Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/349451-On-the-rebound
Rated: 18+ · Book · Drama · #972265
A young socialite finds her stuck between two men and deciding what to do with her future.
#349451 added May 25, 2005 at 9:52pm
Restrictions: None
On the rebound
Chapter 7: On the rebound

Shortly after one in the morning, Sean awoke from his bed after hearing frantic banging on his bedroom door. As soon as he flung open the door, Clavel charged in rambling about family, trust and dinner. She didn’t tell him what had happened, she simply said,

“I’m hungry, you wanna eat?” Sean knew something had to be upsetting her so without argument he agreed. The closet restaurant was a ten-minute walk down the beach. He figured if they walked, it would give them some time to talk.

As their toes moved through the sand, the only sound that could be heard was that of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Sean noticed how beautiful the night was, but was distracted by the sadness on Clavel’s face. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he had seen her shed a tear or two. Sean couldn’t stand to watch a woman cry, even if only for a second. To watch such a beautiful woman be so sad was almost too much for his heart to bare. Sean took a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Clavel. She thanked him and took it without looking up from the sand.

“Clavel, you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, but if there’s anything I can that would make you feel even the slightest bit better, please let me know.” Clavel stopped and faced Sean. Two tears escaped from her eyes and rolled down her already wet cheeks that glisten in the moonlight. Sean felt his heart ache.

He gentle wiped away her tears with his index finger. “Please don’t cry. What can I do?” Clavel looked into his eyes, saw through the man with a slightly protective attitude, and saw a man who was kind and had a sensitive soul. He truly cared. Clavel felt the world drift away as she stepped into his arms and wrapped herself around him.

“Just hold me.” She said to him. And he did, tight.

“I can’t believe you! Why would you o that?” Michael shouted in Treesha’s face. Treesha, still laughing wrapped the used bed sheet around her nude body and stood to face Michael.

“Come, now Mickey I was jut having a little fun.” She said playfully. Michael stared at her in disbelief as she made her way to his bathroom, giving him a seductive glance before closing the door behind her. He couldn’t understand how such a beautiful woman who had been so gentle during lovemaking could be so ruthless and mean.

He looked down at the phone that was beeping loudly, evidence that the call had been disconnected. He hung up then dialed the number Clavel had left with him. The phone kept ringing until the machine picked up. Michael sighed deeply into the phone,

“Clavel, if you’re there please pick up. We need to talk…Please…I’m not going to talk to a machine…Well; I’m going to keep calling until you pick up. We need to talk about what happened. You need to understand. You can call me too…Anytime…Ok, then…I love you…Bye.” Michael hung up the phone and sat on the edge of his bed.

Suddenly fear came over him; he felt his life drifting away from him. All because he had given in to temptation. His breathing quicken to that of a panic and he had to lie back in bed. When Treesha appeared in the bathroom doorway and saw him lying in bed completely nude, hardly trying to cover up. She smiled,

“Ready for round two, I see.” Michael decided not to acknowledge her comment.

“I want you to go.”

“You can’t still be upset about the little phone call. I’m sure she didn’t believe me. Even if she did, she’ll be pissed for a few days, but I know my cousin. She’ll take you back.” Treesha said, sitting beside Michael on the edge of the bed. She ran her hand from his waist up his chest around his neck and bent to kiss him. “Besides, wasn’t it all worth it?” She kissed him for a second before he pushed her away as he sat up again.

“I want you to leave now!” he said sternly. He was determined to stand his ground, even if he wasn’t standing. She ran her hand down his body to portions that were hidden by the covers.

“Is that what you really want me to do?” she looked him the eyes and smile. Michael knew he was in deep trouble with Clavel. It couldn’t get much worse. Still, Michael hated the idea of hurting her, he loved her, but a man has his needs.

There sitting on the edge of his bed was a very sexy, beautiful woman who wanted him and against his better judgment he wanted her too, Michael loved the sensation of the feminine touch as much as he didn’t want to hurt Clavel, Michael gave into temptation again.

Quite some time had gone by when Sean asked,

“Are you still hungry?” Clavel stepped back from his embrace. She padded at his shirt that was stained with tears.

“Oh, my goodness. Sean I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to burden you with my problems…I’m kinda tired, so if you don’t mind, I’d just like to go back to the hours and go to bed for the night.”

“That’s fine. A goodnight’s sleep might help you feel better.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they began to walk in the opposite direction towards his house.

“I don’t think anything will make me feel better…except.”

“Except what?”

“Nothing. It’s stupid.” Running through her mind were thought of revenge. She wanted to hurt Michael just the way he had hurt her. She didn’t want to be alone and she wasn’t. There she was hundreds of miles from home with a gorgeous man on a dark, deserted, and beautiful beach in the middle of the night and she wasn’t taking advantage of the situation. One more vision of Michael and Treesha together flashed through her mind then she decided eyes for an eye.

“Sean, can you do me a favor that would make me feel a little better?” She asked, not turning back now.

‘Sure, anything.”

“Would you kiss me?” With those four little words, Clavel knew she had entered a dangerous place. She almost wished she could take back her words before she even finished saying them. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but she had to do something. She couldn’t let Michael getaway with it and not talking to him was letting him get off easy.

“But what about your fiancé? Won’t he mind me kissing you?” Sean asked after a few moments. Her question came as a shock to him. Sean admitted to himself that he had been attracted to her ever since that first night at the airport, but her loyalty to Michael kept her at a distance.

Sean knew Clavel wasn’t the type of woman who would cheat on her fiancé. He assumed from her melancholy mood and uncharacteristic request that something had happened between her and Michael. He didn’t want to get in the middle of things. He didn’t want to hurt her more than she already was and he didn’t want her to something she was going to regret.

“Don’t worry about him what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“Clavel, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m not going to kiss you. I’m not going to give you the chance to blame me for whatever is going on in your life. Besides, you’re upset, you’re no thinking straight, you don’t know what you’re asking me to do.” Sean thought to himself that if he ever did kiss Clavel, he didn’t want it to be on the rebound.

“I know exactly what I’m asking you to do.” Clavel answered, she didn’t wait for him to reply. Clavel put a hand around his neck, titled him forward a bit and kissed him. Softly at first, then deeper as the moment grew. She half expected him to pull back and be very cross with her, but he didn’t. Instead, he held her closer and kissed her back with a passion that outmatched hers.

Standing there in the cool sea breeze kissing Sean, Clavel felt warm all over. Her heart began to pound as if it were about to burst out of her chest. She felt her knees giving way to her already quivering body and she knew she could stand no longer.

Clavel knelt down in the sand and without breaking their kiss, she pulled Sean down with her. Sean lowered his head to taste the sweet flesh of her neck and as Clavel moaned softly in his ear he knew he was about to do something he was going to regret. Sean pulled back, took a deep breath, looked Clavel in the eyes and told her the truth,

“I want to be with you now more than you can imagine, but I couldn’t ask you to do anything you didn’t want to.” Clavel stared at Sean with sheer desire. She had forgotten about Michael and Treesha. Now all she wanted to do was to live in moment. Surrender her whole self to the surroundings and the man that held her so close to him.

She lifted up her arms and took off the shirt to which she wore nothing beneath and laid down in the sand. That was answer enough for Sean. He laid down atop of her and gentle caressed her body, there on the cool Florida sand, Clavel sought her sweet revenge, very passionately.
© Copyright 2005 Emily Neal (UN: youngny at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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