Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/349450-The-Realization-of-Mistakes
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
#349450 added May 25, 2005 at 9:52pm
Restrictions: None
The Realization of Mistakes
Clavel had spent one month in Florida and was beginning to feel at home. He work was difficult, but not a hard as having to work so close to Sean everyday. She found that if she buried herself in her work, she didn’t think of him so much. As most days Clavel was working late in her office. She was busy ordering materials and hiring contractors when she got a call from Sean,

“Hey, Clavel. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight?”

“Uh, that’s very nice of you to offer, but I don’t think it’s entirely appropriate.” Just working with a man she felt very attracted to made her feel guilty. Clavel knew if she were to have dinner with Sean, again she would feel like she was cheating on Michael.

“Well, you’ve been working do hard for me I thought I should repay you.” Sean assured Clavel his intention were genuine.

“”Again, that’s very nice of you, but I have to be honest. I’m engaged and I’m sure my fiancé wouldn’t want to going to dinner alone with a man I hardly know…again.”

“It’s not a date.” Sean said trying not to laugh.

“I didn’t think it was, but I’m still going to have to say no to your offer. I wouldn’t like Michael to have dinner with another woman behind my back so…I’m sorry.”

“Clavel, I can understand your point of view, I really do. But I’d really like to take you out. It’s just dinner between two co-workers, nothing more. I promise. Please?”

“Why are you pushing this?”

“I’m not. I just want to spend some time with you. I want to be your friend. Can’t I be your friend?”

“Listen, I’ve given you my answer, not let me do my job in peace.” With that, Clavel hung up the phone. She hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of and she didn’t want to be tempted, but Sean was a big temptation. She knew Michael wasn’t always a favorite among men, but to her their relationship was as happy, healthy and trusting as the best of them, He had no reason not to trust her, and she had no reason not to trust him. At least, she thought she had no reason not to trust him.

As Michael and Treesha walked back to her car after dinner, Michael made a decision that would change everything, He loved Clavel and he didn’t want to hurt her, but as the old saying goes, ‘what you don’t know can’t hurt you.’ He let Treesha walk a few steps ahead of him and he glanced at her as she walked. Although it was warm June evening on the street of New York City, Michael started to sweat unusually. As he watched Treesha walk through a vacant parking lot, his eyes kept wandering south. Before he realized it, he was checking her out. Then thoughts too enticing to fight back entered his mind.

As he tried to imagine Treesha naked, he made a few comparisons. He noticed Treesha was blessed wrought to be twice as curvy as Clavel in all the right places. Michael felt almost perverse staring at his fiancée’s cousin in such a lustful way. As they got into her car, he watched her smooth, creamy white legs move under her dress, He found himself licking hips lips at the idea of running his hands up them and discovering what hardly hid beneath her clothes. He lingered in his thoughts for a few minutes before her realized Treesha had been talking to him,

“Michael…Michael, did you hear me?” Treesha asked, snapping Michael out of his trance.

“What? I’m sorry, what did you say?” Michael answered trying not to make it obvious that he had been staring.

“I said, what do you think about Luke and Laurie and their situation?”

“Oh, I uh, think it’s great. Yeah…I’m really happy for them.” Michael managed to spit out, while staring at her lips. They were so pink and pouty; Michael just wanted to kiss them.

“Yeah, anyway. Listen, I’m so glad you weren’t busy tonight. I just didn’t want to be alone.” Treesha said as she reached over a touched his thigh with a smile that could wreak a million homes. Michael nearly jumped out of his seat at her touch; he placed hid hand over hers and smiled back.

“I’m glad I could help.” They sat in silence as Treesha drove out of the parking lot and down the street. Glances were exchanged back and fourth, until Michael finally broke in.

“Treesha, let’s be straight with each other, ok?”


“You didn’t call because you needed to talk, did you?”

“Well, no exactly. But I wasn’t lying about wanting company.”

“Why me?”

“I don’t know. Curiosity, I guess.” Treesha said as they pulled up to a red light.

“Yeah. You’re the one thing everyone says that I can’t have. I’m not supposed to touch you. But then they go and leave me alone with you. You’re the red button, and I’m really good at pushing buttons.” Treesha pulled Michael closer and kissed him hard. She parted his lips with her tongue and gently licked at the roof of his mouth. He kissed her back with more wanted than he had ever kissed Clavel. Several minutes went by as Treesha and Michael held each other tight. The horns from the cars behind them broke their kiss. Treesha looked him up and down,

“Wow, seems you’re not as noble as you lead people to believe.” She started to chuckle to herself as she drove off.

“I’m sorry.” Michael said, out of shear embarrassment and shock.

“Hey, it’s ok. You said let’s be straight, right? Well, you’re what I want and you’re what I’m gonna get. Just a little reminder for next time Mickey, I know what I want and I always get what I want.” As she turned a corner, she gave him a lustful smile. “Let’s go to your place. It’s closer.”

Much later that same night, Clavel sat on the edge of her bed feeling guilty and alone. She didn’t want to hurt Michael. She loved him and felt she needed to be completely honest and open with him. She picked up the phone and dialed Michael’s number. The phone rang a good four times before it was answered. Clavel expected the same familiar voice to answer the phone like the other million times she had called. Unfortunately, this time a familiar voice did answer, just not the one she expected. This voice sounded soft, tired and feminine. It was a voice that brought as much fear and doubt as it did unsettled nerves.

“What are you doing there?” Clavel asked.

“Oh, hey Clavel. It’s Treesha.” She said as innocently as a child.

“I know who it is, but I asked what you are doing at my fiancé’s house at nearly one in the morning?” Clavel asked already forming her own conclusions.

“Well, we were just talking, if you know what I mean.” Treesha began to laugh on the other end of the line.

“Treesha, if you laid a hand on him…!” Clavel screaming, not being able to think of a suitable punishment for the cousin who stabbed her in the back.

“What! What are you gonna do> Listen here, Clairey, I didn’t lay a hand on him, I laid two!” Clavel gasped in horror.

“Who are you talking to?” Michael asked in the background.

“Your girlfriend.”

“What! You better be kidding! Give me the damn phone!” Michael grabbed the phone from Treesha and cautiously said,

“Hello?” Clavel couldn’t stand it. She could hear the guilt in his voice and Treesha laughing evilly in the background sent her over the edge. A tear began to roll down her right cheek and she slammed the phone down. She felt as if her whole heart; her whole life had just been ripped from her. She needed compassion, she needed revenge, she needed a man.

© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Emily Neal has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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