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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342285-Hi-Again-Stranger
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
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#342285 added April 20, 2005 at 4:56am
Restrictions: None
Hi Again Stranger
I do remember you...and think fondly of you...from time to time.

I intend to ramble. Those not ramblin' inclined be warned. Don't look for brilliant insights or hidden meanings in this entry. (Yeah right. Like you'd actually be checking out my journal for brilliant insights or hidden meanings...well maybe a few hidden meanings. Maybe I should put in subtitles for the cryptic parts huh? Naw. I'll let those interested figure it out for themselves. The rest of you can continue to think I'm weird)

I realize I haven't been good company lately. Sorry. Still not feeling like myself. Feeling a tad better but it's still a bit of a roller coaster ride. I know I'm blessed and I'm not alone, still can't help feeling hollow at times. It's funny how something as simple as scoring a perfect 10/10 on my trivia quizzes can buck me up. Maybe it's coz I know those buggers don't come easy. That latest 10/10 was my 424th. I don't want to think about how many quizzes I had to play to rack up 424 perfect scores. Then again playing trivia quizzes doesn't make me a pervert does it? A nerd or pathetic geek maybe...but not a pervert. At least I'm not into animal sex porno sites. Eeeeeeeew. So I guess I can feel smug for being higher on the evolutionary ladder than the guys who log onto the barnyard sex sites. I wonder if Ken Jennings kept an online journal? I'm not concieted enough to think I'm anywhere near the trivia player he is. Hell I can't even spell conceited correctly. That guy was awesome. Truly phenomenal. (I'll bet Ken Jennings wouldn't have to look up how to spell phenomenal) I wouldn't want to be on Jeopardy though. I'd HATE answering in the form of a question...or the lame contestant chitchat segment...or reading off the entire category heading for every question. Would you listen to me? I very seldom even watch Jeopardy. I did find myself tuning in to see how far Ken Jennings would go. (Thanks assholes for spoiling it and revealing he got bumped off weeks before I got to see it for myself on TV)

I heard recently someone was asking about me. Someone from my past. (My "title" referred to someone different btw) (Consider that a cryptic subtitle) (I hope you liked it coz it's the only one you're getting) All this fits my melancholy mood perfectly this does. Wondering what if. What if I had taken that road and not this one. Still I guess it's nice to be remembered huh? I don't expect to be remembered after I'm gone. I'm not one for jumping up and down screaming "Look at me, look at me." I prefer to walk on the beach leaving no footprints behind. I sorta like how some of the midwestern American native tribes "buried" their dead...by leaving their bodies on wooden "beds" exposed to the elements. Gruesome I know and damn suspicious as far as the police of today would be concerned but it seems quite "natural" to me. (I LOVE nature you see) I never did like fire and burying seems like such a waste of good ground. I understand some graveyards are getting dug up coz land is so scarce in many crowded cities. Shit I know I said I'd be rambling but I didn't intend to ramble about this.

I don't really understand women so I guess I can't be all that surprised when they don't understand me.

I got my vaccum cleaner working again. Isn't that thrilling? It's not that old. November of last year. I can be quite handy if I have to. Made a China cabinet for my grandmother and a hope chest (with matching smaller hope chests...7 in all...able to fit inside each other, like those Russian eggs) I've rebuilt carburetors, done my own brake work and replaced my share of radiators, starters and differentials. I'm quite proud that I singlehandedly raised my entire garage and poured a new higher foundation and replaced all the sills. That was an experience in itself coz the jacks started to shift and I thought everything was going to come crashing down on me. I screamed for help, I could hear my ex and my mum chatting away through an open window in my house while I tried to steady the garage as it wobbled and started to lean. Several of the hydraulic jacks toppled over too. For some reason I could hear them but they couldn't hear my calls for help. I finally got it stabilized all by myself. I can do all that but I suck at making pies, (I can make a pizza or lasagna from scratch though). I also suck at making coffee. I seldom drink coffee. Mitchell likes tea. Lots of different kinds of tea too. He's more adventrous than me when it comes to expanding his veggie diet. I'm stuck in a slump food wise. I used to try new things. (Had octypus in Spain but thought it was onion rings) Mitchell recently recieved a DVD from PETA that he ordered and it reminded me why we became veggies...3 years ago? I can't recall now. I know it was many many meals ago now. Still I'm glad I did.

Got my music up LOUD right now. Got the place to myself. I usually have my music up LOUD when I'm by myself. I can listen to the same song over and over and over again. I know that drives others up the wall so I usually only do that when I'm alone. I've always like LOUD music. I've seen KISS several times. Now that was LOUD! Couldn't hear properly for several days afterwards. Probably lost Heaven only knows how many little ear hairs...but it was worth it. They were awesome.

I want to cycle across my province this summer. I'm not sure if I already mentioned this in a previous entry or not. Maybe in an email. What the Hell...It's not as dauntinmg as it sounds. My guys and I were gonna do it several years ago, even driving our intended route several times to checkout the hills and camping sites. I can't recall now why we didn't. I was suppose to with some others for a fund raising stunt a while ago but my bike came back from the bike shop in pieces, (I only sent it in for a tune up to be sure it would be okay before the trip), so I ended up driving the support car. Not very thrilling huh? I gotta do some biking beforehand. There's some pretty steep hills I want to ride up and not walk up.

I'm out of icecream. I eat quite a bit of icecream.

Pretty lame entry huh? I agree.

Sherri your story is coming along. Sorry again for the wait.

I can take a hint. That's my cue to scoot.


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