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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/344588-257PM-Should-VerbalPhysical-abuse-be-an-option
by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
#344588 added May 2, 2005 at 11:06am
Restrictions: None
2:57PM Should Verbal+Physical abuse be an option
Hey peoples and welcome to another entry from Floyd Banks. Well this is another requested topic. And i'm going to try my best to put my spin on it. What method of punishment should parents use on their children... should verbal and physical abuse be an option... Well right off the bat i'm going to answer this by saying YES, it should be an option in fact they should more than enforce it.. N.B.There's a big difference between enforcing it and abusing it.

You have to find some way to discipline your children when they're growing up. You can't just have them running wild letting them do whatever you want. Be it 'licks' or just shouting at them you need to do something so as to control them. This reminds me an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when they were talking about parental control and what methods could be used. Raymond's father Frank (Peter Boyle) was laughing and reminiscing about how when Raymond and his brother Frank was smaller he used to scare them straight with an intimidating 'step. All he did was take one menacing step towards them and they would stop arguing, crying, talking, sulking etc. But Raymond's mother Marie always criticized his method of child rearing because he always shouted at the boys and never showed them any real love. Frank responded by saying it was tough love, so that they would grow up strong and not as wimps. He also added, by always intimidating and shouting at them whenever they even considered doing something wrong the burned image of him taking the 'step towards them or going into a violent rage would keep them on the right track and they wouldn't do anything wrong. Even though Raymond and Robert admitted that they did always used to sneak out the house, drink from their fathers liqour cabinet and a whole ordeal of other things that their parents didn't know about, they always remembered the 'step'. My point by sharing that was Frank's theory i agree with. By disciplining your children by physical methods or verbal methods you would help to keep them on the right path.

What I'm saying should NOT in any way be confused with me agreeing to beating your child till it leaves marks on their skin or shouting at your child till they have emotional scars with them till they're 30. Parents tend to take it overboard sometimes with disciplining their children.

"But Floyd, I remember when I was a young and growing up my father beat me with everything from a belt to a broomstick and look I turned out okay. The kids these days are just too softy!" Yes, but that was back then... things were different. True, nowadays kids probaly ARE too soft in terms of emotionally, but with a change in kids, there needs to be a change in adults. You can't use the same methods that your parents used with you in most cases. You need to tailor your parenting skills to how your child is, don't tailor your child to your parenting skills.

How could i explain this easier.... Maybe this joke i heard Jeff Foxworthy say might help..,

"I'm very proud of my daughter. She is 5 years old and she knows how to use my computer better than I do. I don't mean those kiddy computers, I mean a real computer, one of those Dells. Now isn't that a sign of the times? When I was 5 you think I even knew what a computer was? Hell, when I was 5 I got a piece of wood attached to a string and a ball and I was amazed for hours thinking 'How do they do that!'". You see, different generations are capable of different things. You can't use previous methods on this new generation. Well actually you could, just modify it a bit. I see nothing wrong with beating your child, if the little bastard giving you too much trouble 3 rapid lashes in succession would stop that. Or if they acting a fool when you walking them in the mall or something, you go down to their level and give them a stern warning. They dare not embaress you again. Once again, i'm heeding don't confuse with what i'm saying with slap your child in the face everytime they giving you trouble or hit them with a stick often...i'm not saying that. I remember when i was small anytime i used to get 'licks' i used to cry.. ALOT. It wasn't really that the beatings itself used to hurt, its just that it was the thought of moms being so angry that she had to resort to hitting me that made it hurt so more. So, if my moms used to hit me ALL the time I would've thought that she hated me and wanted to deny my existence or something!

To wrap up this topic, nothing is wrong with discipling your child. It's just that there's a fine line between disciplining and abusing your child. Try hard not to cross that line.. it's important that you don't. By doing that you not only lose the trust of your child, but you also risk the chance of giving them emotional trauma later on in life... Not to mention recent studies have shown that the more physical abuse a child receives the worse their behaviour gets because they have so much pent up anger from the beatings that they can't help but be unruly and destructive and you know we don't want that...


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