Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write. |
Cops woke me up today to ask me about some fires that happened last night. Damn kids and their mischief. Anyways, the good part is that I got to tell them how much of a Dick the other cop was that pulled me over last night. They thought it was funny. Anyways, Didn't do much else today. Prepared for bowling and did great at it. 83,93,91 with a 79 average. That's definately going up. Did really shitty in pinball though. Oh well, better luck next time. Also, I pretty much have run out of money. Right now I have $2.46 in my checking account and $3.51 in my savings. Wow is all I have to say. After bowling we took a tour of Norwell and it turned out much better than expected. Holy shit, I can't believe it. We have tripled our money we would owe. There is no light in sight, me, Ashton, and Jamie are going to hell. I invited Nicole over to Ashton's and we hung out there for a bit. She didn't seem to happy to be there, but stayed with us for awhile. It wasn't exactly a time of your life party either. Very dull moment I'd say. Oh well, maybe better luck next time with that. I talked to Althea tonight, I haven't talked to her in about 2 years, how crazy is that? We might be hanging out this week which would be cool, hopefully it happens. How sweet would that be? Party chatter, party chatter, party party party chatter. Chit chat, chit chat, small talk, chit chat. And I'm spent. |