Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/348442
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
#348442 added May 20, 2005 at 10:35pm
Restrictions: None
Unfamiliar Incidents
Clavel sat up in bed the next morning and tried to shake her mind of all thoughts. She thought of the night before and knew nothing could ruin the beautiful day that was ahead of her. The grandfather clock at the end of the hall outside of Clavel’s room rang sharply at seven o’clock. Clavel opened her door to the loud, graceful sound. She could smell the delicious homemade pancakes being prepared downstairs. The smell was so familiar that Clavel could almost smell her childhood coming back to her. She descended the stairs and stared making her way towards the kitchen. As she got close, she heard voice and decided to listen before making an entrance.

“Honey, I’m not saying that she shouldn’t marry him. I’m just saying she should wait a little while. I mean she just got out of college, she’s a baby, but she’s smart. I don’t want her to be a stay at home mom in two years, whose talent is wasted on some man while going to frozen food conventions. I love her Steve and I want more for her!” Clavel heard her mother vent to her father. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her own mother was against her getting married.

“Marie, I understand how you feel, but this is Clavel’s life, not yours. She has to start making these kinds of decisions on her own. I also want her to explore a world beyond being a wife and mother, but we have to let her decide for herself and hope she makes the right decision… and if she doesn’t then all we can do is be there for her.” Clavel listened in astonishment; she didn’t want to hear anymore. She stood there in the hall pressed against the wall, thinking of what she should do. Clavel didn’t want her parents to know that she had over-heard them, but she wanted to express her concern with their disapproval.

“Hey, mama. Whatcha makin?” Clavel entered the room, pretending to be oblivious.

“Oh, morning, sweetheart. How was your night?’ Marie asked just as pleasant and joyful as the night before.

“Wonderful. It was just great.” So what were you two talking about?” Clavel replied trying to get some answers while grabbing a few plates out of the china cabinet to set the table.

‘Nothing. Just business, you know.” Marie lied to her daughter as she gave her husband a meaningful look.

“Yeah, nothing that would interest you.’ Steven said backing up his wife. Clavel set the table quietly, deciding not to poke at the situation any longer. She wanted to have peaceful breakfast.

Sometime later, Luke, Laurie and Cat joined them at breakfast,

“Good morning, everyone.” Cat said placing her napkin in her lap and grabbing for a glass of orange juice. Greetings were exchanged as the family sat down to breakfast. Conversation was put on hold for a moment as Steven said prayer, and then continued.

“A lot of great things have happened to this family and most have started right here in our home. Now, I think it’s about time that we start giving something back and helping others. Don’t you agree?” Marie asked to no one in particular.

“Mama, what are you talking about?” Luke asked a little perplexed.

‘Well, a few days ago I got this phone call from an old friend of mind from college. Her son is around Clavel’s age and just bought this old hotel in Miami. He wants to renovate it. But you see, he doesn’t know squat about running a business and since we have a lot of experience in that area, his mother called me.” Marie paused to let the new information sink in and take a bite of her food.

‘So what does she want you to do?” Clavel asked wondering what an old friend really wanted from her mother.

“Well, it’s interesting you should ask that, Clavel. Here’s what I’ve been thinking. You just graduated and have no prospective plan for the future, if you flew down there and helped him out a bit, it would give you a chance to exercise you degree and get your foot in the door. What do you think?”

“First of all, what do you mean I have no prospective plan for the future? I’m getting married. I have a wedding to plan. Did you forget about that?” Clavel had that tone in voice that was on the verge of angry and losing it. She stopped herself, took a few deep breaths and when she was more clam continued. “Mom, I really don’t want to help out some woman and her son that I don’t even know all the way down in Florida. I do have things I need to get done here. Can’t someone else go? I’m not the only one in this family who knows how to run a business.”

“Well, that may be true, but everyone else had their own business to run. Besides this won’t prevent you from planning your wedding, at the most it only take a few weeks to see what needs to be done. After that you can advise him as to where to go to get further help, you don’t have to oversee the job yourself. And you can conduct business with your wedding planning over the phone, fax, email, or I’ll fly her down there if that’s what you want, but Gail and Sean really need the help of a good friend. So many people these days will take advantage of someone who isn’t completely knowledgeable. I don’t want that to happen to my friend. Please help them Clavel, I would have asked if it wasn’t really important me.” Marie almost looked as though it hurt her to ask. She just stared at the table, moved her fork back, and fourth thought the eggs on her plate.

Clavel looked around the table. Luke was stuffing his face with a piece of bacon, but Laurie had stopped eating. She had this sad look on her face as though she were about cry and stared at Marie. Steven looked at Clavel, with a look of understanding, encouragement Clavel took a deep breath, and sighed, she reached across the table and grabbed her mother’s hand.

“You really know how to lay on the guilt, don’t you mom… But I’ll do it.” Marie instantly had an ear-to-ear smile. “But if I’m gone for more than a month, I’m going to blame you.” Clavel flashed a smile at her mother and returned to eating.

