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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/342897-Counting-my-blessings
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #912643
The storm clouds are piling high.
#342897 added April 23, 2005 at 1:29am
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Counting my blessings
God has blessed Robert and me in so many ways. Robert could be gone already, but God is giving him time to spend with us. I so enjoyed watching him and Kurtis, our great-grandson, Monday evening. They love each other so much. The bond is very tight between them.

Wednesday night, he visited with Randy, after spending time with the three grandsons. When Robert had to sleep, Randy and I visited until after two AM. We had the best talk in a long time. I love that young man so very much. I don't care how old he is or how big, he's my baby boy and always will be. I'm so grateful God brought Janelle in his life, and those boys are so precious.

I have Rene, who will always be my little girl. She is a part of me. I love her for her, but she added so much to my life with her children. More and more blessings. Her new husband seems to love her so completely, and she needs that so much, especially after having husband who didn't. She will always be my daughter.

Bob is my child in many ways, but he is so much like his dad that I know Robert will always be with me. Oh, not that Randy doesn't have many of his father's characteristics, because he does, much to his own dismay, but Bob resembles Robert the most as well as have many of his father's mannerisms and characteristics. Bob and Brenda are blessings for so many reasons, not least the fact that they love each other so much. Of course they bring two more granddaughters into the family, too.

Becky is a blessing that God has given me. She filled a hole that I didn't even realize existed until she was there, filling it.

Oh, my dear Holly, who became my first adopted online daughter. I pray that God richly blesses her and hers.

Jacque, who has been my friend and sister for over twenty-five years, is also my prayer partner. We share so much. She is an example of strength through adversity. Her kids are like mine, and mine, like hers. She understands me sometimes when no one else can.

Joyce, whom I'll be visiting in less than a month, lives in Colorado Springs, well just west of there. She was a comfort when I lost Regina all those thirty-six years ago. She has five sons, and we so hoped that one of them and Rene would fall in love and marry. *sigh* Best laid plans of mothers and all that. We have been close friends all these years, even though living so many miles away. We might not see each other but every other year or so, but it's as if we've never been apart.

Another blessing is Diane Steele. She has been on the other end of the line so often when I needed someone. I've watched her grow as a writer, as a person. She's become a dear friend.

I'm getting sleepy, but I have to mention some others. Counting my blessings leads me into sleep so well.

Bianca brightens my life, not only with her words appearing on the computer screen, but also the lovely water color of tulips she sent me that hangs in my living room.

Chatty, my dear "little sister," is a wonderful blessing that God sent through this site. I wish I could lighten her burdens. She has mine so many times.

Linda (Loti) is a close friend who helps by just being herself, taking on the adversities of her life and continuing to push forward with courage.

Linda (Mothermouse) is always there with a shoulder and comforting words, even a sermon when needed.

Oh, my, there are so many: Anood who takes time from her sorrows and worries to try and cheer me up; Word Warrior who helps make me feel worthwhile; Darken with her support; Haizy with hers; MooMan with his encouragement; SM and SMs for not only providing me with a second home but their support in so many ways; Bill Wilcox for just being himself; Harry for his support and well wishes; Robert Blackwell for allowing me to feel needed and important; GreyWolf for visiting with me through those long, long nights; Chyna for the hand of friendship and her visits; for Jacqui for being my friend; for Lexi for being one of my girls; for Orions Moon for being one of my girls, too; for Octobers Lie for being the other one of my girls; for Shaara for being my friend. Oh, my, the list goes on and on. I know I am missing so many, but I've counted enough blessing to be able to sleep very well.

Thank you, dear Lord, for your love and strength, but thank you especially for all the blessings you have given me. Help me always to remember each and every one, even the ones I can't remember tonight. Most of all, I pray that You will bless them as they have blessed me.

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