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Hope is here. By hope i mean university life. |
This is to just say thanks to Nada and Organic Gardening Girl for their donations... 50,000 more GPs to go. I really thank you for the bottom of my heart and I hope I could continue writing more to show that your gps weren't in vain. Today's show would just be a little reflections of what I wrote and if I incorporate what I write in my everyday life... I guess the answer to that would be sometimes. Some of the topics like Addiction, Peer Pressure, Teens in general today:sex , I'm guilty of some of the same ills I preach against. I have a very serious addiction to gaming. Right now the gaming cafe has opened back and I have no more classes because they are giving us three weeks to study for final examinations. It is very hard for me to go into the library and sit down for 6 hours and study knowing that less than a block away there's friends waiting for me, relaxation, a sense of belonging and a host of other indescribable feelings. Even though I preach against the ills of addiction, I myself succumb to this great evil. I am by no means perfect, in fact i'm far from it... Lets look at peer pressure... everyday i'm faced with some of peer pressure and I always succumb to it. Simple example: "Floyd meet me at the cafe at 10 and we'll go to study at 11." I reach at school at 8 in the morning. I could easily go to school study for 2 hours and then go and meet my friend at 10, but instead I would make the wrong choice and go to the cafe at 8 and leave there 11. Another common example "Floyd, meet me downstairs in 5 minutes!" the text on my phone would say. I'm knee deep studying my work, instead of texting the person back and saying, "I'm busy studying" I would drop what I'm doing and go to that person. These are simple bad decisions I make and its all due to peer pressure. Why does that happen to me? I have no idea.. maybe I have no self control, maybe i'm easily influenced.. i'm not sure. But one thing I've realised is once I'm not in a situation I can see very clearly and give the best advice (even better than acclaimed professionals, or at least so i believe). When i'm in the situation though... i'm like a lost child searching for their mother instead i'm searching for the right answers. Basically, all i'm saying in this segment is, I too have flaws. I do NOT think I know everything and I certainly don't think I'm right in everything I say. I know some of the things I say may be wrong in some people's opinion e.g. The Woman's place is in the kitchen thread. I'm sure alot of people would've wanted to throttle me because of that. Yes, I did make some valid points, but at the same time I made some silly arguments. After I post a show and I re-read what I write, if i see that my point of view was stupid I don't run back and edit the post, I instead leave it up and see what you the viewers think of what I said. Another thing people need to realise is that everything I say I don't ALWAYS believe in e.g. The same Woman's place is in the kitchen thread. I would in fact love for my wife to be happy home and just sit back and relax herself, but if she really wants to go out and work, then I wouldn't restrict her, whatever her heart desires I would let her do so (unless it's something like being a prostitute or something.). But, there are some things that I whole-heatedly believe (Teens in general today: Smoking + Sex) and would defend it till the end. So, i'll end off today's show with a quote from one of my more favoured movies 'The Girl Next Door' Moral fiber. So, what is moral fiber? It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. But lately I've been seeing it differently. Now I think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. You know what? It doesn't matter. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about Always let the juice be worth the squeeze.... I'm out for now ppls! Hope people would be kind enough to keep up with the donations!! |