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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342769-1230PM-Boys--Girls-should-we-raise-them-the-same
by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
#342769 added April 23, 2005 at 5:21pm
Restrictions: None
12:30PM Boys & Girls, should we raise them the same..
Hey people. I was having an argument today with someone. She was arguing that her father treats her very unfair. That he's much stricter with her than he is with her brother. So, she was telling me about it and i stopped her halfway and told her i agreed with her father. That girls SHOULD be treated stricter than boys if you're a parent and you're raising them in society today. I mean, look at the world. Rapes, STD's, unwanted pregnancies.... girls need to....

I'm stopping now. I can't do this topic. At least not today. My brain is absolutely fried and i really need to stop and plan this out. All prior topics i could've easily done off the top of my head, but this one in particular i have to stop and visualise and really think about what it would be like bringing up my children. What i would teach them... how i would deal with situations... i mean simple situations can be so complex.

e.g. Do you know what a disco is? I'm not referring to the famous dance craze in the 70's/80's? If you know what i'm talking bout you'll understand immediately. The equivalent of a disco would be a house party for you foreigners. Would i want my girl child to go to a house party? Let's say she's 15, so there's no alcohol, BUT there's no adult supervision going on because we want the children to have a bit of 'freedom'. So, as we all know flexing/dancing (aka bumping & grinding)happens in these parties. Now, as a fella/guy i know exactly what happens in these parties. With the knowledge i have, would i allow my girl child to partake in these things? Currently my answer is no. When i was talking to the girl, she was asked me,

"So, if you're freaking out all now, what are you going to do when your daughter reaches her teens and is being introduced to boys and sex etc. Because girls these days are sexing at a VERY young age."

"Gyul, i going put the girl in a CAGE. Literally. I going to drop/pick her up from school. Monitor movement closely. Screen phone calls etc."That was my response. So, as expected the girl got angry. So, she posed another question

"So what about your son?"

"Well, i go encourage him because nothing wrong with going after girls at a young age if you're a fella. But going after man if you're a girl at a young age is a no-no." Reading this back now, i see it's an obvious double standard. But, people out there, you DO see my concern right? My poor precious little girl... i'm trying to protect her from all the evils out there... So another girl came along and we brung her into the conversation. After hearing my point of view, she narrowed her eyes at me, put her hands on her hips and said,

"So, if every father think like you and put their daughter in a cage, wha go happen? Boys go start liking boys!". Strange enough she had a point. And also, i gathered from the girls that the more you restrict a girl, when she's finally let loose she'll be REALLY let loose. The very same things you tried to protect her from because she never used to get any freedom, she'll run wild and probaly do all of those things.

Thinking about this is very complicated... how do you raise children. It's so hard thinking about it. Raising a boy vs. raising a girl. It would be great to have a girl. A nicer version of myself with long hair and a great smile.. who wouldn't want that? But there are so much complications that go along with it. Sure, i'll teach her about boys and what they do. And i'll tell her about safe sex and about condoms and also about STD's and those things. But the most i could do is talk, i can't control what she would do in her everyday life and thinking about that kinda scares you. I'm going to be her friend, in that she could always come to me with any problem and that she would tell me about anything she's planning to do, so that i could at least guide her and keep her on the straight and narrow path. When i think about it, it's kinda like what i do to my parents. I could imagine what it was like for my parents raising me. Must've been hard. Not knowing if your child will be smart. If'll he grow up to be cool, if he'll grow up to be nerdy, what'll he like, what won't he like, will he be succesful, will he be like his dad, would be handsome... so much what if's, so much mystery. I guess it's all about your influence in the child's life.

Raising a child is very difficult. Especially if its a girl child. Thank god i'll have my wonderful wife by my side.. to guide me and to also pass her values unto our daughter because i know with that special woman in my life i could raise a child with potential beyond the stars.

But, in an answer to the topic. Yes, i would treat her differently... hopefully she'll know enough to make the right choices. I'm out ppls... stay tuned for the next show

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342769-1230PM-Boys--Girls-should-we-raise-them-the-same