Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/317199-Chapter-One
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #915981
A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend.
#317199 added October 19, 2006 at 3:34pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter One
It was the second week of June and many North Eastern states were in the grip of a freak spring storm. During the day the temperatures dipped as low as forty-eight degrees and as low as thirty-six degrees at night. The higher elevations were reporting three to four inches of snow while the lower elevations were experiencing non-stop rain with high winds. Hickup Falls, New Hampshire, was no exception. Outside the rain was falling at a steady pace and the wind was howling like a banshee. Leaves and tree limbs were flying around like children’s gliders. Streets were littered with debris that the wind had picked up and dropped. Sewers were clogged with debris that had floated down the gutters with the water. Although it was only a little after six o’clock in the evening, it looked like midnight outside.

Mandy was in no hurry to face the cold and rain any time soon, so she was still at her desk completing a report that could have waited until tomorrow. Her shift had ended ten minutes earlier, but there she remained. Suddenly, the door flew open and a gust of cold wind and rain followed the handsome stranger through the door. It had been raining for the past several days without any sign of let up. Even though it was June, everything and everyone was cold and wet. He approached the front desk where Sheriff Singleton was standing. “Hi, I’m Sheriff Singleton, what can I do for you” he asked.

“Hello”, the stranger responded, “My name is Paul Covington. I’m here on some business and need to talk with someone familiar with the mountains around here.”

“ What kind of business?”

“I’m a Geologist here on behalf of a client” replied the stranger. “Also, my partner came up here a few days ago to do some survey work and I haven’t heard from him in several days and I’m worried about him.”

“When did you last hear from him?

“A few nights ago when he first got here. He called me to let me know he had arrived and had done some preliminary surveying and was going to return the next morning to start some soil testing. I haven’t heard from him since and neither has his wife.”

“Has his wife filed a missing persons report?”

“No, I convinced her that he probably decided to stay up in the mountain and wasn’t able to get through on his cell phone. I didn’t want her to worry needlessly, so I decided to check things out for myself first.”

“Do you know where he would be on the mountain?”

“I have the location where we were to do the survey, but I’m not familiar with this area. Do you know anyone who could help me?”

“As a matter of fact I have a deputy who is quite familiar with the mountains around here. Her name is Mandy Blake, I’ll introduce you.”

Paul followed Jeff to Mandy’s desk. Mandy looked up from her typewriter as they approached. She looked directly into the most handsome face she’d ever seen. “Mandy, glad you’re still here”, said Sheriff Singleton. “I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Paul Covington, he’s looking for someone familiar with the mountains to help him find his friend, and I told him that you would probably be the best person to talk to since you know these mountains like the back of your hand.”

Mandy stood up and extended her hand to Paul. “Mr. Covington, Deputy Mandy Blake at your service.”

“He’ll fill you in on the details.” With that said Jeff Singleton left and returned to his own office to finish some paper work.

Mandy noticed as Paul took her hand that his hand completely engulfed hers. His grip was firm yet gentle. She looked up into his handsome face and noticed that his face was that of a man who had spent a lot of time outdoors, naturally and permanently tanned, but not leathery, which complemented his velvety brown eyes. He had a strong, determined chin, and thick sumptuous lips. His sun-bleached wavy dark brown hair (although wet and plastered to his head) was thick and he wore it slightly on the long side.

Paul felt her small and fragile hand in his. Soft and smooth, at the same time her handshake was strong and firm. One that said, “Don’t mess with me”. She had beautiful chestnut brown hair with streaks of red highlights. She wore it in a French braid down the middle of her back with little wild strands falling around her face. He stared into her beautiful emerald green eyes and he could see tiny gold specks that shimmered as she smiled up at him.

He was the first to break the silence. “Hope I’m not keeping you from anything important.”

Finally gathering her composure, she replied, “No, not at all. I was just finishing a report before going home.”

“I’m sorry, Officer Blake, I don’t mean to keep you. I can come back tomorrow.”

“You’re not really keeping me and it’s Deputy”, said Mandy, “how can I help you?”

“This might take some time, so it might be better for me to come back in the morning.” He replied.

“No”, replies Mandy, not wanting to let him out of her sight, “I have an idea. I was just going home to a lonely dinner, why don’t you join me. We can talk over dinner.” She couldn’t believe she had just invited a total stranger home for dinner. It was too late to take it back. What was she thinking! “I must warn you though, it won’t be anything fancy. Just leftovers.”

“Thanks, I’d love to. I don’t mind leftovers, says Paul, “I always loved my mother’s leftovers. Food always seems to taste better the day after.”

Mandy stood and walked over to the coat rack where she had hung her coat with Paul in tow. He took her coat from her and held it out for her to slip into. As he helped her with her coat he inhaled the fresh fragrance of her hair. It smelt of fresh flowers, he wondered how it would feel to run his fingers through it. Jeff watched the two of them and thought of how well they looked together. He’s always liked Mandy and he had felt sorry for her when she lost her husband a year ago.

Paul opened the door for Mandy and the wind slapped her face hard enough to make her take a small step backward. She turned to Paul; “Do you have your car here?”

“Yes, it’s over there” he said pointing to a rather new Grand Cherokee.

“Okay, then you can follow me home. My car is over there” pointing to her little Suzuki. They both bent forward against the wind and headed to their respective vehicles.

© Copyright 2006 Jazelle Vornet (UN: jazellevn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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