Sunflower's Blog |
One day is much like another. I have a doctor's appointment in three weeks. I'll run out of meds before then. Tsk, tsk! I'm doing the best I can in my current state of depression. It's an effort to do anything, and there's nothing that particularly gives me pleasure. Classic depression. There'as a pill to make it better. Time will get me through this. I'm not in horrible shape, just way far from my best. I'm keeping a routine to stay ahead of the dog hair. I love my two big dogs, but they shed so much. Every day or two I get the broom, mop, and vacuum cleaner over everything. The old kitty has been sitting on the back of the living room sofa with me the past few evenings. She's been with me over 19 years. We have lots of experience relaxing in entertwined positions. She always sits where I can scratch her chin. After a couple of hours and scratcing and petting, there's a light gray layer of hair in every direction. Since her visits have become nightly, the first thing I do when I get up is vacuum the sofa. Yesterday the Hoover broke down, so today I used the old Rainbow Vacuum cleaner. I think my mom gave it to me when I went away to college. She sent me off with a vacuum cleaner and a microwave. Funny the priorites parents have for their kids. I spent awhile in the back yard pulling weeds. Amazing how green growth takes off so quickly. Knee high weeds already. There's more gardening in my future. My other ongoing project is an acryllic painting. I think it's eventually going to be a field of sunflowers. I wouldn't say I've got lots of artistic talent, but I've got lots of raw potential. Painting is a way to keep creative when the words won't come. |