. I've left her positive feedback. It's not really a big deal. I'm expecting another item this coming week. I must stop bidding.

Rose commented on my Smartie passion. I can seldom suck them until they're gone. Nope. Crunchin's more my thing. Suckin's good too but I don't have the will power. Same goes for eating one at a time. (I only do that when the 3lb bag is almost empty. Then each and every Smartie tastes better the fewer there are). I prefer light choclate to dark and sweet to bitter. I've tasted some really horrible choclate in Europe as well as some creamy, melt in your mouth choclate.

The hotter the better is NOT a selling point with me...at least when it comes to food. I think females like food more than males do. Am I right? I can't imagine a guy chosing choclates over sex. They'd have to be awfully good choccies. Why does it seem most chefs are men then? Am I being sexist now? Maybe there are loads of top females chefs that I'm not aware of. Or maybe there's sexism in the kitchen. I'm not sure.

Another cyber bug has been bothering me lately. I'll be typing along and then realize I made a mistake or something. I'll highlight it to fix it but a whole chunk of my writing will be deleted instead. Arrrrrgh! I type with my head down looking at the keys so some of my emails make me look like a right dork. The chunks are usually deleted midsentences and the remainder are fused together in a hodge podge kinda way. I must sound even sillier than normal.

Well I must scoot. Happy Mother's day again ladies. (There's no love like a mother's love)

Take care.


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