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Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
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#348439 added May 20, 2005 at 10:32pm
Restrictions: None
Home Again
The great thing about love is it's not meant for any particular person or for any particular reason. The great thing about life is you are free to love whoever you want, whenever you want, for any reason you want. You can love as much as you hate, but to love and be loved in return is that great, amazing feeling that makes even the worst day worth living.

On one early and clear fall day one very special woman made a decision and gave her heart away. Clavel Emwar looked into the eyes of the man to whom she had just promised her life. For months she had been sure that at this moment she should be completely happy, satisfied and hopeful for the life that was ahead of her. She knew that this man would give her what she needed, protect her and always be by her side. Clavel trusted him, all of him. She even trusted the stubborn and controlling side of him that has caused her so much grief in recent months. That morning as Clavel threw on her dress, combed her hair and kissed her father good-bye when he gave her away, she knew she was making the right decision. Now as she looked at the man that was her husband, a feeling of panic came over her. The church bells rang throughout the small country town, ensuring everyone knew a new union had taken place. From that moment on, Clavel Emwar was a married woman.

Five months earlier Clavel parked her two door black BMW convertible in her parents driveway. After one look at that four story brown brick house, the fresh out of college Vassar graduate knew she was home. As Clavel made her way up the porch steps a tall blond opened the front door.

"Cat?" Clavel asked, confused by the boyish hair cut and hippy dress.

"Hey little sis, what's up?" Cat replied, resting against the door frame.

"You tell me. What's with the new look?"

"I thought I'd try something different. I was getting bored with the long brown hair and preppy clothes. I was starting to look too much like you." Both sisters smiled at the comment. Cat could never make up her mind weather she wanted to be a blond or a brunette. Taking after her mother she was a natural blond, and her new short cut curled up at her ears. Her diamond blue eyes had a sparkle to be jealous of. Her round puffy cheeks gave her a cute baby like quality to be adored. And while Cat was rather pale it didn't damper her beauty. Clavel on the hand took after her father, her long dark brown hair and green eyes went together well with her small frame. Clavel was more tanned skinned than her sister and just as beautiful.

Clavel reached over and gave her sister a hug,

"You haven't changed a bit, Cat."

"Neither have you, Clavel." The two young women held on to each other. Neither said anything for several minutes, it wasn't needed, the rising emotions were felt in their embrace.

"Oh, doesn't that just warm your heart." A familiar voice called from the kitchen down the hall.

"Hi, mama!" Clavel said letting go of her sister and running to hug the chubby blond standing in the hallway.

"Hey, baby. Oh, I'm so glad you're home." Marie Emwar greeted her youngest daughter, turning Clavel around and checking her out. "Look at you, you got so skinny. Come in the kitchen and let me make you something to eat." Before Clavel could decline that offer Marie was already down the hall and in the kitchen. Clavel chuckled.

"You must have tons of stuff in the car?" Cat asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry about that now, I'll get it later."

"Ok, then... Welcome home, Clavel. " Cat said as she headed for the stairs.

"Thanks." Cat proceeded up stairs and Clavel went into the kitchen after her mother.

The grand kitchen was decorated from ceiling to floor in black and white marble. The dining room which sat just behind the kitchen was large enough to host a small ball, with a glass table that could seat at least twenty.

"Mama, I hope you haven't gone through too much trouble for dinner tonight because I can't stay." Clavel told her mother. She walked over to the counter where her mother was standing snapping green beans and began helping her.

"Now, we haven't see you in months. Why can't you stay for dinner?" Marie asked.

"Well, it's just that I haven't seen Michael in months either and he wanted to take me out to dinner tonight. He said he had something really important to tell me. And I'll be seeing the family all the time, but Michael has a really busy schedule at work and his time is limited. You understand, don't you mama?"

"I guess I could put all this food away until tomorrow and order up a pizza or something tonight." Marie stopped snapping beans and looked around the kitchen at the scattered food containers, pots, and bowls that were out.

"Thanks mama. I knew you’d understand." Clavel kissed Marie on the cheek and joyously walked out of the room. "I'm going to start unpacking. Oh, by the way, where's daddy?" She called from the hall.

"He working late, but he'll be home by seven." Marie yelled after her daughter.

It was just after six-thirty that night when Clavel stepped out of the shower and began to dress for her dinner date. She picked up the phone and dialed the numbers she knew all too well. The phone rang, once, twice, then the voice Clavel loved to hear broke through with the most wonderful hello she had heard in a long time.

"Hi, baby. What are you doing?" She said to the voice on the other end of the telephone.

"Thinking about you is all." The soft masculine voice replied.

"Not too hard I hope, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Clavel."

"Well, I try."

"So, what were you doing?"

"Just throwing on that strapless, black, prada dress." Clavel said in the sexy, teasing voice she could muster.

"Oh, how I do love that dress. You remember the first time I saw you in that dress?"

"How could I forget? It was the first time we met."

"You were sitting in a chair against the wall at that birthday party. You looked so angelic just sitting there sipping on your drink." Michael said reminiscing.

"Yeah, then you came over and told me I was sitting on your stuff. I was so embarrassed I couldn't even look you in the eye." Clavel stated with a smile on her face.

"You know, I came to get my stuff because that party was so damn boring I wanted to leave. Then I met you and you were so cute I had to ask you to dance. After that, I had the time of my life."

"Well, I had a great time with you that night and every night we've spend together since. But now that we've taken a little trip down memory lane can we finalize our plans, please?" Clavel said trying to get to the point of why she called.

"Sure. I made reservations at your brother's restaurant for ten. So how about I pick you up at eight." Clavel’s older brother, Luke owned a high-profile Italian restaurant in New York City. Luke had moved to the city shortly after graduating from culinary school. It was a huge risk for a boy from the small country town where the Emwar family lived about an hour outside the city, but Italia was quickly becoming a hot spot for the rich and famous.

" Great, I haven't been there in a while, but I love that place."

"I know. That's why I picked it."


"Ok, then. I'll see you in about an hour. Love you."

"I love you too." Clavel hung up the phone and sat on the edge of her bed. "In an about an hour?" she said to herself. Had she really been on the phone for a half hour? She got up and swiftly made her way to the vanity across the room. She picked up various cosmetic products and looked at herself in the mirror, "An hour, geez!"

© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emily Neal has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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