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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342179-327PM-Women-in-their-kitchen-Is-that-their-true-place
by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
#342179 added May 11, 2005 at 2:01pm
Restrictions: None
3:27PM Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place?
Disclaimer! Please do NOT criticise me on my views. They are not entirely serious. They are solely for entertainment purposes for this show. I repeat do NOT kill me over this topic

Okay, okay back to the hardcore stuff you're used to. Today's topic Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place?. This has been a debate for MANY years now. I think it stems from since the 1950's. Before then women had no problems working at home as a housewife/home maker. Then all of a sudden they came with this women's rights nonsense about how they should to have the option of going out into the world of work and they should be able to have any job that any male has.

Now... lets be serious now. A woman CANNOT do a man's job. It's just ludicrous. You ever heard a man tell a woman,
"Step back, this is a man's job."? Look at wrestling. Wrestling was predominantly a male sport/activity, but as a sign of the times there's women wrestlers, women championships etc. If you compare a female match vs. one of the male matches, the male match would be the more enjoyable viewing pleasure experience compared to the watered down female match which actually looks fake and just wrong...

The whole, I am woman! Hear me roar! is just pure nonsense. My saying is,

"You are woman! Get in the DAMN kitchen and cook my dinner!. Stop trying to go out there and take jobs from the males. Just cool alyuh self and stay home and watch the children and clean the house. Why is that such a problem? Why do women like to rebel and be like...

"NO! We NOT staying home! We going out and work!"

Why the HELL would you want to go out and work? I KNOW if the male population had the option of staying home all day and watching tv, playing games whole day and just have to wash a few clothes, a few dishes an watch the house, it wouldn't be no problem! That's the life! WHAT'S THE PROBLEM??? WHY THE ARGUMENT?

Why would you want to go outside in the real world and have to go to some stupid job that you don't like and have to report to some idiot boss that shouts at you and makes your life a living hell. Why would you want to get up early, hustle, go into damn long traffic to reach to a job that's frustrating and not very self fulfilling. THEN you'd want to come home and argue with your husband/boyfriend or whatever and shout at them because you're frustrated from work and this could leave to problems at the home...

According to popular female opinions, they say how they want to work because staying home all the time gets boring. They want to get a hobby even if it IS a crappy job in a convenience store or a shoe store as a sales clerk or whatever. That staying home you're just in a old boring house doing the same thing over and over and life starts to get monotonous for them. The thrill of experiencing different things, the goods and the bad, on the job/hobby that they do is better than not experiencing nothing new at home. And as stubborn as i am they DO have a LITTLE point...

I mean come on... staying home all the time.. it could get to be boring... (please note that this has NEVER happened to me. I stayed in my house for 4 weeks straight just playing games and watching tv and surfing the net and i did NOT get bored). But, alot of ladies/girls told me that anytime your wife is a housewife/home maker they'll end up cheating on you because they would need some form of entertainment in their life and what could be more entertaining than having an outside affair with some mysterious stranger while hiding any evidence of it!

If it were MY wife however i'd want her to stay home. Because i don't want my queen to have to work a day in her life. I want to be able to provide her with everthing she could possible want and need without having to go into the horrendous world of workn and have to stress her pretty head. I want her to be comfortable as possible and don't have to go through any hardships. I want to be able to spoil her and not only let her know that she is protected physically, but financially also. She doesn't have to go through all of that, i'm confident that i'll be able to support the family enough that she doesn't have to work. All she has to do keep her fine looking self at home and worry about cooking and cleaning.

An ongoing debate... we just want our ladies to stay tender and nice. Not get all hard and angry! So frustrated... pent up anger....don't have to go through all of that. But women just have to rebel. The whole burning of the bras things i think it was in the 1970's? And they want equal rights in all jobs... Next thing you know there'll be a woman running for President. Geez... Demanding that there be equal rights in workplaces. That males shouldn't get first preference... women are just as qualified..

Yea, but the things is. When we DO employ you then all the women want special treatment because you CAN'T TREAT THEM LIKE MEN! WE'RE WOMEN WE HAVE NEEDS. What the hell! You want the job, we gave you. Now you want special priveliges? Like more breaks and not as much work and when it's that time of the month we aren't supposed to be hard on you?? Don't even get me started on THAT aspect of things...

I'M OUT PPLS! I'M OUT! I DID IT! IT'S OUT IN THE OPEN! Stay tuned for the next show! Not sure what the topic is, but it'll be hard hitting! Peace out!!!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342179-327PM-Women-in-their-kitchen-Is-that-their-true-place