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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/297728-Chihuahua-ass
by fregin
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #764092
life and other extraneous info
#297728 added July 9, 2004 at 6:37pm
Restrictions: None
Chihuahua ass
I'll get to the ass part eventually. I have all kinds of random things floating in my head right now. I think it has to do with the thesis I need to pull out and work on. Those are the times I really feel like I just want to create foolishness.

I just had some yummy Kraft Mac 'n Cheese. That was the first thing I ever learned to cook. I don't think that really counts, though, since it comes out of a box, but I wonder how many boxes I've eaten in my life.


I got a feel for what it must be like to be a stagecoach driver last night. I took the dogs for a walk, and wasn't that comical? My brother's dog, Molly, is still here, so I bought another retractable leash. Molly's a yellow lab. My dog, Freddy, is a mutt, a Shepherd/Collie mix. The two fought it out the whole way of who got to be in the lead. Therefore, each time the leashes pulled taut, I was being yanked along by my very own team of dogs. If only I had a carriage, it might have been nice.


I have been looking at houses lately. I should really wait another two years before buying in order to pay of my grad school tuition and set myself up with a nice, fat downpayment, but I'm getting antsy. My parents are great, and it has been no hardship living here, but I miss my own things. However, I really need a little more time to find out where I want to buy. A lot can happen in two years. For now, I'll just dream of my own imaginary house and in the meantime, I'll have financial freedom and have a housekeeper and have someone to do the yard and have a built-in dog babysitter when I want to take off for a weekend and have meals cooked for me...Ummm, what was I saying about moving?


I saw Wanda Sikes at the Improv in Houston recently. It was downright hilarious. I totally appreciate people who can tell jokes because that is a gift I simply do not have. I forget the punchline. I have to keep stopping and starting over because I get things out of order. It's basically a big disaster and somebody usually just tells me to stop. I had one joke down pat a few years ago. All I can remember about it now is that the joke ended with me holding a pair of boots between my knees. It really was hilarious though. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

Okay, back to Wanda, one of the bits she did was on smart people; she specifically poked at NASA employees. She called the program welfare for smart people. She said that basically the rest of us didn't know what to do with them, so we just spent a lot of money and set them up somewhere to play. Of course, her bit was much funnier, but the concept cracked me up. Obviously, I get the gist of it and leave out all the funny details.

One of her warm-up acts used a term that makes me chuckle every time I think of it...Chihuahua ass. He used it after a very physical impression of women with real asses and then did this stick-up the ass imitation of those women with skinny asses. So, maybe it's not so funny to women who have no padding, but to the rest of us...hahahahahahaha!!!!!


I have spent quite a bit of time reviewing the last few days. I don't usually find myself with this much time on my hands, but I've enjoyed thumbing through other ports. I've even added a couple of people in
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. I especially like being nosey in people's journals. I guess most of us are like that, but I'm not sure why. And, have you noticed that the more risque the title, the more views we get? Just how many of us are truly closet pervs?

Now, poetry, I enjoy it, but there is so much out there on this site that it overwhelms me. And if you've checked out my lame attempt, you know I really don't have any business reviewing it.


Well, now that I've written beyond the point where anyone is still reading, I'm going to get to work, or maybe review a few more ports first...

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