Later that same day Clavel called Michael to announce the details of recent events.

“So when are you leaving?” Michael asked, still not actually sure how much of an impact this trip would have on his life.

“In a few days, I want to get there as soon as possible so I can be back before the fall. I can spend the summer in Florida. Then the fall and winter planning our wedding. I was thinking about a spring wedding. How does that sound?”

“Anything you wish my dear.”

“Well, you know what I wish? I wish I didn’t have to go. Why the hell would this guy by a hotel if he didn’t know what he was doing? It’s not a very good move. You know, I have reason to suspect he’s not very bright.”

Michael ignored her comments, “Baby, what’s the matter? What’s got you so upset?”

“It’s just…” Clavel began. She thought about what she had over heard her parents saying. She thought that perhaps her mother had alternative motives for sending her away. Clavel couldn’t bare the idea of her parents conspiring again her. “Never mind. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Ok, well, listen sweetheart I have to go, but I’ll there to see you off. Call with your flight information, ok?”

“Yeah, sure, but I need to tell you something I heard this morning. It’s been bothering me. It’s really important. Just give me five more minutes.” Clavel was about tot ell him about what she heard her parents saying, when she heard the loud sigh of a female on the other end of the phone,

“Are you done yet? I’m hungry and ready to go.”

Clavel was confused, she didn’t thin she had called Michael’s office,

“I thought I called you at home?”
“Oh, you did call me at home. That was my…my secretary. She came over to remind that we are having dinner with a very important client today. So you see sweetheart, I really have to go. Talk to you later, bye.” Michael didn’t wait for Clavel to reply, he hung up the phone. Clavel thought t was rather strange that he would just hang up; she understood that he was very important and very busy man she let it go.

Over the following three days, Luke and Laurie returned to the city and back to their usual busy lives. Cat spent the days lingering around the pool and helping Marie out with various household duties. Clavel hired a wedding planner that was open to travel. Clavel was in love with the idea of getting married and honeymooning on a private island. She wanted a wedding planner who would be as committed to her wedding as she would be to her own. Terry Mansfield was that wedding planner. She had great ideas, only took one wedding at a time, and was completely committed to her clients and willing to do anything in any period of time to make them happy. After Clavel explained to Terry what she had in mind for her wedding, she set a date for them to meet and begin preparations after Clavel’s return from Florida.

While in Florida Clavel would be staying with her mother’s friend Gale, and her family. She had spoken with Gale’s son, Sean Holden on the phone several times since she decided to go. From their conversations, it seemed that he was in need of some serious guidance.

Clavel’s departure date arrived, she waited as long as she could for Michael to pick her up at her parent’s home, but he didn’t show. Clavel called Michael’s house, office and cell phone, but there where no answers at any number. She left a message on each machine and asked Cat to drive her. In the car on the way to the airport, Michael finally called her back on her cell phone.

“Hey listen Clavel; I’m really sorry I couldn’t drive you. I just got caught up in some business and lost all track of time. Please forgive me.” He said, sounding truly sorry.

“It’s ok, but you could have called. I was worried about you.” Clavel forgave him, as she always did.

“I know sweetheart. I didn’t realize hoe lat it was.” Michael said.

“Well, I got Cat to drive me to the airport we’ll be there in a few minutes, so I can’t talk long, but I’ll miss you honey.”

“I’ll miss you too. Have a great time. Don’t work too hard, and you never know, maybe I’ll fly down one weekend.”

“That would be great. See you soon. I love you.”

“Love you too, bye,” They hung up in unison.
Clavel explained Michael’s excuse to Cat.

“That just doesn’t sound like him. He’s always so…perfect.” Cat said.

I know, but no one is perfect. It’s probably just the stress of the new store that’s getting to him. He is human. He would have driven me if he could. Thanks a lot for this though, Cat.”

“Clavel, it’s not a problem. Beside, what’s a sister for? I’m not going to see you much this summer, so it’s nice to have this little time.” Cat peered over at Clavel as they pulled up to the departure terminal.

“Yes, it is. Hey, I’ll tell you what. After I get back let’s go something together. It’s your pick, anything you want.” Without skipping, a beat Cat knew what she wanted to do,

“Shopping. I want to go on a shopping spree in Manhattan with my sister. Just you and me. OK?”

“Ok! Sounds great.” Both young women got out of the car and unloaded Clavel’s luggage onto a carrying cart. Clavel checked her watch.

“Oh my goodness, look at the time. I really got to get going. I’ll miss you Cat.”

“I’ll miss you too, Clavel. I love you.” they hugged.

“I love you too.” Clavel broke their hug and ran through the airports sliding glass doors pushing the carrying chart piled with luggage. Cat watched as she disappeared into the crowd, and then she was gone. Off on a new adventure.
© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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