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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/338882-908-PM-Marriage
by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
#338882 added April 4, 2005 at 3:33am
Restrictions: None
9:08 PM Marriage...
Blogging is supposed to be posting your thoughts/views or whatever on the internet right? Well i have to wake up in the morning (2am)to study, so i'm going to hit the hay early, but before i go i was watching the show The Contender. For those of you who don't know what The Contender is, its yet ANOTHER reality show, but this one involves boxers. There were 16 boxers at the start and they were split in West Coast vs. East Coast 8 boxers each. At the end of each episode 2 boxers would fight and the winner will stay. Simple, but very good premise. And check this other fact, Sylvester Stallone (Rocky himself!) and Sugar Ray Leonard is there to help train these young and upcoming boxers.

So anyways, i'm losing track on what i supposed to be blogging for. I realised that all the fighters so far had either their wives or their children at the fight for moral support. And before each fight usually the boxers relate how much their family is their support and they are boxing so they could afford to send their children to school etc. It had me start to wonder how would it be when i'm married...

You know sometimes i sit down and think about this seriously and i'm not sure how it would play out. How WOULD it be when i'm married.. I mean marriage IS a big step. Think about it. It would be great when you're dating the girl. YES it's fun because the electricity is there. It's FUN, it's NEW, it's REMARKABLE, it SLICES AND DICES! (ok went a little overboard there :P) But you know what i'm talking about. When you're first dating someone it's the most wonderful thing in the world beause the relationship is fresh and you can't WAIT till you have more time to spend with that person. This could go on for months, but the thing is when you're married it changes drastically...

Sure you'll be excited for marriage! Oh YAY! We're getting married! I'm gonna be your husband and vice versa! Then comes the honeymoon DOUBLE YAY! Two of the most memorable experiences you will ever have in your entire life (i'm looking forward to mines eagerly...). But THEN! is when the real drama comes in. You start living with the person. You see ALL of their habits, all of their nastyness, all of their underhanded nonsense and this person you have married is your lifelong partner under a sacred union. There is nowhere to run....

Can you IMAGINE dat?!! Imagine if you discover when you wake up in the morning that your partner smells RIDICULOUSLY bad. As in nauseating? Or imagine your partner is a ridiculously big slob... these are the little things people tend to miss. Sure you'll say, I LOVE THEM and you'll say you don't mind. But then 2 or 3 months down the road you'll stop being so naive and see what you've really got yourself into. Then you're not even considering things such as sharing private space with the person. They may be too controlling or too destructive, they may argue alot, they may even just be a total a**h*** but this si the person you pledged to be with for the rest of your life and then some.

Sigh... Obviously marriage is a beautiful thing, but that's just one of the downsides to it that you should look for.

One of the future topics that i'll talk about is... Women: Is their place really in the kitchen only or do they deserve to go out and work...?

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