Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/326231-Chapter-Four
by seetah
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #935207
Caught stealing a wizards money pouch, Theo must work off her debt.
#326231 added February 3, 2005 at 3:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four

“Where am I? My hand touches something soft, velvety, and smooth. I breathe in deeply, doesn’t smell like garbage. I must be dreaming. Don’t wake up Theo, in this dream you don’t have to dig around in the garbage for breakfast. I will not open my eyes and end this beautiful dream.

“Get up! Get up!” squawks a voice from a nightmare.

In a flash yesterday comes back. I jump out of bed looking around, what’s wrong with me that I forgot I am in a wizards house, an invisible house on top of that.

“Get up! Get up sleepy head,” squawks Impi again.

“I’m up, I’m up!” I throw a pillow at the bird. “Now get out while I get dressed.” I flap my arms to chase her out. Goddess now I’m even acting like the bird. What am I going to do? I can’t stay in a wizard’s house and there is no way I’m going to be an apprentice. What do I know about magic? Nothing.

I go to the washstand to wash my face. First thing is to find some clothes to wear. I look around. “Thank you Hulda.” There is a pair of breeches and a shirt on the back of the chair. I quickly put them on.

I peak out the door. The coast is clear, now is the time to make a run for it. I creep down the hallway. My heart is pounding in my chest, my palms are sweaty and I freeze every time the floor creaks. The hallway goes on and on. This hallway has to end sometime. I know I was tired last night but we didn’t walk this far.

I hold my breath; all is quiet except for the murmur of voices. Alfred must be in the room at the end of the hall. I don’t want them to find me so I flatten my self up against the wall and inch towards the doorway. I’ll slip past them when they aren’t looking.

“She’s getting away, she’s getting away.” Tattles Impi.

Drat that stupid bird; I should have wrung his neck when I had the chance.

“Good morning,” Hulda says from behind me, “I trust you had a good night sleep and are ready to work.”

“Yes ma’am but...”

“Trying to weasel out of work already,” gripes Alfred, “remember you owe me so help Hulda with what ever she wants but no touching my stuff.”

“Alfred,” warns Hulda.

“But Hulda,” whines Alfred. “Its bad enough the apprentice was going to come from the market place and not the School of Wizards but there is no way I am going to let a girl touch my things!”

“No buts,” Hulda says sternly, “you brought her here to help with your things and to become your apprentice. It’s not my fault you picked a girl.”

“Picked a girl,” shouts Alfred, “I didn’t pick her, she tricked me.”

Hulda’s body shakes like a bowl full of jello. Finally she wipes the tears from her eyes. “The Great wizard was fooled by a girl, you’d better not let the Wizard Council hear about this.” She starts laughing again.

“Humph! The council will never find out about this.” Alfred stomps out of the room.

“Tricked you, tricked you,” mocks Impi as she follows Alfred.

“Come with me, I’ll show you what needs to be done. We’ll give Alfred some space to get use to the idea of you being a girl.” Hulda hides a smile behind her hand.

“Ma’am,” I try to get her attention.

“Child, it is very impolite to interrupt.” Hulda heads for the door.

“I’m sorry, but I’m starving can I have breakfast?” I ask

“You haven’t eaten?” Hulda raises her eyebrows in surprise. “What have you been doing all morning? I just assumed you had eaten everything in the kitchen by now.”

“I tried to come straight down here but the hallway went on forever.” I explain.

“Oh my, we forgot to explain didn’t we?”

“Explain what?”

“Honey, you’re in a wizards house,”

I interrupt Hulda. “I can’t seem to forget that.”

Hulda doesn’t even notice my interruption. “Just ask the hallway to take you to what ever room you want to go to. For example if you go to the hallway and ask it to take you to the kitchen that will be the room at the end of the hallway. Why don’t you go try it?”

I hurry to the hallway. “Thank you Hulda, you just told me the way out.” I run down the hallway. “Please take me to the door.” At the end of the hallway I came to a screeching halt. “What the.”

“Watch your language,” warns Hulda.

“Where’s the door?” I bend over sucking in air. “I asked politely for the door but ended up right were I started.”

“Let’s not worry about that right now. Go and get yourself some breakfast and meet me in the sitting room.” Hulda pushes me out the door.

“Oh all right” I stomp down the hallway and into the kitchen.
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