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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/329460-Me-Me-Me-Me-ME
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#329460 added February 23, 2005 at 8:32pm
Restrictions: None
Me Me Me Me ME!!!!
The more observant among you may have deduced this entry is all about moi. You clever bug you. You go to the head of the class. The rest of you are more than welcome to stick around and listen to me prattle on and on about Me Me Me Me ME!!!! or you can come back when I post my You You You You YOU!!!! entry.

Once again I'm having trouble posting pics here. The photo software thingy now isn't working at all. I must have tried 7 or 8. I never could get the one that came with the scanner working nor two others I have. I deleted the one I originally got off the net when my scanner stopped working the last time. I can't find it again. This is sooooooo frustrating. Technology and I don't get along very well. I bought a movie yesterday, something I've been really looking forward to watching. Right in the middle the DVD started friggin' up...slowing down, speeding up or freezing completely. I'm pretty sure it's not the machine's fault because this was only the third time I've used it. I think I need to forget about this for a bit and go out. Maybe when I get back the cyber gremlins will have left.

That was a temp update I decided to leave in this entry, basically coz I'm a packrat. (That was more me stuff) FYI I replaced the DVD but haven't had a chance to watch the new one yet...and I've all but given up trying to download any new pics. (Everything works except for the photo compression program thingy which means I can only crop small snippets of photos and I don't like doing that)

I'm in a weird mood. Not sure where this entry is going. Not that I ever do mind you.

Are you interested in what goes on in a guy's locker room? I think I'll add a locker room entry but not today. This entry is about me me me me ME and although I figure in all my locker room stories (in some way), there's too many other people involved for this me focused entry.

I have brown eyes. Bedroom brown eyes. Brown eyes are the sexiest and bedroom brown eyes are the sexiest sexy eyes there are. Wanna see?


There. I rest my case. I know there are other colour eyes out there but if your's aren't brown please don't feel bad. God loves you too. Only God loves me more coz I got brown eyes and you don't. My Dad and brother have blue eyes. Freaky huh?

I love popcorn, icecream and nuts...but not all at the same time. Real movie popcorn is the best popcorn by far. Maybe it's the peanut oil they use. Mint icecream with chocolate flakes is a favourite icecream of mine. I said "a" favourite because I don't have one favourite favourite icecream flavour. Same goes for nuts. I pretty well love them all.

For some reason I find all movie theater seats uncomfortable. I can sit for 5 or 6 hours at a time on a car trip, train or plane ride and not be bothered but after a half hour or hour in a movie theater seat I start to fidget (depending on the movie and on the theater seats). I don't recall fidgetting in other types of theater seats. Only movie theater seats. Odd huh?

I love travelling on trains. Very relaxing. I was once on a train in England that stopped out in the middle of the countryside and we all had to get out due to a bomb threat. We stood in a field and waited. That was an isolated case though.

I can be VERY stubborn about some things but not about other things. I believe in keeping my promises and expect others to do the same. Don't promise me something if you don't mean it. I am TOTALLY faithful.

I have a long memory but thankfully I don't have nearly as many grievances in my book of grudges as my father or brother have. I also have a very high boiling point. It takes me a looooooooooong time to get worked up about something but when I do get steamed I can react suddenly and forcefully. Cruelty and injustice however will get me steamed VERY quickly. 99.99% of the time I'm a very easy going guy. I believe in acceptance.

I use "u"'s in some of my words (ie...favourite, honour, etc.) because I'm Canadian (and damn proud of it). We're somewhere inbetween the British and the Americans. I write "realize", not "realise" but I say "Zed" and not "Zee".

I believe name, place and time are very important. "How so?" I hear some say. "Who cares?" I hear from others. "This itching is driving me crazy." I hear from that little fellow in the far corner.

Name...Everything needs a name. Without a name it's just another plant in the jungle, Another star in the sky. Another face in the crowd. Names are magic. Names make things special. Unique. Learn the name of someone or something and you no longer have to point or think up lame descriptions...

"You know...that guy...that guy with the hair...that guy in that TV show. What show? You know...that TV show...that show with that guy...that guy with the hair"

People can pick out their own names even across crowded noisy rooms. Isn't that cool? They won't be able to hear anything else just said about them but they can hear their own names mentioned. Saying someone's name over and over again will cause their ears to burn. Don't believe me? Checkout Jake...*Angry*. I'm getting off topic again aren't I?

My tummy hurts.

Place...Everything happens for a reason and every reason has a place. Things are where they are not by mistake but for a reason. It might not be for us to understand that reason. Maybe we will tomorrow. Maybe never. Palm trees don't grow in the Artic for a perfectly good reason. People who build houses on river floodplains should expect to be flooded every spring. Certain places are truly magical. They seethe with energy. I know I'm not explaining this well. Just remember place is very important. (England is what makes the English English just like Oz is what makes the Aussies Aussie)

I probably should retitle this entry Name, Place and Time but that might be too confusing for some of my nonEnglish speaking readers. (I understand some show up just to checkout my smiley faces)


Time...Place is the page while time is the book. Did you know time is actually different on Mars than here on Earth? Or on the moon? Or even on a space station orbiting the Earth? Yup. An identical twin coming back to earth from space has aged differently than their twin who stayed here. And many of the stars we see in the sky aren't actually there anymore. They haven't been there for millions or even billions of years (depending on how far away they are). Wouldn't it be nifty if a telescope could be made powerful enough to see actual details on some of the planets rotating around those far off stars (most stars are suns just like our own). We'd actually be looking back in time then. And what if our telescope could somehow "bounce off" those far flung planets and beam back to focus on certain parts of the earth? Would we then be able to see back in Earth's time? Time is more than a simple "river"...flowing continually ever onward...only in one direction. Time is

Shoot. My tummy still hurts. I gotta go now but before I do I wanted to mention I'm up for auction in "Invalid Item. It's to raise GPs to support MaryLou and AL worthwhile causes here. I hope any potential Thumbsucker bidders won't be put off by this crappy entry. This was one of those head scratching what was he thinking entries every journal writer writes from time to time. Maybe I can reveal more Thumb snippets in a future entry. Hopefully more exciting Thumb snippets than these. Like what I wear to bed. Or what I don't like to wear to bed. Or other bed stuff. Or maybe more eye stuff. Or freaky stuff. Freaky Thumb stuff.


"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/329460-Me-Me-Me-Me-ME